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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. Excellent Zonekiller! Looking forward to the A3 but as you say I see A3 with serious FPS issues that need to be improved and A2 doesn't have (but once did!)
  2. Another Great Script for us to use! Nice!
  3. Thanks NORRIN for fixing this up for A3!
  4. Thanks Gnat these are awesome!
  5. vengeance1

    mar_3v Third-Person Fixed View

    Its easy if Meatball makes I'm downloading it and trying it! Nice job!
  6. vengeance1

    Project RACS

    Thank You for RACS Wld, I don't have a mission without it, God Bless you and your new family!
  7. Well Done John and Saul, what a treat to have a REAL plane in Arma 3!
  8. Awesome mod, well done. Can you tell me how to MoveInDriver for the Sub? It does not seem to work nor can I get a addaction for it only Commander and Gunner. Does the Sub dive? I can't see where you can select that?
  9. "Don't be afraid to share stories, good or bad, we won't judge you for being bad...truth be told" Ok NodUnit, here is one, I just finished a MSO mission and I was landing back on the Nimitz, I get hit by a rocket, lose Tail Rotor control but I am only a few feet off the deck so I am trying to get down and get out. Get hit by another rocket and it blows the Tail section off, there I am on the deck half a bird and engines burning and rotors still turning trying to get to the action on the Fire Extinguisher with the lady telling me my helo is falling apart and finally I rotate off the deck and into the water!
  10. Thanks Nodunit, this is awesome just like years ago playing JANES Longbow, I have to learn it all over again! :)
  11. Is it documented some where how to get the Re-Arming Menu to come up so I can add FIM-92 Stingers? And maybe some instructions on how to load them onto the AH64D
  12. vengeance1

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Congratulations John Spartan Team! This has been a pleasure being part of it along the way, truly one of the best Aircraft Models ever done for ARMA 2. Vengeance
  13. I have answered you in PM. Thanks
  14. Cfor I hope you got my PM confirming a conflict with Island Esbekistanv1.3, error ca\plants\jablon_3_non.paa Thanks for the help I will continue to look for reason. Some missions do fine however I suspect a AddOn conflict I will research further. Vengeance
  15. No I am running MSO/Domination on my Dedi Server but I also get it on the Local Server. Not joining any Day Z
  16. First off let me say this is a awesome map! I am seeing an error when I use Multiplier missing content Vilas_wwp_co I see in other postings it has something to do with Day-Z which I don't have? Is this addon part of the map? Thanks for the help.
  17. Yea what he said! Can't wait to put MSO on it, along with RACS!
  18. Thanks found them, very nice, I like the fact that you can Start mission with Helo on the water already. Finally a Helo that can land on the Water as Rescue for downed Pilot. very cool!
  19. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but all I find is the H and B model and Bell 47 no CAS, MEDEVAC or Amphibious?
  20. This is GREAT news, been following this thread a long time, to have Sahrani back and RACS is awesome!
  21. vengeance1

    RUM Assets

    Awesome guys, thanks for continuing the work, this is the best Support mod out there! Looking forward to A3 support.
  22. Very much needed! Nice!
  23. Nice work Gnat! Planes look great!
  24. vengeance1

    CO25 Invade and Annex Occupation Mash up

    Well Done, nice mission.
  25. vengeance1

    RKSL - Foxhound LPPV 0.5 BETA

    Instructions, documents? Darn, my bad sorry Rock should have read it first.