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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    Wings of Russia: IL-76

    I am testing now, I use RKSL by default so if I don't include the RKSL that comes with the AddOn will things work properly?
  2. vengeance1

    Sti UH-60L

    WOW thanks Stiltman! Very Nice and really appreciate your work. :bounce3:
  3. Thanks Mandoble this will work great when using your stuff, I thought I remember reading the updated version of the F16 will allow you to select Mando or RKSL, could be mistaken.
  4. Thanks Myke, this is great to have for missions. :)
  5. Well Done Mandoble! As Usual... :)
  6. I like it! Well Done and thank you for all your hard work.
  7. vengeance1

    Sti UH-60L

    Don't mind being a Peep :) Thank you very much for making a Vanilla versions for all of us that don't use ACE.
  8. vengeance1

    Submarine Pack - Subs

    For what it is worth I am using Gnats subs in Domination and I use them along with Mandoble's Console Script, I use the Sub as the Launcher for Mandoble's Cruise Missiles and use Gnats Sub with it's features as well. Works great love these Subs!!!
  9. vengeance1

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Well done making it MP compatible, Thanks for all your hard work on that. ;)
  10. Thanks Myke, your work is really impressive looking forward to that Update F16!
  11. If the New Updated F-16 is still in the works? Will it be using the New GLT airweapons replacement mod? It looks awesome.
  12. I think they look great and really appreciate the details. Thanks
  13. Outstanding News! That's what I have been waiting for, well done!
  14. vengeance1

    LandingCraft - Utility

    Works great mankyle, thanks!;)
  15. Fortran, are you still working this? If not are you open to someone else finishing it?
  16. Awesome! Time to dust off my mission that was waiting for this!
  17. vengeance1


    Well said Gnat! ;)
  18. vengeance1


    Thanks for making this! :)
  19. vengeance1

    USAF CSAR By Soldier2390

    USAF Security Police, Thanks for putting the USAF in the game! ;)
  20. Very Nice Gnat thanks man!
  21. May I have Option #1 please. My momma always says if someone gives you something you should say Thank You. Thank You!
  22. vengeance1

    USAF CSAR By Soldier2390

    +1 on that, I agree. Ex-USAF
  23. Question? Is there a variable setting or something to give the player back the ability to change positions in ARMOR without getting out? Thanks