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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    SLX Mod 2.0

    I loaded up 2.0, I am getting a config.cpp error line 2664 /RadioProtocol/:Missing'}' Hope this helps.
  2. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    This is great now I don't have too! :)
  3. vengeance1

    Uber Air Combat V1.2 Beta (MP)

    Nice job looking forward to your next update should be great!
  4. This might be documented already but I got AddOn conflict with F16 Mod and CH Armor Mod. It kept saying they were deleted but they were not, removed RKSL and issue went away. Do I need to do something different?
  5. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    I will look at the Normal Version, but I was wanting the Unlocked Normal version as I am modifying the vehicles adding AddOns like the F16 etc. So what's easier, modifying Normal to Unlock or Modifying Unlock to Normal? Thanks
  6. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    Thanks Razor, it is pretty hard with a few players, is it possible to adjust the setting ourselves?
  7. vengeance1

    SLX Mod WIP

    What are the commands to disable some features? Is this Client Side Only or do I need to put it on the Dedi Server as well? Thanks, great mode love the extra features.
  8. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    Can you tell me how to recruit troops in the Unlocked version please.
  9. vengeance1


    Sorry most of the help in the Notes is not English but how do you recruit troops in the Unlock Version?
  10. vengeance1

    MH-53E addon released

    Excellent work really looking forward to the update. I did successfully use this for the CRRC Drop! Very Cool!
  11. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    NORRIN, Have you seen any issues with Water Crash while in A10? I was shot down and landed in a small lake. Heard water when dead, no view (black) but got respawn dialog buttons. Selected Airport and respawned swimming in the ground. Vengeance
  12. vengeance1

    CAA1 public release

    Updated to v1.0.23 and it all works fine now.
  13. vengeance1

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Xeno, Could you tell me why I am getting this error over and over in my Dedi Server Rpt. (mission Domination Revive) File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\x_scripts\x_createpara2.sqf, line 36 Error in expression <uteWest"}; } ); while {_helifirstpoint distance (leader _vgrp) > 150} do { if (> Error position: <distance (leader _vgrp) > 150} do { if (> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected Any ideas what may be causing it?
  14. vengeance1

    MP fast rope script addon

    NORRIN, How do I change this script to allow Player Pilot spawned in as Driver (init)when mission starts (no Waypoints being used)? In order to make this work I have to get out and get back in due to "GETIN" this addEventHandler ["GETIN",{if((_this select 1) == "driver") then {[_this select 0] execVM "FastRope\scripts\fast_rope_player_pilot.sqf"}}]; Thanks
  15. vengeance1

    CAA1 public release

    Ok here is a link to the error Download Page(this use to work fine) [/img] Hope this helps
  16. vengeance1

    CAA1 public release

    I am trying to update my CAA1 via Yoma and all downloads "MD5 Failed" not sure, is there something wrong with the server files?
  17. vengeance1

    MH-53E addon released

    Keep it up coming along very nicely! ;)
  18. vengeance1

    AAN - ArmA Naval Units

    Awesome, your ships & subs are the best we need them in ARMA2, thanks
  19. vengeance1

    Mando Heliroute for ArmA2

    Great thanks I'll give it a go.
  20. vengeance1

    Mando Heliroute for ArmA2

    Sorry not sure if I am being clear. In MP on Dedi Server Trigger INIT: Player in CRRC3 (I want Heliroute to execute only when a Player is AI Payable unit named "p6". On Act: xxx=execVM "LHD_Land.sqf" LHD_Land.sqf (has no hint) Sleep 1; _scr = [helo1,[getPos dest1],30, true]execVM"JAAF\mando_heliroute_arma.sqf"; Sleep 1; waitUntil {helo1 getVariable "mando_heliroute" != "busy"}; Sleep 2; h1 setVariable ["mando_heliroute", "free"]; Works fine in Editor not in MP, I don't know what to put in the Trigger INIT to make this work.
  21. vengeance1

    Mando Heliroute for ArmA2

    I was using a trigger to execVM Mando sqf. The init in the trigger was: player in CRRC3 I got the error: I guess that means chopper not local I changed it to: isplayer in CRRC3 Is that the right way?
  22. vengeance1

    *CAA1* Domination A2 - Return To Sahrani

    Finally some Desert! Less Forest, that should pickup some FPS's!
  23. vengeance1

    CAA1 public release

    Had another cup of "JOE" that did it BK1276, I GET IT now! This is WAAAY Cool, finally some great maps for ARMA2. Now for updating my old Missions! Very Cool! Thanks
  24. vengeance1

    CAA1 public release

    Ok I am definately not getting it, must not had enough coffee. :rolleyes: Yoma created a folder called "x" sub folders caa1 and oac. Doesn't sound right to me. What should YOMA had created for folders in my ARMA2 Directory? I have tried several -mod lines "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=caa1;oac_core -nosplash "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=caa1;oac -nosplash "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=x -nosplash What is it suppose to look like? Do I have to load the Sara Map from ARMA1? :crazy_o:
  25. Ok thanks for the input never did figure out how to use the GameLogic's, I ended up using Markers and Triggers at the marker to DoMove to next Marker and then Mando Heliroute to land on LHD. Works fine not sure that was the best way.