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Everything posted by toadeater

  1. toadeater

    The four horseman of the apocalypse, now

    Um... the "nothing gets past" part? In about 8 out of 10 tests conducted during the past ten years, the space pig has failed to stop the demon attacks so far, especially sea-launched demon attacks. This is the only thing that can make the demons go away:
  2. toadeater

    Pirates of the caribbean

    He is working on a remake/sequel right now. New Pirates! Announcement
  3. toadeater

    The four horseman of the apocalypse, now

    On the contrary, the defense doesn't work AT ALL. Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!
  4. toadeater


    The poor man's way is to hit Print Screen on your keyboard, which will save the screenshot to the clipboard. Then you can paste it into a graphics program and save it. The best way, especially if you want to take alot of screenshots, is with a screen capture program that works with DirectX. Hypersnap DX is probably the best of these. Another way is a screen capture program someone made for OFP long ago, I think it's on ofp.info, or ofpec.com.
  5. toadeater

    New cars

    Lukemax steals everything, including user icons.
  6. toadeater

    64 bit ?

    3DBOXX M4 Total Price : $2,442.00 Base System Specifications Dual AMD® Opteron® Processor Capable AMD-8111 HyperTransport PCI Tunnel AMD-8151 HyperTransport AGP Tunnel 128-bit Dual Channel Memory Bus Up to 8GB ECC Registered 333MHz DDR (4) DIMM Slots Dual Channel UltraDMA 133 IDE Controller 6 Channel Audio (1) 8x AGP Pro Full Length Slot (5) Full Length 32bit/33MHz PCI Slot (1) Onboard 10/100/1000Mbs Ethernet Adapter (4) USB Ports: (2) Front USB 1.1, (2) Rear USB 2.0 (4) 3.5" x 1" Internal hard drive bays (3) 3.5" Exposed drive bays (2) 5.25" Exposed drive bays 460W Power supply (2) 92MM, (1) 80MM Cooling fans 1.44MB Floppy drive Tower Chassis (Optional 4U Rackmount kit) Physical dimensions: 7.0"W x 17.0"H x 17.5"D Boxx Tech 64-bit PC Workstation It's really not that big a deal yet, and this Opteron setup that's out now runs 32bit games WORSE than current processors.
  7. toadeater


    Can you tell us what the windows error message said? That usually lists what driver caused the error. You can also look in Administrative Tools>Event Viewer and check for any OFP-related errors.
  8. toadeater

    Army uniforms

    If you start saving up your money, maybe one day you can buy this: Hitler's Personal Armored 1943 Mercedes Limousine Captured May 7, 1945 at Berchtesgaden, Germany Was used by Hitler to travel through his conquered countries. Not even P. Diddy has one of these. Â It was up for sale two years ago, might go up for sale again one day.
  9. toadeater

    Band of brothers sequel in the works

    Pretty cheesy cover for a movie that serious. What's so cheesy about that?
  10. toadeater


    Never heard of this campaign. But you can type SHIFT plus the keypad - sign, and then "endmission". This will at least let you end the mission and continue the campaign.
  11. toadeater

    Why dont any peeps play on ofp resistance?

    I remember when I asked this question once. You need to use the ingame browser like everyone said, but you also should be using Sockets, not Directplay.
  12. toadeater

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I think what people around the world are wondering is why we haven't impeached Bush and Cheney yet, when we were so quick to attack Clinton over a blowjob. Not that I'm a Clinton/Demorat fan, I think he should be in jail for what he did in Kosovo, among other things. Also, that's two strikes for Bliar--Yugoslavia AND Iraq. Come on, tell me there's not an alterior motive to what's been going on the past decade with all this "peacekeeping".
  13. toadeater

    Urban camo

    Uncle Sam, you make textures by importing the .tga you made in a paint program into Texview and saving them as .pacs or .paa's. Then you have to compile the model or repack it into a .pbo or something. I'm not an addon maker so I don't remember the whole procedure, you'll have to look it up on ofpec.com. If you want to try, someone made an open-source soldier model that would be easy to retexture: Improved Soldier Model Crunchyfrog, these are the official Russian camo patterns AFAIK: Russian Camo Patterns
  14. This should work, if you use the standard OFP antitank mine object: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #checkmine _death= nearestobject [player, "MINE"] ? player distance _death < 1.5 : goto "explode" ~.5 goto "checkmine" #explode Boom="Heat105" CamCreate (getpos player) player setdammage 99999999 exit
  15. toadeater

    New york preparedness guide released

    No, YOU do not. But your government, military, and top CEOs do. So don't worry, America will go on, even if you die a horrible rotting death from radiation and/or ebola. While the civilians are killing each other off in the streets for the last bits of rat meat (without electricity and daily resupply, large urban centers will use up food reserves within two weeks even if there was no direct nuke damage), your leaders will be safe in strategically placed bunkers throughout the United States.
  16. toadeater

    Command to activate fire script

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[[position on map], [0,0,1], 100, 5, "" ] exec "firesource.sqs" Keep in mind you need to have copies of the 4 scripts that are in the Resistance .pbo in your mission dir. There's a better script on ofpec.com anyway, you'd be better off using that.
  17. toadeater

    Gaming with winxp

    Don't forget to check over the infamous XP Services list: XP Services You Could Probably Live Without
  18. toadeater

    Voice changer?

    With a quick Google search, I found some shareware software voice changers if you don't want to use Sound Forge: Voice Changers
  19. toadeater

    Voice changer?

    With a quick Google search, I found some shareware software voice changers if you don't want to use Sound Forge: Voice Changers
  20. toadeater

    Mi-2 pack!

    Russian engineering, gotta love it! Overpriced American Engineering
  21. toadeater

    Army field manuals

    Yeah, they don't give out the up-to-date and detailed info to civilians. Have to pay some high school students to hack into the Pentagon to get the good stuff I guess.
  22. toadeater

    Editor's depot

    Something like THIS would be nice for OFP.
  23. toadeater

    Aae addons/missions

    This kindof depends on the copyright law you have on your country, but at least in Finland its perfectly legal to "play again" some song an distribute it as you wish, ie. you cannot copyright a melody. (Lyrics for example are a different story, thats why cover songs usually dont have their lyrics printed on the cd booklet) The whole thing is different if you take an existing recording and copy it around. It doesnt matter if it loses quality or is in different format, but if its comes from a copyrighted source its illegal to copy it without permission. The less custom music in OFP, the better. I haven't yet played an OFP mission where the custom music improved things.
  24. toadeater

    Graphics card

    Radeons work ok out of the box with everything except OFP and Unreal Engine games. They're also slower for Q3 engine games, but who plays those anymore anyway? All the new games coming out take Radeons into consideration. As seen on this very forum, people have gotten their Radeons to work with OFP after some tweaking and the right driver. At this point, it's probably wiser to get a Radeon 9500 or 9600 than a GF4 because the GF4 is missing dx9 shader support, is slower than the ATI cards, and costs only about $30 less on average. Sapphire is a good brand of Radeon cards if you plan to buy one. You can get the 4200 is you're really low on $$$, but it's going to suffer in visual quality when playing HL2, Doom3 and OFP2, they will all use the newer shaders. I am in the midst of upgrading too, so I've been doing some homework. I was going to get the GF 5600 Ultra 2.0, but even that has been shown to be slower than the 9500 Pro, which costs less and has the same dx9 support. I might still get the 5600, only if manufacturers improve it more than the reference model and if it can be significantly overclocked.