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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    Project RACS

    Looking Good! :bounce3: Hope you can release some soilders so we can start some missions. Nice work!
  2. Much appreciated, alot of us looking forward to it! Thanks!
  3. vengeance1

    MP fast rope script addon

    That's nice NORRIN, looking forward to that script.
  4. Rocket did you ever get the B1B Bomber done for Arma 2?
  5. Could be I uninstalled and re-installed TrackIR 5 and it works now. Thanks:)
  6. I can not get the TrackIR 5 box to work, it is greyed out? What is the secret to getting it to auto start? Using latest version.
  7. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    Thanks so much for continuing the updates. Question: If you now don't need "base" marker when using Mobile Spawn and we update missions do we need to make any changes.
  8. vengeance1

    Vehicle towing script

    " I think I'll release a simple version first for some feedback, and later make a complete package, and hopefully MP proof. " Awesome! will be the perfect thing to move the B-52 around! :bounce3:
  9. This is the "Best News Yet"! Man have I missed using this for missions. Thanks!
  10. vengeance1

    Airwolf for Arma 2

    Really nice as I said to have this for ARMA2 thanks, by the way I saw an issue with Re-Engage Rotor As it ends up twice in the list if you select Eagle, I believe the duplicate (that does not go away) is caused by eagle.sqs, if you rem it out problem goes away. The Re-Engage was already added when you selected Turbo? #end1 ;id_t_off=_unit addaction ["Re-Engage rotor", "\RANAirwolf\Scripts\turbo_off.sqs"] goto "end1b" Hope this helps.
  11. vengeance1

    Vehicle towing script

    This is totally awesome! Finally make a Airport more functional moving Aircraft and on the LHD this should really be the answer! Well Done!
  12. vengeance1

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Ok I think i know what caused it, the vehicle was next to a FARP in EVO, the FARP kept repairing it and the JTD kept burning it up. I could not move the truck or stop it. Had to stop Server it just cycled continuously. Hope this helps.
  13. vengeance1

    Airwolf for Arma 2

    Really nice thanks for all your work getting it to ARMA2. Shouldn't be a LITTLE more distructable? :eek: I really like it!
  14. After several hours of testing LAV25 with the "Hawk Console" it worked GREAT very awesome! Suggestion: When you are Gunner escorting a convoy for AA protection and moving it would be very helpful if you could move the view while "Hawk Console" is on otherwise Gun Turrent is fixed and catches on stuff as your moving. Noticed in deep valley terrain low flying enemy helo's or planes are not always picked up until last minute, just before you say "I'm Dead" :). Very cool.
  15. Wierd ERROR: Maybe just my computer but if I start this mission as Multiplayer with Intro enabled Arma goes to Desktop and not visiable as a program still running, but it is still running. Never seen anything like it. Have to close with Task Manager. I disabled intro.sqs and it starts fine, but takes forever to load scripts and FPS is single digit for several minutes. If I open it up in Editor and Preview it never runs just stays on Loading Scripts. Again disable intro.sqs and it runs. Hope this helps.
  16. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    This is a great question Zombie very annoying. I know Xeno had the same problem in Dom but fixed it, think it was a hpp file not sure.
  17. vengeance1

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    I know you have a lot going on for a major update but is it possible to get a Hot fix for the BlackOps that would show us which one is the Medic?
  18. vengeance1

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    There are many errors for JTD reported in the Dedi Server Report are you aware of these or do we need to post them? Well here they are hundreds of these in Server_Rpt. File JTD_FireAndSmoke\Scripts\FireAndSmoke.sqf, line 140 Error in expression <ct; while {true} do { _nearestFire = nearestObjects [_thisObject,["firemarker> Error position: <nearestObjects [_thisObject,["firemarker> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File JTD_FireAndSmoke\Scripts\FireDamage.sqf, line 30 Error in expression <ct; while {true} do { _nearestFire = nearestObjects [_thisObject,["firemarker> Error position: <nearestObjects [_thisObject,["firemarker> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected Hope this helps.
  19. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    Egg, Wait or Sleep? 2. reinforcement trucks don't delete after say 5 mins, meaning they clutter up the server, and I think they stop other armoured units from being reinforcements, not sure. I added a Code: wait 90; deletevehicle _ural; to the reinforcement script, which seems to work
  20. vengeance1

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Great to see the Euro! Looking forward to it.
  21. vengeance1

    co20 =RTY= Eve of destruction

    Nice job Shark, have to integrate this into my modded version. Great Work, Fun Mission!
  22. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    Great Idea!
  23. vengeance1

    Winter Pomegratskaya

    Nice we really need a Snow Map!
  24. vengeance1

    Mando Heliroute for ArmA2

    Can't you just adjust the height of the last move to higher than the deck? Mine is at: Sleep 4; if (!local helo1) exitWith {}; _scr = [helo1,[getPos dest1],30, true]execVM"JAAF\mando_heliroute_arma.sqf"; Sleep 1; waitUntil {helo1 getVariable "mando_heliroute" != "busy"}; Sleep 2; helo1 setVariable ["mando_heliroute", "free", true];