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About thomsonb

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  1. Here are the final released versions for anyone looking for them 👍 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0w5ahe1pr8nvb0c/AACljf4oNEuHAUNONxChYTUra?dl=0
  2. Yeah I will have to do that as a workaround. But this is a bug, because spawning a "O_soldier" onto a WEST group has always worked fine. This problem only happens when they get in vehicles.
  3. Yeah, i want a WEST heli that behaves friendly, but the uniform of the pilot looks like EAST Im developing a mission where the player side is always WEST, but sometimes some EAST looking units will be used on the west side. Did you got the same result?
  4. OK I have done more testing, it seems the problem is nothing to do with the vehicle, but it is the side of the Drivers unit type. Execute this code in the editor and notice how the vehicle changes side to EAST, even though the driver is WEST, it is just because i used an EAST unit type "O_Pilot_F" as the driver, if you change it to "B_Pilot_F" the bug doesn't happen! _grp = createGroup west; _heli = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" createVehicle getPos player; systemChat ("grp side starts as "+ str side _grp); systemChat ("heli side starts "+ str side _heli); _pilot = _grp createUnit ["O_Pilot_F",getPos player,[],0,"NONE"]; _pilot moveInDriver _heli; systemChat ("grp side is now "+ str side _grp); systemChat ("heli side is now "+ str side _heli); Please let me know if you get the same results with changing the pilot unit type from "O_Pilot_F" to "B_Pilot_F" It seems the helicopter inherits the side from the pilots unit type, not the side of the actual group the unit is in. I'm sure its a bug now. Cheers
  5. I am trying to spawn a EAST type of vehicle but have it on the side WEST. Whenever I do this the crew of the vehicle change side back to east! I have tried spawning the vehicle using createVehicle and also BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle. I have tried spawning the WEST crew directly in with moveInDriver, and also tried spawning them outside the empty spawned vehicle, with a getIn waypoint; but as soon as they get in they change to EAST! This only applies to spawned vehicles not empty ones placed in editor. The group change side back to the faction of the vehicle, even though the vehicle was spawned empty. Is this a known bug? Anyone know of a workaround? Thanks EDIT! OK I have done more testing, it seems the problem is nothing to do with the vehicle, but it is the side of the Drivers unit type. Execute this code in the editor and notice how the vehicle changes side to EAST, even though the driver is WEST, it is just because i used an EAST unit type "O_Pilot_F" as the driver, if you change it to "B_Pilot_F" the bug doesn't happen! _grp = createGroup west; _heli = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" createVehicle getPos player; systemChat ("grp side starts as "+ str side _grp); systemChat ("heli side starts "+ str side _heli); _pilot = _grp createUnit ["O_Pilot_F",getPos player,[],0,"NONE"]; _pilot moveInDriver _heli; systemChat ("grp side is now "+ str side _grp); systemChat ("heli side is now "+ str side _heli); Please let me know if you get the same results with changing the pilot unit type from "O_Pilot_F" to "B_Pilot_F" It seems the helicopter inherits the side from the pilots unit type, not the side of the actual group the unit is in. I'm sure its a bug now. Cheers
  6. Thanks zapat, that works well. I had to use the selectPlayer command quickly before the "You are dead" screen apears. Cheers B
  7. Hi I am talking here about Single Player missions only: It seems the "onPlayerKilled.sqf" file doesn't work in Arma3. Is this confirmed or am I doing something stupid?! Are there any workarounds for this? I desperately need to avoid the mission ending with the "You are dead" camera and restart menu. On a related subject; is there any way to go to a debriefing after death, instead of just the "You are dead" screen? any help greatly appreciated B
  8. Couple more screens of development for A3 flashpointDebug00.jpg flashpointDebug01.jpg These show the debug markers for all the new modules: Infantry groups can move to towns, road junctions and isolated buildings, these can all be seen as markers. Also a new module for parked cars, cars can now spawn near any road with a building close by, not just in predefined towns. Some good progress, will try and release soon B
  9. Hi guys I have been super busy with work the last few months, and getting to grips with Arma3 took a while.. I am working on an Arma3 version of flashpoint, you will be pleased to hear :) Its very basic at the moment, it will take me a while to set everything up. Here is a screenshot of the new User Interface I have been working on https://www.dropbox.com/s/i62otzt4540hmz6/flashpointUI01.jpg I will start a thread in the A3 section later, when I have something finished to release! regards B p.s. posted this again, as it got lost in the middle of the thread
  10. As stated on the download page ACR or ACR lite is required. There is an option for no civilians in the parameters. No option to turn off parked cars yet. Bases for each side will be added when I have time to make them.
  11. Greetings I have just released an update: please download from here: Flashpoint Taskistan MP v04 Let me know what you think if you have played the mission, I have had virtually no feed back on the MP version compared with the SP version.. Changes - Added: Respawn On/Off setup parameter. - Fixed: JIP Clients were sometimes teleported back to wrong position. - Removed: Default BIS conversations system ("Hello, Sir" etc). B
  12. Thats a good idea Phantom, I will add a startup parameter for no respawn B
  13. Hi pd3 Youre right loadout is handled slightly differently for MP players. And backpacks are supported for players now which is also new. At the mo the guns hard coded rather than picked from a random list. You would need to change the script a bit, and the arrays like UA_DELTA_GUNS are not in the right format for this :( Il put it on the list for development. BTW i have been focused mainly on the MP technical stuff, rather than the gameplay aspects so far, so expect improvements :) Re Wanderzz post above: Can somebody please confirm that Flashpoint Takistan v03 does work with ACR lite (it should do i hope!!) rgds B
  14. <removed, newer version out, check first post>