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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Thunderbird


    Hi all , Thanks Maximus-Sniper for your kindness Btw there would be very soon a new installer though , there would be also few changes , now you won't have to extact any file in the goal to install the sky , nvg , etc... , you'll have just to launch the "install.bat" once the FFUR folder installed for people who have good graphic cards There won't still be a lot of configs , following the fact that people haven't liked a lot soldiers talking + halo scripts , I've removed both of them by erasing also the low config , so now :::> you'll have the following files :::> -Single config -Single without body explosions -Multi config and several bugs have been fixed : *T-80 Driver view fixed *FFUR.exe icon on the desktop instead of uninstall and few other things There would be also an island pack , but it'll overwrite BIS files though. so do a backup if you'd still want your BIS islands If you have time and passion to test the new FFUR pack v5.0 , contact me by pm Thank ya people for your support and thanks again Maximus-Sniper Best Regards Thunderbird84
  2. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Done , if you'd still have CTDs , I'll put my hand in Fire... there would be a lot of people who will try carefully the new FFUR pack v5.0 before it'd be online on OFP.info. Regards TB84
  3. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Uninstall the current FFUR v5.0 please , there would be a new installer</span></span> yeah , I see ,btw you won't still have these bugs though...I'm working on the installer . I'll give you the link ASAP once uploaded, thank you I'll remove the following scripts :::::> -Soldiers talking -Halo script There would be 3 configs : Following the fact that the powerful config works perfectly on computers of only 1.2 ghz , I decided to cancel the Low Config btw there would be :: Powerful Cpu classical --> >Higher than 1.5 ghz , it uses all scripts except body explosion one Powerful Cpu with Body explosion --> >Higher than 1.5 ghz , it uses all scripts. Multi config --> >It replaces only the weapons and the soldiers , it's intended to people who mainly play online but also to people who have very low computers >You'll have just to follow step by step the installation of the new upcoming FFUR v5.0 , it will be tested by 5 people, I currently need 4 beta testers , please contact me. Regards TB84
  4. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Please I need 5 beta testers for the new installer in the goal to be sure that everything is Fine now. Better to have beta testers who had problems of CTD before , thank you for your cooperation and help. Regards TB84
  5. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Thanks to Bushlucker for his great explanations , following the fact that a lot of people while the installation missed to install the config.bin , I decided to create a new "simple" installer which would install everything again , listen please , you must be sure that you have a clean ofp with only the stuff of BIS , and with your extra stuff organized as "mod folders" if you wanna get the FFUR pack 5.0. I'm still confused about the all CTD that people reported cuz no beta tester reported me something like this though... The T-80 would get fixed, Maa sent me the fixed version, I'm sorry about it. Nah , the FFUR mod doesn't make any propaganda , the objective of the menu is to give a kinda "cold war crisis" touch to OFP though , if you watch carefully , you'll notice the US medal of honour near the soviet one... btw I gonna check again all configs then I'll make a new installer ASAP. I've one request please , be just a bit organized, it's not complicated , plus it'd avoid ya a lot of problems Best Regards Thunderbird84
  6. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Lucky bastards... OFP Clean (with the original stuff of BIS 1.96) + Mod folders (Mod folders countaing your extra addons and stuff of other mods) = a Good 'n' working FFUR v5.0
  7. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Look , it isn't bugy , you have just to be a bit organized , all you need to do , is to keep your OFP clean by organizing your extra addons using "mod folders" methods. it isn't complicated , plus it'd avoid ya a lot of problems. If you find duplicate addons of BIS in FFUR , don't delete them , it's wanted , delete or move only the extra addons .
  8. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    I repeat , NO , It doesn't replace any BIS stuff , I just tried OFP without FFUR and I still see BIS island. Be sure that you don't have "OFPEC_blood" somewhere in Res/addons , or Operation Flashpoint/addons Ok now I understand a bit more the source of the current problems which occur , as sanctuary said , you have deleted the old FlashFxUR folder by using the old uninstaller which was bad cuz once applied , it erases all OFP stuff , (islands too) , if you still have the old FlashFxUR , don't use the uninstaller , just delete it by erasing it. Now , look at this please, you must ONLY HAVE THOSE ADDONS IN YOUR Operation Flashpoint/addons , Res/addons folders : and you must have these following addons in your FFUR/addons folder :
  9. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    your ctds are really weird , I still don't know their sources cuz there are more than 6 people who tried the mod and haven't reported anything of this way... as I said , and I'm still repeating it again...please ::::> <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>-PLEASE check and make sure you don't have duplicates of any addons used by FFUR also in your regular(operation flashpoint/addons) or Res\addons folders!.</span></span> in other words , you must have a clean OFP
  10. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    LISTEN ALL , THE MAIN SOURCES OF YOUR BUGS OCCUR BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE SAME ADDONS IN YOUR ADDONS FOLDERS THAN IN FFUR , YOU MUST , I REPEAT , YOU MUST HAVE ONLY BIS STUFF IN YOUR ADDONS FOLDERS , IF YOU WANT TO USE EXTRA ADDONS , SO JUST CARRY OUT MOD FOLDERS. answer :::::::::> -PLEASE check and make sure you don't have duplicates of any addons used by FFUR also in your regular or Res\addons folders!. THE FFUR V5.0 DOESN'T REPLACE ANY BIS STUFF , IT DOESN'T OVERWRITE BIS ISLANDS, THERE IS A NEW DESERT ISLAND BUT CAN GET USED ONLY WITH THE FFUR MOD, WHICH IS A GOOD THING. Please again and again ----> -PLEASE check and make sure you don't have duplicates of any addons used by FFUR also in your regular or Res\addons folders!. People asked for that , I've carried it out... Damn I'm becoming crazy...Please before to post an error or something. Be sure that you have read carefully how each thing's work. The FFUR mod needs a clean OFP
  11. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Yes , you are right cuz FFUR doesn't use BIS resource but it'd be better to be careful being organized Regards TB84
  12. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    or you can create a new folder in operation flashpoint that you'll rename @myaddons then you'll make a new addons folder in your @myaddons one , do a shortcut too and put this in the properties : then you'll can be able to try your addons avoiding problems with FFUR and with other mods too using kinda duplicate addons. Regards TB84
  13. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    SO THAT IS TOTALLY LOGICAL THAT YOU HAVE A CTD you must have ONLY BIS STUFF IN THE ORIGINAL FILES, you must remove THE EDITOR UPGRATE 102 FROM THE ADDONS FOLDERS OF BIS BECAUSE THE FFUR MOD USES IT , and USE BIS EDITOR. please man , read carefully again the first page , and especially the section "information". Please people , look , better to HAVE A CLEAN OFP before to install the FFUR mod, or to have at least a clean BIS addons folders with only BIS stuff. if you wanna try an extra stuff , just create a new folder in operation flashpoint that you'll use to put on it the addons from a mod . and again please :::::::::>
  14. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Yeah , I'll report the T-80 problem to CSLA , I haven't noticed it before though . Btw when have you got a CTD ? Be sure that you don't have the same addons in the FFUR addons folder than in your Res/addons or Operation Flashpoint/addons. That's the most important thing. CTDs when you do open the Briefing Book ? that's really weird...but why haven't the six people who tried the pack met this problem though ? I don't have any CTD though, please , if you have any CTD explain EXACTLY when and which addons you were using when it occured. That will maybe help me.
  15. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    To install the sky pack , you have to extract the following files from FFUR/Sky Textures to the FFUR folder , install.bat bin newdata then launch the "install" and let it do btw I'll do ASAP a pack regrouping all the used islands for the FFUR 3.5 Yep , the installation of the sky isn't mentioned in the readme cuz it was expected that the FFUR pack once installed would suggest you to install the sky or not , but the script of this comand in the installer hasn't worked unfortunately , I'm sure that our proud manager'd fix it for the incoming patch
  16. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Some people seem to be really perfectionist you're right bud , it's not really a bug but a sound'd be added for the incoming patch though Regards TB84
  17. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Yeah because maybe you have duplicate addons , you have the same addons in FFUR than in other BIS Addons folders. I haven't noticed that though and any beta tester hasn't found something like this.plus until now nobody had this .. Check your folder and keep me informed. edit : yeah ,Maybe too Regards TB84
  18. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    yeah they panic , but if you check a bit more carefully the bin folde r then you'll find a suited config for ya C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FFUR\Bin\FFUR 5.0 Configs\Single Game Configs\Powerful Single Configs\POWERFUL without TALKING-SURRENDERING Regards TB84
  19. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Hi all, Thank you all for the nice comments ,we're very honoured and glad that you like it , btw for people who had some minor problems ,at first be sure about this please : and please read carefully the read me , it explains ya how to install the sky pack cuz you have to change the directory of the 3 files from their current folder to the FFUR one before to start installing it though, that's very easy ; btw We're sorry for the fact that the installer put the icon of "uninstall" instead of the right one in the desktop Reven'd fix it maybe for the incoming patch wich would replace CSLA choppers by Scars/Our Weapons ones + Locke upcoming animations . Yes I know about the Low Config "no exploding US grenades" , here's the fixed version "sorry I just forgot to add a script" ----> Download Don't play online with the powerful configs , there's a config intended for that , "the multi one" , you'll find it in FFUR/Bin/FFUR configs Maximus , this is a BIS model , it doesn't matter ... and the Halo soldier's just an example to show how does the script work for the specops of both sides. plus it's a very small thing though Thanks again We'll take some rest then we'll start working on the desert conversion , it's the summer isn't it ? so many pretty girls waiting for me ------> LOL PS : a big thanks to Sanctuary for his so many interesting advices Best Regards Thunderbird84
  20. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    WE HAVE FOUND A BIG PROBLEM , we unfortunately cancel the FFUR pack v5.0 *JOKING OF COURSE* What about to have a look over here ? ----> HERE Best Regards Thunderbird84
  21. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    There would be ONE PACK (FFUR v5.0) of a size around 300 mb , at the end of the installation you'll have the choice if you wanna install the sky or not Best regards thunderbird84
  22. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    If you have more than 512 MB then it would be ok to use the powerful config Better to not to use Low cpu config , it's intended to very low comps...
  23. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Hi totala , of course that it'd work
  24. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    We have a 6/6 of Ok from all people who tested the FFUR pack v5.0 that the mod is ready to get released though. The Final Official Size of the FFUR Pack v5.0 is 318 MB stay tuned Best Regards THunderbird84