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Posts posted by volkov956

  1. If you do a fresh install of Arma 2 1.0 and patch it directly to 1.07 u may notice battleeye is not installed and you are being kicked from servers without being warned why.

    1-You join a server instantly just see the Server list again

    2-You Join a server once u actually select position and get into preview map and hit continue you are then put into Server list without and explanation or error.

    -All Users on the servers are notified your Battle Eye is not responding

    -You may notice insidre your game folder BattlEye Folder is not there

    Fix Install 1.0 then 1.05 then 1.07

    Fix Install 1.0 then 1.07 but Get a Zipped Archive of newest BattlEye

    I do have the Battleeye Zipped "http://rapidshare.com/files/404608711/BattlEye.rar.html" incase anyone does need it and deos not want to reinstall the game nor has another comp with the game installed with BattlEye installed to CnP from

  2. been running tests for the last few days I am happy to say since 1.07 Dedicated Server runs better then ever utilizing all 4 cores at 3.2ghz usually running at 60-80% Utilization for our Missions. :yay:

    No longer is the server chugging along at 20-40% Utilization and the Server is lagging.

    Thanks BIS :eek:

  3. I wouldnt worry about it too much always happens to all my systems so I waitin for a new patch hope its out before I go to army atleast want one CTI game that doesnt end in CTD or Out of Memory bug. Only my dedicated server never has these symptoms but then again its just a 2d window...

    Just so u know the Things I have tried

    Windows XP SP3

    Windows XP SP2 X64

    Windows Server 2003 X32 R2

    Windows Server 2003 X64 R2

    Windows Vista X32

    Windows Vista X64

    Windows Server 2008 X32

    Windows Server 2008 X64 R2

    Windows 7 X32

    Windows 7 X64

    GTX 280

    8800 GT

    9800 GT

    9800M GTX

    7950 GT

    7950 GX2

    HD 4870

    HD 5870

    GTS 250




    X4 955BE

    X4 945BE

    X2 6400+




    RAID 0 (2 or 4)

    Non Raid

    SATA drives out the wazzooo and IDE Drives

    Interestingly I got the same crashes in Arma 1 till 1 of the last patches then I was happy camper! But arma 2 dunno whats up with it

  4. Playing OFP on my 400MHZ PII with 256mb Ram and Surprisingly a Matrox 8mb card and it ran well..... till we started to play MFCTI then the upgrading madness went on for years till i found the sweet spot for the 4 systems and SErver for MFCTI

    P2 -> ATHLON XP -> A64 -> Dual Core AMD -> E8xxx series what an expensive upgrade cycle lol but it made getting into arma 1 easy and arma 2 even easier And remeber thats pretty much 5 systems x that gear.... lol Bohemia games are the reason i upgrade
