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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Thunderbird

    Swedish Forces Pack 4 Released!

    Sweden Powaaa ! cheers buddies for the input and the efforts done to show us a bit your army... gonna try it ASAP. Regards TB84
  2. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Replacing a model and testing it in game doesn't need the same time than incorporating scripts and testing'em. One has to be sure that the incorporated scripts may not be sources of CTDs,errors,etc in game , and this purpose does need some hours. Riffles rarely use tracers in real life , only light MGs and heavy MGs carry tracers bullets. In the upcoming packs you will notic'em for these both weapons. Regards TB84
  3. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Liberation Mod damage scripts are nice indeed but I prefer to avoid implementing'em for 2 reasons : -We don't have enough of time to test'em quite longer to be sure that they do work without making any troubles in game. -They may be sources of CTD due to conflicts with other FFUR scripts (tracers,firing flashes...etc). In any way,it's a bit too late to carry out such changes because kinda enhancements need several hours of beta testing in the goal to make sure everything working. Regards TB84
  4. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Hi, Nice work mate , I'd be glad to replace BIS Spigot by this one for 85 packs , please send it to me to get a look on it a bit more closely/// Regards TB84
  5. Thunderbird

    Interface discussion

    These are the current Fonts usuable in OFP , it would be great if BIS guys would incorporate a bit more of Fonts for mod makers , that will allow us to make better GUIs with nice selections titles Best Regards Thunderbird84
  6. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Yes , you'll still have the abilities of leaning and rolling even with DMA NextGen Animations, btw, AI leaning and rolling scripts aren't very accurate and may be sources of CTD... If the VME mod will enhance a bit its scripts ... then maybe we will incorporat'em to the "extra config pack" wich would follow closely the upcoming release. Best Regards TB84
  7. Thunderbird

    Who will continue work for ArmA?

    FFUR too. Btw we've allready prepared a section for AmrA and OFP II in our website.(they're still empty until now... : p)
  8. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Indeed, awesome textures ! , Thanks for the offer Symbiot , well let's discuss a bit privately about'em... I will check'em immediately to see if they do worth replacing the current used ones in FFUR. This is due to the fact I incorporated 2 different anims for each side in the FFUR beta pack, but I withdrew this "method" in the goal to have only DMA NextGen + (relax patrol anims)/DMA Pistol Anim 1.1 for the upcoming packs. It's a RAF CH-47... Not american. Thanks all for the nice comments , the release would be a surprise ! Best Regards Thunderbird84
  9. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    We decided to withdraw the multiplayer part right now for several reasons, but DMA pack works perfectly online because it does replace only "Soldiers and weapons"... For more informations Check this thread. I meant by "controlable" the fact that the apache's cockpit has an animated MFD, working Hud, and a bunch of other options, For more informations Check this thread. Regards TB84
  10. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    I've allready incorporated Franze Apache variant A instead of BIS one for the FFUR 1985 woodland pack but several people have asked to remove it ... I think Franze's apache's nice indeed , especially its cockpit which is fully controlable ... but heh.. we have to respect people's decisions . Regards TB84
  11. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Hi mates, Here's the final version of 1985 movie showing FFUR 1985 packs done by Pierre (FFUR Movie maker)... -> FFUR 1985 Trailer There would be very soon some movies about 2005 and the surprise pack too Stay tuned Kind Regads Thunderbird84
  12. Thunderbird

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Hmm... well... here we've done the same work about models... and even more , do ya have any idea about the necessary time to clean all .pbo in the goal to keep only usefull textures and p3d and to carry out this job for 5 different packs ? do ya have any idea about how many hours spent on incorporating models, testing'em in game , fixing and re-testing again, avoiding conflicts between "extra cargo anims" and BIS ones... searching and finding informations about each vehicle in the gaol to add the right ammunitions and the right weapons to vehicles and by respecting the year and the version of the wanted vehicle...? Even if our values aren't so realistic than CAVS ones... they are more realistic than BIS ones,though... 12 hours a day since one months working daily on the surprise pack ...(here we did replace faces , names (more than 150 names for each side) just check the class under class GroupColors to get a small idea...; models too , enhanced the sounds , made a new GUI, and a bunch of other stuff that you'll discover yourself once released... We're only 2 here working daily on "OFP stuff" . (me and Benus) though, helped by a small proud team for other extra stuff like (installers, website..etc) I respect a lot my competitors (EECP, Y2K3...etc) , but please , avoid kinda comments cuz they may be a bit "harsh" toward us... Thx Thunderbird84
  13. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    ECP guys explained how to incorporate their scripts in other mods configs on their OFPEC page, just follow the instructions then everything would work perfectly, but make sure before to remove FFUR EH to avoid getting errors messages. Well you don't need't mate , that's for your own use,though... One config for all comps mate ... then perhaps there would be also an extra config pack with several configs after the release. Regards TB84
  14. Thunderbird

    DMA Anim Pack 1.1 - nextGen -Handgun 1.0

    These animations packs are thus far the best ones ever carried out for OFP, definately incorporating'em to the incoming FFUR releases... Keep up the nice work maestro. Regards TB84
  15. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    After several months of OFP's enhancing... my philosophy became the following one : Less scripts -> Safety and unlagy game. That's why we've decided to take out all useless scripts in game from the fifth beta (...soldiers shouting, police men arresting... auto smoke for tanks or surrendering scripts...etc ). But we kept several nice ones and enhanced'em a lot to reduce as maximum as possible the lag in game for low comps. And we reached this goal cuz now even with my 1.5 ghz , 448 sdram I'm able to play quite big maps without getting any troubles .... Trust me, the incoming release would be awesome , especially the surprise pack.though... Best Regards TB84
  16. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Launch again the beta pack you're currently using , then press with your mouse slowly and calmly the selection you want to open then everything would work perfectly . Regards TB84
  17. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Well sorry mate but FFUR is based on modified FlashFx effects... but EECP is based on ECP , and Kurayami seems working on replacing BIS stuff by addons of the community using ECP effects. Regards TB84
  18. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    ... being a bit logical , you may know that Palestine doesn't have any combat choppers or jet fighters , or even tanks... so how can one do replace the Mi-24 or the V-80 or the T-72 ? plus there's no "decent" palestinian addon until now except some fighters carried out a few months ago... the same for belgium or italy , the same for vatican and Italy , the same for germany;...etc All these countries you reported don't have enough of gear represented in OFP to be used instead of BIS stuff... except one proposal... and it was the right one...hehe... Wait and see mates Regards TB84
  19. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    The resistance will still be FIA because the islands will still simply be "Malden,Everon,Nogova and Kolgujev"... We removed all useless scripts in the goal to reduce the "lag" once in game, we also fixed all bugs and errors that people reported (just check carefully this thread),reticle replaced too, and we reached all wanted objectives, just wait and see... It would be best to download the incoming packs instead of the old ones. ... once totally tested and finished... Fixed since a while ... Don't worry about bugs , a bunch of people reported'em all and we fixed'em all ... (just check carefully this thread) and we expect to spend few days on beta testing before the release.. In any way , it's quite funny to see your bets buddies.... : P stay tuned Best Regards TB84
  20. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    ...to put ya a bit on the right way, this surprise pack will be realistic and will represent 2 famous countries of the current era (2000-2005). Wait and see... Best Regards TB84
  21. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Hi comerades, hmm... Honestly -> 0 % ... : D This is a good one , lol... , yeah, nice idea for a conversion pack...: D Seriously we still need few days , then you'll suddenly be positively surprised... Best regards TB84
  22. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    We learned a lot from certain cultures by researching some informations, or just by listening typical and traditional songs coming from both countries represented in the FFUR surprise pack . Btw , our texture's maestro sir Benus gave a new life to hyk soldiers by enhancing a bit the camo's colors for the FFUR 85 and 05. (All credits go to Hyakushi for the model,though.) Have a look ps : as you can see , we've added some reflects (materials) on the M136 too and cheers to Williec for allowing us the use of his new resistance soldiers. Best Regards TB84
  23. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    FFUR 2005 is USA vs Russian federation. but FFUR surprise is something else ... Regards TB84
  24. Thunderbird

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Definately ! Their resistance soldiers are awesome and will fit perfectly with FFUR 2005. Btw ok for the F-16 instead of the Thunderbolt LGB. Some news about FFUR "surprise" features : Honestly I do like a lot this pack despite the so many hours spent on it. Benus has done some nice features there too. Stay tuned soldiers Best Regards TB84
  25. Thunderbird

    DMA Release Day

    Awesome work! , Resistance soldiers's quality is unbelievable, can't wait to test the whole stuff... Best Regards TB84