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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. Run with it Mandoble, improvements can always be implemented. :) I just want to get this cool stuff working in my missions.
  2. vengeance1

    SLX Mod WIP

    Doohhh! I don't know why I didn't see that :rolleyes:
  3. WOW, that's why your the programer! and I am the future user! I like it!
  4. vengeance1

    Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

    I am just going to be a future user but I think it sounds GREAT! :)
  5. vengeance1

    SLX Mod WIP

    Does anyone know where the "Reloading" sound comes from? For some reason my player keeps saying it even though there is nothing to reload? I would like to remove it. Thanks
  6. Just one mans view: The drawback for ECM could be you can only use it for X seconds and not again for some delay. Or/and, it is only availible on aircraft with known capability.
  7. vengeance1

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    Yea what he said!!!!:bounce3: WE NEED SHIPS!
  8. vote 1 for Stealth. But should repeat as long as you are out of range "X" once again. Other than that have "Jammers" that do 3.
  9. vengeance1

    Aircraft steering

    Gnat your the Man! This was very needed and it works GREAT with AI. One suggestion if possible, the C130 can not taxi around the end of the runway at the Chernarus Airport and come back as it hits the buildings. Could one script AI to take the first exit Taxi runway and disembark? Thanks
  10. vengeance1

    Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

    This sounds really good, hope it all works out Soldier!
  11. vengeance1

    SLX Mod WIP

    Thanks Solus I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. ;)
  12. My hats off to you DaSquade, I spent many enjoyable hours with the Nimitz in my ARMA1 Missions hooking it up with Auto ILS Landing and Hook script like Gnat did with the Kuznetsov, although I have been able to make the LHD do a catapult, ILS Auto Landing and Hook, ARMA 2 desparately needs a nice looking Aircraft Carrier like athe Nimitz. I never knew who crated it so Thanks! Hope Raddik can make it work.
  13. vengeance1

    Sands - 41km Desert Terrain

    USEC made some really nice Oil Rigs for ARMA1 that would fit well wonder if they would work in ARMA2?
  14. Excellent work Mandoble as usual. Really going to add a lot to Aircraft capabilities.
  15. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    NORRIN, I integrated SLX_Ragdoll V2.0 into my SLX directory and have not seen anymore issues with Mobile?? Anyway for me don't see it anymore.
  16. vengeance1

    Project RACS

    Great to have you in ARMA 2 WLD!
  17. Outstanding, I really wanted to use this but the conflicts had been keeping me from it. Great News! Hope to see the fix soon. Thanks
  18. vengeance1

    SLX Mod WIP

    Are there any script controls you can put on this Surrender Feature? The AI in my group decide they need to Surrender and drop all there weapons, how do I disable this for West but not East or at least put some parameters on it? Thanks
  19. vengeance1

    Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

    all this talk about Snow and ARMA 2 is exciting! Really it would add a lot to the game.
  20. vengeance1

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Peloton, Are you going to put your FFAA Ship in Arma2? Would be great!
  21. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    [quote=norrin;1443443 @everyone else - with the help of MCPXXL I'm trying to track down the cause of the mobile spawn marker bug in version 1.04 - no luck so far but we are working on it. I also need to change some code for the AI smoke grenades seeing that they've fixed the smoke grenade bug in the latest patch. NORRIN, Just a note I changed my Mobile to Vehicle and it works for me in my missions anyway which are EVO and Domination.
  22. vengeance1

    US Support

    Ah ok I see. thanks