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Everything posted by vektorboson

  1. vektorboson


    Back when the vbs1-website appeared there stood "Coming soon" under it, too. This doesn't mean, that we'll get it.
  2. vektorboson

    1.96 problems

    A Crash to Desktop for the record: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> su25 = "su25" createVehicle getpos player logic = "Logic" createVehicle getpos player logic moveindriver su25 ~1 logic action ["EJECT", su25] There is a workaround for this, but this involves config-editing: ejectSpeed[] = { 0,0,0 }; Seems as if logic don't like having velocity @HateR_Kint This is a very old bug, I thought I reported it sometime.
  3. vektorboson

    Problems with decrypting data3d.pbo + odolexplorer

    For the angelina problem: Go into geometry Lod, select all (CTRL-A), go into vertex options and make "Merge Near...", leave the settings and press OK.
  4. vektorboson

    Recent development...

    I'll just have to say this, because it's something that is really going the wrong way. We had this thread about the whiners and bitching people who never were happy with any addon maker's work. With this mentioned thread and the closure of OFP.info comment system, I think addon makers have an easier life. First I'll explain how I see the development process for myself. I began as a scripter in the community and my intention was always to exploit the engine as much as possible; besides this, whenever I found a way to do something, I wanted to share it with the community because of one thing: To make the game we all play more enjoyable, realistic and just a better experience. I always saw it as an open development process. I looked at other people's code, I took ideas from other people's work and I tried, tried and tried. I try to reimplement something or to implement something new, in a way that the community gets something newer and better. Other people profit from this work from me, and they take code and solutions I released, improve it, or they just bundle it with an addon or whatever. The scripting progress in the community was probably the fastest and the richest, and still new solutions are found and some engine bugs/limitations can be overgone. The scripting progress was basically a scientific one: People are demanding solutions for their problems; someone tries to solve this problem and he finds probably a way to; the script code is being released either stand alone or with an addon; other people can look into the code, improve it, find bugs or use it as a base for new solutions. This way you get a huge script repository and we have lots of tutorials regarding scripting and relative topics (resources, dialogs, a.s.o.). Scripting also seems to be more a intellectual challenge than modelling, island making and texturing, which are time consuming and require a lot of patience (of course you need talent and the right tools). Nevertheless there are many more people willing to share their code and solutions in scripting than in other areas of OFP modifying. My interest in this is, what are the reasons why people don't want to share their models and textures? Why are people instead trying to do everything possible to prevent people from modifying their addons? Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should give away all your hard work to this "ungratefull" community. I hate it, when someone is using work he didn't do himself and does not give any credit to the original author. The point is: In the modelling and texturing area everyone has to go either the way creating models and textures from scratch, or he has to ask some addon maker. And in the latter case no-one can guarantee that the addon maker will say yes. Actually I wanted to derive my work from someone's work, but the original author said No. Guess what? Now I have to go all the hard way in recreating a model from scratch that someone else has already done. It's not hard to imagine that this takes away time from other projects you are doing or you are planning. And this made me really upset. Instead of switching to an open method of addon developing where all addon resources are free to use for other addon makers (with crediting), we are going the other way, people want to build up their egos instead by restricting the user's rights in using an addon. The recent usage of new PBOs which you have to edit in a Hex Editor, before you can open them in UnPBO (well I actually didn't try it yet, but I guess I'd find it quickly) is making me sad. I remember where people were willing to help people in Decrypting Resistance PBOs and people thanked for this help. Now those people who are able to tell someone how to change those PBOs are asses if they tell it. I'm pointing now at CSLA and Inquisitor. It makes me upset because CSLA Mod uses free to use and free to modify Scripts from me, while they chose to say that people who open their PBOs are "cracking" their addons, or they want to rip their addons. I think that this is not OK, and if people chose the restrict the usage of their addons in such a way, I am going to restrict everything that was created by me in the opposite way. I'm thinking about a "viral" license like the GPL for everything I created so far. For those who don't know: The GPL is a license which forces you to release the sources to the binaries (compiled software) you gave (free or sold) to someone, even if you were using only portions of GPL code. It's very easy then: People have the right and possibilty to "secure" their work and restrict usage of their addons. So I have the right to release my work with such a license that forces everyone who is using it, to release their addons in an open and editable format. Just think about it: You are profiting from other people's work; why should that guy who released his work open and free profit from your work and modify it to his pleasure? And to make sure: I am in no way for unauthorized usage of other people's work, or for just giving away your work. All I want is, that if you use free and open work (and tutorials count as free work, too) that you you take over the sense of this open development because there are people who made a lot of basic work just to make it possible for you to create additional content for OFP as easily as possible. I thank to every addon maker who releases his work free to use and without restrictions, but I thank also those who leave their PBOs easy extractable and their config.cpp unencrypted. And my biggest thanks goes to everyone who contributed tutorials and documentation about creating OFP content, and the necessary tools of course. Without those people we would be probably in Addon Nirvana.
  5. vektorboson

    Where can i find wrpbuddy

    WRPbuddy evolved into WrpTool (or better said, Dschulle began to work with Snake Man on WrpTool.). WrpTool has all the features (and better) that WRPbuddy had.
  6. vektorboson

    Some basic questions

    Here you go: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Â Â secondaryExplosion = 1; Â Â // value<0: calculate from fuel/ammo cargo + tanks and multiply with abs(value) Â Â // value>0: use value directly as hit in FuelExplosion Put the secondaryExplosion=1 to your Machine Gun-class, then it doesn't explode.
  7. vektorboson

    Some basic questions

    Here you go: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Â Â secondaryExplosion = 1; Â Â // value<0: calculate from fuel/ammo cargo + tanks and multiply with abs(value) Â Â // value>0: use value directly as hit in FuelExplosion Put the secondaryExplosion=1 to your Machine Gun-class, then it doesn't explode.
  8. Hello, can someone send or point me to a download of the decompiled configs of the OH58.pbo and Laserguided.pbo? Sadly UnPBO 1.3 doesn't work on them and crashes when trying to "decrypt" those config.bins. EDIT: Never Mind, I found the configs
  9. vektorboson

    Configs of oh58 and laserguided

    At OFPEC there's a tool called "OFPManager". This tool can convert config.bin to config.cpp. You need the .NET-framework (1.0) to let it work. PS: I must've overlooked a similar thread to this one, because someone already asked for the OH-58 config, and got the same suggestion for OFPManager.
  10. vektorboson

    What vehicle/weapon you'd like to see in ofp

    For the JSF look here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=38298
  11. vektorboson

    Combat! discussion thread

    This doesn't work for tanks and small arms fire. The hit-EvnHandler is triggered only by "severe" dammage.
  12. vektorboson

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    As I remember, there were some people asking how to "encrypt" their missions so nobody could take a look into them. They were flamed to hell, if I remember correctly. Btw. it was already pointed out that "encryption" doesn't make any sense.
  13. vektorboson

    No shadow on vehicle

    ODOL Explorer makes many mistakes, especially when it comes to Vertices. The Vertex Count is extremely higher, that it is for the original model. Try this: CTRL-A and then under Vertices -> Merge Near... and press OK. Vertex Count should be reduced much, perhaps this solves your problem. But be cautious with this, since it can f**k up the model again, if vertices are merged which weren't supposed to be merged.
  14. vektorboson

    Script i need help with

    Hi, there is another possibility: All units have a "rating" which you get through the rating-command. The higher the rank the higher the initial rating. Just look for the initial rating (I can't provide you the rating for every rank, you can find them out yourself )
  15. I go for the archives, and it doesn't depend on the archive type. I don't trust EXE. It would be nice, if there was something like package management like Linux Distributions have (Deb, RPM). These resolve Dependencies and they alert you, if there are packages (addons) that need others to work. It'd be even more comfortable with an automatic download of needed addons (though I wouldn't use it This would be even possible with the PBOs we have now, because the configs have dependencies in CfgPatches. Addon makers just had to make sure the cfgPatches is correct.
  16. vektorboson

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    Talking of flame baiting. Better do what you preach son. You disqualified yourself.
  17. vektorboson

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    This was possible before. BIS fixed this by adding addon checks (those checks are server side options). And to all people discussing the justification of the converter-part, please read the p3dEdit-Thread. You can read my posts, where I point out the advantages of such a converter. We now have a converter, some people are lucky, some see the end of the world, so there is no need to discuss this over and over again. @Pathy If you feel now like banging your head against a concrete wall, then you know how I felt in the p3dEdit-thread. My question about the long list of model thefts wasn't answered yet. But for sure, now you seem to have some issues. Good evening.
  18. vektorboson

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    A suggestion to the viewer part: Could you turn on backface culling of Clockwise faces? Faces are appearing, where there are no faces, and at double-sided faces the second face is "overwriting" the first one. Great work, Snake Man and Dschulle!
  19. vektorboson

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    I am very surprised by many comments regarding the release of this tool.
  20. vektorboson

    Custom faces

    That map is called earth. It comes with Real Life Mod
  21. vektorboson

    The things they do in the name of religion

    That's correct, but in contrary to belief and religion science progresses. Science has always to be critical to itself. Theories have to be disproved and are being disproved, with replacing them with better theories which match the "measured reality" better than the old ones. Religions instead have to be dogmatic, because they just have to be dogmatic, otherwise people loose their faith. And upside down, they don't have to be dogmatic, because any disproven fact stated by a religion, disproves a religion partially, what makes people loose their faith, again. This is the major problem of religions. They have to flee to regions, where science is not capable in explaining why some things are, as they are. And science moves this border further and further, leaving less space for religion. Of course there always will be stuff which can't be explained scientifically. We don't know whether science will be able to explain those things, that are not (yet?) measurable, as your stated "senses". The problem about the "before" the Big Bang is basically already solved in the Realtivitiy Theory. Einstein stated that there is no absolute time, but everything is relative instead. Every matter, every particle has its own time. "Before" there was no matter, there was no time. The Big Bang "created" matter and thus "created" time. This sounds much like there was a Creator (you can ask, what was before the Creator?), but it is only a logical conclusion, if the Relativity Theory is "correct". We don't know exactly. And of course it doesn't answer why the universe happened. You have at least two options here: There was a creator, or "if it didn't happened, we weren't able to ask this question". Both are not satisfactory for rationalists. Genetics can't prove the "facts" because the facts are theories, and science has to disprove old theories, to find new better ones. I actually think that finding irregularities is something good, because it shows us, that there is more to discover. We are not at a Dead Point. Science has to prove itself wrong, so we get a better science, and the x factor has always to moved further. Life would be terrible and senseless if there wasn't a X Factor Â
  22. vektorboson

    WrpTool's ODOL Explorer

    I see, they got you, too.
  23. vektorboson

    Recent development...

    Aha, and for my work it's not the case? I don't know, why your are referring steadily to the human rights. I don't see any conjunction between "rights" and "licenses". So we can agree, that any user has no rights to an addon unless stated otherwise? Well, that's very opposite to my license, in which I grant everyone every right to use, modify and release my work and derivative work, with the condition, the derivative work being in an editable format. The peeps have many more rights, than in your case. You're completely right! Why should people benefit from my research, my hard work and my time? Better I keep everything for myself! Hell, why did all those scientists in the history share the knowlegde with anybody? Why didn't they keep it for themselves? It'd have been better they kept everything for themselves. We should all live in caves and hunt bears, why don't we just live in the trees again? They got less rights to BAS work, than to my work under my license. Ok, I want to have the BAS Blackhawk Model. I'm gonna move a vertex and release the Blackhawk open source, is this OK? You're saying, I have to binarize the model? But I don't want to, you're taking away my right to not binarize an addon. You removed my right to not binarize and to not protect an addon. This is the same argument you used against my license. If you want to prove me wrong, then give me the Blackhawk model and I'm gonna release it immediately as MLOD to the public. Otherwise, don't tell me again that my license is removing someone's right. I have provided my knowledge to the community, as soon as possible, I have invested time, work and motivation in my work. And you want to tell me, that it's OK to release my work free to use without any obligations to the user, but it's wrong if I expect the user to give the users the same rights to the derivative work that I gave to him? And at the same time, there are uncountable addon makers who restrict users' rights and this is OK, because it's common? This is making me sick.
  24. vektorboson

    Recent development...

    Why should you have rights to your addons/work, and the end user not?
  25. vektorboson

    F-117a nighthawk

    @Silent Pro Thanks for your feedback. My visor is indeed a bit too large, I just was too lazy to fix this, yet.