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Everything posted by toadeater

  1. toadeater

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Looks like most requested so far is: 1. Better physics model, more realistic ballistics and damage. 2. Dynamic multiplayer - no waiting in the #$@*^%! lobby! 3. Nicer looking human models, better textures. 4. Improved sound (acoustics). 5. More stuff, and bigger stuff. :^)
  2. toadeater

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Looks like most requested so far is: 1. Better physics model, more realistic ballistics and damage. 2. Dynamic multiplayer - no waiting in the #$@*^%! lobby! 3. Nicer looking human models, better textures. 4. Improved sound (acoustics). 5. More stuff, and bigger stuff. :^)
  3. toadeater

    Constructive criticism

    Here's a good one IMHO: A command to get troops and vehicles to face whatever direction you point at, and not turn until you tell them to rejoin formation. This could be the same as the "move to" command, except they don't move to the spot you click on, they just face it. I guess just a shortcut to face the direction you are facing would be ok too. Another very helpful addition would be to improve the AI so that soldiers try to find cover as their main priority when in Danger or Stealth mode while they (or actually you, the leader) are not advancing, or you have told them to stay in a certain spot. They should NEVER sit out in the open when there is a place to hide a couple of meters away from them. Yes, there is a "find cover" command, but does it work? Doesn't seem to. They find cover and start moving around, or they find a really useless excuse for cover, like standing a few meters away from a bush, rather than hiding behind it.
  4. toadeater

    Iraq strike 'would open hell's gates'

    George W. Bush is possibly the worst American president of all time. Here's some of his typical policies: 1. Increased US dependence on coal and oil, even when faced with the current mideast crisis. Continues to support buying oil from states that sponsor terror. 2. Sheltered Enron, and continues to shelter Halliburton / arch-criminal mastermind Dick Cheney. 3. Wants to cut down more trees to save the forests from more forest fires. This was intended to sabotage the EPA, to eventually allow oil drilling in Alaska's protected wildlife refuges. 4. Insists on attacking Iraq for a quick profit, instead of dealing with Bin Laden (who is hiding in Pakistan) and the long term problem. 5. Has used false information to try to justify an attack on Iraq. 6. Appointed Ashcroft, a man who cannot deal with seeing classical naked Greek statues, and a man who wanted to eliminate the Constitution for the sake of better "security". What he really means is "order" ofcourse. 7. Funnels as much money as he can get his hands on into the corporate welfare of his constituents.
  5. toadeater

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Critical needed updates: 1. Multiplayer without waiting to join. This is a key concern. 2. More realistic vehicle behaviour / physics / collision detection. No falling through floors, bouncy tanks, or those vibrations when you're near an ammo box or other small objects. 3. More realistic weapons, so that you can no longer snipe with MP5s or pistols, etc. 4. AI soldiers should miss much more often than they do now. The AI often makes impossible shots and doesn't take fatigue, distance, or movement into account like with human players. 5. Optimizations to the engine in general, but I guess that goes without saying. Low Priority Updates: 1. Better soldier models, perhaps like Ghost Recon's. 2. Improved sound engine. 3. Bigger battles, strategic elements. Perhaps an entire dynamic campaign where you can actually set up your own bases, and choose what actions to take and which troops to use, etc. 4. Support for larger vehicles like cargo planes, ships. More vehicles. Installations like SAM sites, artillery, etc.
  6. toadeater

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Critical needed updates: 1. Multiplayer without waiting to join. This is a key concern. 2. More realistic vehicle behaviour / physics / collision detection. No falling through floors, bouncy tanks, or those vibrations when you're near an ammo box or other small objects. 3. More realistic weapons, so that you can no longer snipe with MP5s or pistols, etc. 4. AI soldiers should miss much more often than they do now. The AI often makes impossible shots and doesn't take fatigue, distance, or movement into account like with human players. 5. Optimizations to the engine in general, but I guess that goes without saying. Low Priority Updates: 1. Better soldier models, perhaps like Ghost Recon's. 2. Improved sound engine. 3. Bigger battles, strategic elements. Perhaps an entire dynamic campaign where you can actually set up your own bases, and choose what actions to take and which troops to use, etc. 4. Support for larger vehicles like cargo planes, ships. More vehicles. Installations like SAM sites, artillery, etc.
  7. toadeater

    Ofp is dead?

    I dunno why people are so hyped up about BF1942. I tried the demo and it kept crashing, and even when it didn't, the gameplay seemed kind of silly. The graphics also aren't that great. Besides that, you can create a BF1942-style clone in OFP with some scripting, so why play something else? Their is one very important feature BF1942 does have that OFP for some reason doesn't: multiplayer that allows you to join in at any time, rather than waiting for rounds to end. I think this is the one thing that's kept OFP multiplayer from being as popular as some of the other games, it's simply too time consuming to play a simple public game of OFP. BF1942 isn't the OFP killer, but there are some other games on the horizon which will be if OFP isn't improved. I hope BIS aren't resting on their laurels and are planning to update the engine again soon. Multiplayer without the waiting would bring in more players IMHO.
  8. toadeater

    Constructive criticism

    Here is one of the major gripes I have about OFP: AIs frequently don't react to being shot at. I expended an entire clip of M12 ammo shooting at a soldier about 300 meters away, and he didn't even flinch as bullets ricocheted around him. I eventually managed to hit him, but I think things would have been far different if he actually bothered to duck, or maybe raise the alarm. I think this problem has something to do with distance, such as if you are far enough away, they ignore you, no matter what you do. But I think they should react to being shot at even if they can't "see" who's doing it.
  9. toadeater

    Win xp + sound blaster live + resistance crashes

    There's similar problems with Aureal-based cards and Win XP (or is it all just Win XP?). There's something wrong with the volume levels and the way the game detects what is near and far where some sounds like talking are way too quiet. There is the volume "overload" with vehicles as well. Haven't had these types of problems with any other game, it's definitely an OFP phenomenon.
  10. I wrote about this in another section and was told to post it here because it qualifies as a bug report. There is a problem with OFP/Res remembering what firing modes weapons are set to, resulting in weapons reverting back to single-fire mode any time you use the binoculars or switch weapons. This is very unrealistic, non-sensical behaviour, and has resulted in the deaths of many fine OFP soldiers who were counting on auto or burst-fire at a critical moment, only to discover that their weapons "magically" switched back. Other people have also reported a similar bug where OFP switches your stance to standing after healing, or picking up items, resulting in a quick death because the AI spots you. Here is the original thread where this was discussed: Fire Control Bug
  11. toadeater

    Uncontrollable weapon modes

    Hello BIS, I am currently enjoying Resistance, but I am disappointed to learn that weapons still do not maintain their firemode if you switch between items. I am talking about guns reverting back to single-fire mode every time you use the binoculars or switch weapons. I can't count the number of times I've expected auto-fire or burst-fire at a critical moment only to hear a single *pop*, followed by the sound of me being cut down to pieces by the enemy I had just alerted to my presence rather than killed as expected. I hope that you will address this problem in a future patch because this type of weapon behaviour is extremely unrealistic, not just INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.
  12. toadeater

    Mx300 & xp volume problems

    I know about the problems with the Diamond MX300 (Aureal chipset) and the XP drivers, but this seems to be more OFP-related because I haven't experienced this problem in any other game. The sound works, I can hear close-up sounds such as my gun, or most vehicle motors, but certain distant sounds (even a few meters away), such as soldiers yelling alerts, or environmental sounds like grass and footsteps, are almost inaudible. If there was some way to adjust the volume attenuation for those types of sounds, I think this problem could be solved. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, let me know...