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Everything posted by smacker909

  1. smacker909

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    You were correct sir! Thanks
  2. smacker909

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    I recently noticed the TEXT is missing from the GUI when I bring up VAS in game. I'm on the DEV build playing SP. Has this been seen before? Sorry if I missed it.
  3. smacker909

    UPSMON for arma3

    I'm trying this with "random" patrols. If I add a third patrol to use UPSMON, the mission freezes.
  4. smacker909

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    I wouldn't mind seeing this on workshop :)
  5. How about precision slider in settings.. so we can adjust ourselves? I was under the impression (read in a thread) it was removed from A2 because developers wanted to simplify difficulty settings.
  6. This would be awesome. At least to start with :)
  7. smacker909

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    tvig0r0us , I completely understand your frustration. Just wanted to say thanks for the work you put into this.
  8. smacker909

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    Hey Tvig0r0us, thanks for the update. Played a few times (just me an AI) and no issues.. lots of fun! keep up the great work :)
  9. Sa0k, I'm having a blast it the SP too :) Thanks Noticed after opfor recaptured mike26 from me and I battle to take back, their cars immediately re-spawn every time I destroy one.
  10. smacker909

    AI accuracy test

    I don't think the precision settings work. They combined the precision with skill setting.
  11. smacker909

    AI accuracy test

    I thought precisionEnemy and precisionFriendly in profile had no effect. Was this fixed?
  12. smacker909

    Add costum music to missions

    benediktsapienti I have learned over the last couple of years, folks here will give you clues sometimes, but expect you to do some due diligence. Try searching either in the forums here or google. There are lots of examples of doing custom music w/ description.ext Once in a while you get lucky and someone will spell it out for you. Here is a link; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1551
  13. smacker909

    The fantastic Modules

    I'm also eagerly awaiting any documentation on these new modules :)
  14. Spamurai: I thought they did away from the options / precision sliders? I'm at work now, so can't check, but are they back?
  15. smacker909

    Love the new AI firefights

    @Down8 - I wasn't sure if they brought it back in 3 alpha, but i think you're right. I did a few simple tests as well on precision profile parm, and saw no effect either. On the otherhand, I'm pumped about the AI so far, Just a simple 'clear town' mission is loads more fun. I just setup 4 small RED groups giving them all SnD saypoints 50m radius's and then move in with my squad. They deff. go through houses and will snipe you through windows. Very cool!
  16. I do see the CBA logo when the game starts. I just used PwS to add the startup option.. along with sthud and the noblur
  17. smacker909

    Tao Folding Map

    Sweet!! I love this community :)
  18. Played with this and love it. No more scrambling for my compass. Thanks !
  19. smacker909

    Rifle Collision Addon

    Very cool! Thanks :)
  20. Took my first spin just now.. so far only playing with infantry, have to say, I really like it. Feel quite a bit different.. but in a good way. weapon sounds are great so far and radio chatter is a nice change as well :)
  21. Hi Gunter, I was running with JSRS and Blastcore so I will retest with only COSLX. Thanks :)
  22. Hello, I'm enjoying the mod but noticed consistent bullet impact sounds once a member of my group is wounded. I thought at fist it was an enemy shooting at us, but then realized it was artificially generated. As soon as the injured guy is healed, the sounds stop. I searched to see if this was reported before but didn't find it. Is that a bug or part of the mod?
  23. Can someone explain how the skill settings in your Profile interact with the setskill command? I believe since 1.60 the precisionFriendly and precisionEnemy settings in the profile have no effect, so If I set my profile for skillFriendly and skillEnemy to '1' does that set all parts of the skills array to 1' and then I can modify in a script.. say; _unit setskill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.8] leaving the rest at '1' ?
  24. in your script, _location would become the random choice from the list (_flatLocs) of FlatArea's within 1000 around "Marker1". You could then spawn on 'getPos _location'. This assumes there are flatAreas within 1000 of the marker. If not, you'd have to expand the range or move the marker.
  25. okay, thanks, I had thought precisionEnemy in profile no longer had effect since 1.60 based on this