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forum troll 4162

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18 Good

About forum troll 4162

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. forum troll 4162

    ARMA 2 OA: Post Process Settings Decoded

    <removed racist comment, nobody needs to see that> Placebo.
  2. forum troll 4162

    Bullet velocity - inaccurate ?

    Everything falls at the same rate, a piece of paper falls at the same rate as a car.
  3. AI in mounted machine guns and in vehicles are super accurate, add dispersion pl0x.
  4. forum troll 4162

    Post Processing resets to Low

    I set it to Very High, restart game, setting still at Very High but no distance blur or DOF.
  5. When I set my PP to High or Very High and restart the game it changes to Low. Halp.
  6. How do you guys think OA will run on: Athlon 635 3GB DDR2 9800 GTX+
  7. forum troll 4162

    Cannot find/see enemies

    I like how you guys are suggesting the OP turn the difficulty setting to the lowest so there are RED and GREEN blobs even though the OP said they were colour blind (red-green colour blindness is the most common).
  8. forum troll 4162

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Will the hard copy be distributed in Australia? If so how can I get my hands on some?
  9. Wait, are you saying that because you gave them the first review they should have scored it higher?
  10. That's because it deserved 60%. It was an unpolished PoS that destroyed my confidence in BIS.
  11. forum troll 4162

    Some ArmA II UH-1Y Venom in-game screenshots

    I think you can unsticky this now.
  12. Yes, the people who model and skin the weapons are the same people who make and post the videos.
  13. forum troll 4162

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    Being economically far-right means zero regulation and letting corporations do whatever they want. Being far-left means direct control and nationalisation. In order to rebuild germany's economy instead of money representing gold reserves like most nations (of which germany had none), Hitler changed it so it represented land. Such direct action makes him left-wing. And so began his rise to power. Pass me my diploma.
  14. forum troll 4162

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    what are you home schooled in texas or something? socially far-right, economically far-left.