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Posts posted by volkov956

  1. Gonna need some advice I cant seem to figure out how to make the AI TEAM just auto know where players base is so they attack it so far no luck I might take some MFCTI scripts or something to get them to do it of course that may require some conversion.

    Does anyone know if BIS is working on a COOP Edition of warfare so I dont waste my time ?

  2. Since all the patches why have they not reenabled the sounds of trees when they are getting crushed like Arma 1.0 no patches?

    Knock a tree over and no sound at all the sound of the trees being knocked over helped with atmosphere and when a tank was coming through a forest at u could hear it

  3. AI was not challenging enough in the coop missions so we been messing with them for the past week might have a break through testing on or Sudden Command Server tonight await an update hopefully soon if all tests are successful


    Well they do put up a bigger fight now time to make them more base aggressive though they're chance of finding the base is minimal. We are gonna add chopper teams to the opposing AI teams as well to add some more flavor since it seems vanilla warfare there is no AI bought Chopper teams when an AI commander is in play

  4. Interesting thing is i have 3 systems all with the same specs and only 2 does it since 1.14

    Specs of all 3


    Server 2003 32bit Enterprise SP2

    4GB DDR2


    Audigy/Audigy 2/XFI Elite Pro

    But then again the third one that has not done it yet is not used in arma as much so far

  5. I get it as well randomly though some days never other days once and never had it happen in beta patches


    EAX:231C39A0 EBX:00000010

    ECX:77E62457 EDX:00000007

    ESI:2706B488 EDI:00000000


    SS:ESP:0023:0125F8F0 EBP:0125F90C

    DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000



    No alive in 10000

    note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\arma.mdmp


    Version 1.14.5256

    Fault address: 7C8285EC 01:000275EC C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll

    Prev. code bytes: 24 00 00 00 00 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 8B D4 0F 34

    Fault code bytes: C3 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 8D 64 24 00 8D 54 24 08



    EAX:224565B0 EBX:0125F8E8

    ECX:0950009F EDX:095000A0

    ESI:2707C0B8 EDI:23181190


    SS:ESP:0023:0125F300 EBP:0125F3F4

    DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000



    No alive in 10000

    note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\arma.mdmp


    Version 1.14.5256

    Fault address: 7C8285EC 01:000275EC C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll

    Prev. code bytes: 24 00 00 00 00 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 8B D4 0F 34

    Fault code bytes: C3 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 8D 64 24 00 8D 54 24 08

  6. Sorry about lack of updates

    -We are just making a coop friendly edition where AI teams will be more aggressive against human team. may take some time dunno

    -We are also working on artillery smoke shells and possibly other types of shells

    -Adding More spawn points

    taking longer then expect computer repair business not letting me have much time atm

  7. Nice !

    I reckon the mission covers the whole island. Do you plan on other modifications ? Like tweaking the arty, making the northern airport available etc.. ?

    Anyway, thanks for sharing ! I'm currently tweaking my own version of the mission to my own likings, taking into account some of the opinions given in the feedback thread. I'll see if this is worth the time wink_o.gif

    Hope to see this mission on some servers...


    yar northern airport is there

    we are gonna change armor values,COOP Mode AI team more aggresive though other future things are in the .txt

  8. Just was playing a game on a server was doing well

    near the end of the game i started having strange things happening

    My guns were shooting by themselves and changing weapons automatically

    Pylons started spawning above me till they crushed me.

    Another time the vehicles started floating and crushing players

    A Jeep followed me around floating around till it crushed me

    Was a MP game on someone elses server

    Obviously Anti Cheat tools aint workin

  9. My guess is the problem has to do with the warfare addon itself since it does contain the missions themselves

    My Converted mission uses





























    Works on a Users Comp but when someone hosts the mission on a dedicated the server will be loading the Mission but you find out it loaded the saralite mission and map. I know some of you already figured this out since the other conversion maps anyone able to give me a tip?
