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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Thunderbird

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    so I've fixed majority of CTD online , I've done pack too... My mod is just a small mod wich offers new animations,sounds, units from 1985, new GUI, and all nice scripts , I'll work on my MOD until ECP get out the 1.75 pack , after that I think I'll stop and I 'll "personalize" the ECP Now I'm working very hard on a "perfect" config "online" wich will be usable without any CTD, also working to introduce the scripts to improve the IA ... hope it'll be better
  2. Thunderbird

    Standart Su25 updated by TomiD

    no bug , replaced perfectly the old Su25
  3. Thunderbird

    How to improve the AI ?

    arghh sorry , I've missed that .. thanks
  4. Thunderbird

    How to improve the AI ?

    thanks but that concerns only vehicles... what about the infantry ?
  5. Thunderbird

    Standart Su25 updated by TomiD

    Greeeeeeeeeat , very nice , I love it , very nice stuff .... I'll immediately replace mine by this one... I 've waited a lot for it , thanks a lot TomiD
  6. Thunderbird

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    I'm french... but my father was Iraqi and my mother Morrocan I've studied Arabic when I lived in Morocco
  7. Thunderbird

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    and what about the flashFX units replacement ?
  8. Thunderbird

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    [im]http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/imuc/Site/Logo/neu.jpg[/img]>100kb Hi, Sorry guys,what's written in Arabic doesn't mean absolutely nothing, I've corrected the words... If you need arab voices , or assistance to translate texts , It'll be a pleasure to do it
  9. Thunderbird

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    ECP mod 1.75 + EECP + DXDLL = OFP 1.5 What about weapons tracers ?
  10. Thunderbird

    New Chinese Release

    Good news , I've introduced the CQB AI to the FFUR config , I'll publicate only if the PLA mod would allow me the use of their scripts
  11. Thunderbird

    New Chinese Release

    I love that , so I use this IA scripts in the incoming update of the flashFX
  12. Thunderbird

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    Screen 1 Screen 2 Download
  13. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Please I insist that moderators act, this person doesn't want to cease his provocations, and the silence of the moderators disappoints me much, it's necessary that that cess definitively, the goal of "SPQR" is to waste my thread , his objectif is that'll be banned,he plays to the troll,please moderators do something I know that you respect him because he's a good military adviser but he doesn't respect the rules of this forum , he's always wasting my thread , so please do something .... and he 's lying , hell , please do something .... I listened to the moderators, I 'd decided not to answer him , but that exceed me, and only the moderators can do something... in spite of the warning of the modos, he continues because he's jealous,or for another reason, I don't care, I wish just that the moderators act with justice
  14. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Hi Totala D'abord merci pour les compliments , ça fait toujours plaisir The FFUR.exe install the Misc pack too , you may just copy it to your OFP folder You're right , so the GMR pack is another config , it's a pack intended for standard CPU, it offers effects of explosions extraordinary but not of the same value that those of flashFX which are definitely better, but the advantage with the GMR it's that it compatible "online", while for flashFX UR it's necessary to choose the config the best suitable one with the CPU than one has. thus there are 3 configs without the patch and 5 with the patch "FFUR Multi config 1.9" : perfectly usable online "FFUR ORCS+blood+BN tracers 1.9 : the best one to play in "Solo" because it uses a multitude of the best scripts . "FFUR FXtracers+BNtracers 1.9 " : it's intended for players who want to play to their missions and campaigns using both good tracers scripts "FFUR Low CPU config 1.9" : it's for players who have a very low cpu , playable "online " and in "solo" and finally the "FFUR GMR pack 1.49" this one is usable perfectly online and "solo" . about the sound pack , it offers sounds using real guns sounds done by Chamy but if you dislike it you can install another
  15. Thunderbird

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Don't worry man ,I had encountered exactly the same problem with the the ECP dynamic range which causes a loss of sound with the grenades, I had downloaded again the file and after that functioned correctly
  16. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    @eric51 : Don't worry man , it'll be a real pleasure to do this , just send me the BIS config.bin and let me do @Itseme , yes it's the script wich cause this effects of bounce , If bn880 get out an updated file wich the script don't carry out bounce effects on bodies , I'll immediately use it
  17. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Biensur que c'est possible , mais j'ai juste un petit service ŕ te demander , c'est que tu m'envoies la config bin officiele du jeu car je l'ai perdue afin que je puisse effectuer les remplacements mon adresse mail est dans mon profil to english : off course that's possible , but I wish that you'll send me the officiel BIS config because I've lost it to be able to carry out modifications basing my self on BIS data my mail adress is affiched in my profile edit : pour te faire une config sur mesure , dis moi juste ce que tu souhaiterais que je modifie ca sera facturé 10 euros l'heure , non je déconne
  18. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    OK , I'll check that and I'll fixed it tomorrow at 12:00 pm Paris time ... can I go to sleep now ? , do I deserve to sleep like a human ?
  19. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    @Silent N Deadly : yeah , nice idea , so I'll do it @warden : Look man , if you need help to make your own config , don't hesitate to ask me , about the grass script : you may wait few seconds before the grass appears , the script need time , and it 's usable only in "single" game... tracer's too , the configs wich are playable perfectly online are 'FFUR Multi config 1.9" "FFUR low CPU config 1.9" and maybe the "FFUR GMR 1.49 config"
  20. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Thank you very much for this nice words concerning the low config, that astonishes me much that it consumes memory, this isn't normal, well I will check that if you need assistance to create your own config, It 'll be a real pleasure to help you I'm happy to present you my new website
  21. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Please moderators do something , he's voluntarily wasting my thread, and that for a very long time
  22. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    That sometimes happens to me to sleep few hours Thanks to encourage me by these compliments, that gives me desire for innovating more one will think that I am insane
  23. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Hi Totala , happy to see you again so I've replaced all BIS addons in the GMR config by better ones basing me on the ancestor of all actual excellent scripts , the GMR explosion effects , the GMR config may probably work online, I'd never tested it in multi ... In the full pack , you're able to choose between 3 configs , 2 in "single version" and 1 "in multi version" for more infos , check the First page
  24. Thunderbird

    FlashFX replacement Units

    This situation's ridiculous, it's necessary to immediately cease your small war, your questions are ironic, which have with a each goal of devalorization, because if you had say nicely that something didn't function, I 'd have answered you nicely too...