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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. Question please: So if your using a Game Logic how would one go about not starting the Convey until sometime into the mission?
  2. vengeance1


    Awesome to see someone doing the F18 sure hope someone helps you!
  3. Awesome Gnat that your making progress!! Can't wait for those Subs! Thanks Mandoble for all your work on this! :)
  4. vengeance1

    MP fast rope script addon

    Thanks NORRIN that takes care of a troubleshooting problem I was having! :) Nice work on this by the way!
  5. This is very good, will this work in MP?
  6. vengeance1

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    Cool thanks Gnat!
  7. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    If it helps I have seen this very problem as I use this configuration in all my missions but have seen this error in other peoples missions when I add the LHD. What I have found is that because of script in the init file that is either WaitUntil or other scripts being run it slows down the creation of the LHD, but the player (or AI) are created ahead of it. You can raise the elevation of the spawn of the Player but unfortunately this creation time is not very consistant. Only solution I have found was either script a delay of moving your Player or AI to the deck or delay the time consuming script giving time for the LHD to be created first before placing objects. I have also moved my Player and AI into a Helo at start and had it land on the LHD using Mando Heliroute. Hope this helps.
  8. Nice job using Colors great idea! ;)
  9. Thanks Intruder! Looking forward to making a Snow Mission!
  10. vengeance1

    Kuznetsov CV

    Gnat thanks for doing this, this is great! Now about those Subs;).
  11. vengeance1

    Vehicle towing script

    Excellent! Thanks
  12. Could you post a simple example mission of this? Thanks
  13. vengeance1

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    RedRage, how do we get that great exterior camo texture? Is that in the Addon, I didn't see it?
  14. vengeance1

    Vehicle towing script

    Can you tell me which variable affects the distance to plane for Attach as I am trying to setup for B52 and need to have Tow Vehicle in front more than C130 settings. Thanks
  15. Hi, Thought I would post a few pics of some testing of this new MMA for you guys. Sorry for the resolution Hotel upload speeds are the best and didn't have time to do all the aircraft. Have Fun! AH1Z http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/9145/ah1z2.jpg http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5212/ah1zp.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4958/ah1z3.jpg http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/6727/ah1z4.jpg C130 http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/9916/c130.jpg http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/2239/c1302.jpg F35 http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/5228/f164.jpg KA52 http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/1393/ka52.jpg MH60S http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/627/mh60s.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5160/mh60s2.jpg MV22 http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/1081/mv22r.jpg SU34 http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7950/su34.jpg F16 http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/9960/f162.jpg http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/3956/f163.jpg
  16. Thanks Killswitch nice to see a response on this. Much appreciated!
  17. This would have been very helpful in ARMA 1. Nice Job hope ARMA 2 DAC has something simular.
  18. vengeance1

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    KaBong could you tell me a little about what changes you have made? I have integrated this into my own changes and not sure if I want to update. Thanks
  19. vengeance1

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    Sorry duplicate post on cockpit.
  20. I have 8800Ultra 768mb in SLI, this driver version has done nothing but give me heartache, crash to desktop from ARMA randomly, backed up to previous driver no issues other than the stinking Flashing when moving from Editor to Preview which has been present for the last few drivers.
  21. vengeance1

    Vehicle towing script

    Awesome Rundll lets give this baby a test drive! Nice work!