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Everything posted by thaFunkster

  1. Hello, I have been trying to use SetDamage on some BMPs. When I put "this setDamage 1" in their init fields, it works fine. However, when I try to call "BMP1 setDamage 1" from a script, it wont work. Can someone tell me how to call setDamage from a script? ---- Second thing: Man with a SMAW launcher, I want him to select it and fire at a target: He wont select the launcher, and when he randomly does of his own choice on occasion, he wont fire. Any suggestions? Many thanks..
  2. thaFunkster

    How to use SetDamage?

    How confusing, why didnt they just make everything a command?
  3. thaFunkster

    How to use SetDamage?

    Ok, thanks, I am trying to understand the command. I cant find it in the Comref, why is that? What would I do if I wanted to use this for a SMAW solider to fire on another unit?
  4. thaFunkster

    How to use SetDamage?

    Anyone?? I could really use the help here....
  5. thaFunkster

    How to use SetDamage?

    Thanks, but no joy I am afraid. Yet another question if anyone can help me. I have the Harriers flying over, I decided to use this script to get them to bomb manually: Now this works fine. Only problem is that it looks a little silly having it drop four LGBs in a non-precision way. So, I changed it to a normal harrier with Mk82 bombs, and changed the script to this: Now he just wont drop the bombs. fire "BombLauncher" works fine with LGBs, but with Mk82s "Mk82Launcher" does not work, even though that is the name of the weapon.... Any ideas what is going wrong here (or is ArmaII just totally bugged as it seems every second thing I want to do does not work)...
  6. Thanks SNKMAN, One other question, I cannot get the BMP to blow up. I have tried putting "this setDamage 1" in the init field and it works no problem. When I put "BMP1 setDamage 1" in a script it just wont work. I also tried "vehicle BMP1 setDamage 1" to no avail. How to do I call this function in a script?
  7. Hello, I am having a few problems getting a camera to work the way I want along with some other things… I have the following script running: Now, the first camera works fine. But where I set the target to Air2, anc commit for 4 seconds, it only gets halfway through before switching to the next cam… This is strange but no big issue. Now, the next camera attached to BMP1 works fine. However, the following lines where it is told to zoom in never work. The Global Chat messages never appear, and the BMP never gets the damage set to 1 that I want. Any idea what is going on here? Many thanks.
  8. thaFunkster

    How to use Cut Rsc

    Great thanks guys. Grizzle, that seems like exactly what I wanted. Wolle, I think that is a little unfair. No one would have answered if I had not bumped it and had it not came to your attention.
  9. Hi, I am making a cutscene. I have a sniper team, and I want to show their perspective. I know this is the command to use, and I can get it to work for the effect "Binoculars", but I have tried "scope", "sniper", as well of the name of the rifle they are using all to no avail. Can someone tell me how I get a sniper scope effect with this? Thanks.
  10. Hello, I am making a cut scene. In it I want some harriers to attack targets at a certain time, so that cameras catch the action. clearly it is not so easy as having normal units attack, as they keep flying if you dont tell them to attack at the right moment, when they are in range and facing the target then it wont work. So has anyone got any ideas for how I can script cameras to catch the action, and for the harriers to fire at the that time? (They are attacking BMPS). Also, any ideas on how to do a fly by cam for them, when you dont know their location (I was thinking GetPos Select 1 + 200) or something along those lines would work? Thanks.
  11. thaFunkster

    free Ogg converter?

    Yeah Audacity is good, but I can recommend something better. Format Factory will convert not only one sound format to another, but almost any media format to almost any other media format, and it is much easier than audacity to use...
  12. Very helpful once again, I think I will skip the spottter / laser designator idea and just leave it as it is, they already target the BMPs as things are. Probably the best way to do what I want is to set up a trigger so that once the harrier gets within a certian radius of the BMPs, I set doTarget and doFire as well as it activating a certain camera...That should work.
  13. Hi, I am currently trying to make a cutscene, there is suprisingly little helpful information on this around the web. I used to make them in OFP, but this seems harder. Anyway, my first question: I have a campfire, and I have included "this setBehaviour "CARELESS"" to the soldiers around it. But they still dont sit down. I cant seem to find how to make them sit down in the Comref, I thought there would be a "setStance" command but I cant seem to find it. Can anyone tell me how to do this please? (I will probably have a lot more questions later referring to camera setting, but for now this is it). Thanks. --- Also, I see there is a person setFaceAnimation blink command. What about the other ones? I want to make a soldier look worried or panicked..
  14. Thanks guys once again. Setting it to 'intro' worked, I missed that before. Some new questions: I have some harriers with a bomb loadout enroute to target. 1) How do I script them to engage with bombs when I want, so I can have cams of the engagement? This is a bit more difficult than a regular shot, because they have to be in the right location to drop... 2) They have LGB, maybe I can even have some soldiers on the ground with designators to lase the targets? How would I equip someone with this? 3) There are snipers watching targets, how can I show a view from their scope, and the laser designator if I use it? Many thanks once again....
  15. Can anyone help on the above pls? ---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 AM ---------- I now have two questions: One, how do I remove the borders, seeing as SetCinemaBorder False does not do anything.... And second, I have two harriers, I want them to start in the air, moving at a decent speed, rather than in the middle of a field. how can I do that?Is there some kind of set location command? I have been trying this: But it has not been working...
  16. Ah, ok, having done some programming at uni, you would think I would know that wouldnt you?... Many thanks. ---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 AM ---------- showCinemaBorder false is not doing anything.
  17. Thanks guys, guess my memory was slightly off ;)... Can someone point me to the command to remove the borders please? ---------- Post added at 03:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ---------- I see the comref has ShowCinemaBorder showm what do I do if I dont want it? "Dont Show" lol...
  18. EDIT: Fixed it myself for once!! :) ---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 AM ---------- Question: Does having that black cinematic strip improve framerates? OR does it still render the off screen objects? And if I want to record with FRAPS, and I slow down time, then will the sounds slow accordingly? ---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ---------- I cant seem to find the command to change the play speed, in OFP it used to be setTimeAcc, but that does not seem to exist anymore...
  19. Thanks, I have this bit working now. The issue I am having is with the titlecut not working: It hits that fade out, and never works, just stays on the same camera. I tried getting rid of the titlecuts, and all the other script works, so it's just them preventing it working... ---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 AM ---------- (O, I tried just using "titlecut" rather than "_cam2 titlecut", but that still does not work. ---------- Post added at 03:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 AM ---------- ANother thing, about your "attachTo" comment above, I need the camera attached if it is to follow a person rather than remaining static correct?
  20. I have been trying this: Creating a new cam, but it does not seem to work: ---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ---------- Oh, thanks for that... Actually, I was creating this cam in a new position with a new target, and it was still "Attached" to the man, it was bobbing up and down with his running as it panned..THats why I am creating a new one... I will look into cameraEffect, thanks for that.
  21. Excellent, thanks. Yes I have added the showscript errors, and I couldnt see any that referred to this... That is very helpful...I assumed that those units referred to meters, but I guess not. I will try it out. ---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ---------- Ok, so I now have quite a few cameras working well. I am just having trouble with this one bit: The reason I destroy the cam, is because it is attached to something, and for the next camera I need one that is not attached to anything. The thing is, it doesnt seem to work again once I create it. Is there a command to unattach the camera instead?
  22. Cant anyone help me? Or can anyone point me to a really good guide to camera scripting? I have searched the wiki, but it only seems to have info on Camera.sqs - I want help on the whole process and a list of camera related commands..... ---------- Post added at 08:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 AM ---------- It used to be alot easier back in the OFP days if my memory serves me correctly.
  23. Thanks. That certainly helps a lot :)... This wiki is a great link..I will try to refer here first. ---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ---------- So I now have this, but am I missing something: