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Posts posted by volkov956

  1. I hope the Shooting the rear axle on the BMP/ZSU/M113/Vulcan is fixed cause I can destroy them or disable them by shooting the rear axle with 30 AK or 30 M16 rounds kinda cheesy if u ask me

  2. yea but the CPU Features in the bios can also change the CPU FSB Dynamicly depending on temperature and Load I have seen several S775 Boards do this which ended up freezing during games after just 5-15mins disabling the strange Dynamic FSB Changing and a newer bios combined stopped the freezing.

    I have tested 2 ECS Boards that were totally unstable no matter what I threw at them ended being that the boards have a bad Regulator cause of the cheap Manufacturing they did. Which created unstable Volts for the Memory and CPU. And those motherboards were made for 1333mhz FSB as well

    OP Try running the game with your CPU and Video at stock to see what happens instead of O/C

  3. well sometimes the AI is too gungho I flew a Chopper by an AI group and went 2000m from then behind a hill got out to assault a different group the same group i flew over ended up all standing around my chopper like 3ft away and stairing at it and I was able to kill them all without them targeting me

  4. Just 1 Q are you guys gonna move this to the Full Sahrani Island??? if Not would you guys mind if i did?

    Well I did the full island with total 46 Capturable Places if you give me the ok I will post it on here if not I will hide it away on my server.

    Btw I am Liking the aggressive AI. The blue lines showing where each AI is going is helpful.

  5. -noworld also removes the animated background in the menu too bad thought I dont know if there is a way to remove the 3d menu at all

    Hey bink ur forums seem to be a spam Advertising ground lately for Pron, Meds, and etc

  6. My group wanted me to release our current edit of Binksters MFCTI Conversion while we wait for Melvins Release

    All Credit goes to Melvin for his mission and Binkster for his conversion.

    Warning Overides Previos MFARMA.pbo please backup before Installing if you already have a version of MCTI Installed.

    Warning: All systems that were tested were X2 4600+'s, Dual Opteron 250's, E6850 systems under the spec usually have problems with the 3000 View Distance we have enabled.


    Updated Mission File


    -Changed and Played with Armor Values for units

    -Changed Some Prices of Units

    -Changed some AI Values

    -Added a few more towns to capture

    -Increased Salvager Cleanup from 50-100 It prevents salvagers from 2 of them sitting there forever and not salvaging an vehicle because they are both trying to get it at the same time.

    -Changed NVSK Damage to be more useful

    -Changed Magazine Counts for vehicles

    -Prevented AI from shooting at Pilots in Helos instead they just fire at the Helo but there is still a chance they will kill the pilot but no longer they will just shoot for the pilot.

    -Adjusted Insane Opposition to more reflect higher amounts of enemies

    -Increased AI search range for base

    and a ton of other things but forget them all been a 2month day by day endeavor

    -T72 is no longer the same armor as the american variants

    In Progress

    -Waiting for whatever Bugs or Recommendations you guys say

    -Will remove more Balances to be more like MFCTI in OFP

    -Class Based System

    -Shell Ballistics and Damage Values

    -Scopes for weapons

  7. and whats wrong with pine trees really there is pine trees all around me.

    Deformable Terrain would be nice as long as when the actual terrain moves the objects dont seem to float that were on the terrain.

    Anyone experience the floating trees in Arma yet in the remote regions of Sahrani. its ok but its funny I never seen a floating tree in OFP but in Arma there is.

    Also there was rumour of Forest Fires in Arma anyone know if its still in the game but disabled?
