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Everything posted by shark-attack

  1. shark-attack


    hi mate got it sorted .. i had altered the sqm from an older version of mission and was trying to load the current version :o will post a link to mission as soon as armaholic get it hosted many thanks mate best wishes
  2. shark-attack


    hi unable to access mission since updating ... dependendant on content that has been deleted testsoldt lobo weapons ... tried to delete them manually from the list in mission sqm but still cant gain access ... any ideas ? posted mission this morning using v 1.4 about an hour before taliban update hit the news in armaholic .. best wishes
  3. shark-attack

    SQF revive script

    hi mate got your pm .. will post the mission ... ohh ... i was using a 3 second delay .. ill try with 4 ?
  4. shark-attack

    SQF revive script

    hi mate noticed an issue with v_02e of the ACE revive script. there have been a few times when the revive option is pesented to a player .. the actions and animations are played but the unit isnt revived .. instead the unit is spawned at the respawn west marker ... this happens to both playable and ai units ... the options to drag body and examine seem to be a lot easier to find with the new version :) great work mate
  5. shark-attack

    SQF revive script

    hi simon .. been playing with this .. excellent  job ! edit quick question mate .. after messing about loading the wounded into a medivac ch47 for a bit in the editor .. im wondering if there would be a way to start a unit in an unconcious state ? have a few missions running it on RTY ACE server Â
  6. i was wondering if it is possible to stop a unit bleeding out ? or to disable the respawn funtion for one specific unit im working on a scenario where a high value target has to be kidnapped .. i am using norrins capture script  and all works well ... however the captured unit has problems following directions on the afghan village map ... a solution is to disable the target and drag him to extraction zone . this also works well and proves a real challenge  .. however if the target dies during the extraction he is respawned which kinnda buggers the mission anyone know of a plausible work around ? best wishes Â
  7. shark-attack

    AAN - ArmA Naval Units

    very nice ... thanks for these
  8. Outstanding ... Think what BAS Tonal mod done for OFP ...  then add some ... Well done guys ! I can live without the Bradley .. My only gripe is no scud launchers for opfor @vilas  why you so against a mod as good as this  promoting your work .. surely this is an honour ?  I cant believe  your eliteist attitude .. You being a man who stands tall within the community ... share the spirt ..             Shame on you
  9. shark-attack


    thanks for these units ... been wanting them for ages ! well done !
  10. Barring a few  teething problems ... This is nothing  short of genius ... Has breathed new life into the game .. well done  guys Trying to talk Tomcat into ditching the RTY Mod server and running an ACE server
  11. shark-attack

    SQF revive script

    love the more realistic revive features excellent job mate ...
  12. shark-attack

    ArmA Addon request thread

    probably  has it own thread  but im  buggered if i can find it there are some classic middle eastern / afghan islands available  or at wip level  ... to compliment them id  love to see taleban bin laden mahdi army al queda terrorists mujahedin lots of  cool  blufor ...  more  bad  guys please ... (missing the old ofp afghan addon pack )
  13. shark-attack

    co-10   =RTY=  Situation critical

    played this yesterday with a full house on some server (forgot which one) ... i couldnt believe it ... seems i posted the test version will upload the correct version .. many appologies
  14. mission author -------------- shark attack mission type -------------- CLAN - CO-OP (teamwork - voice comms recomended) max no of players 10 mission requirements --------------------- ArmA V 1.14 NO ADDONS Situation Report ----------------- For an elite team of Coalition Special Ops the mission seemed straight forward enough. Take control of a commanding enemy observation post called Tower Rock. The taking of Tower Rock would offer Coalition forces a key strategic observation post. But the enemy was waiting, hidden in amongst the long deserted civilian houses of Mercalillo, when the Special Forces choppers flared to land, they were shredded by a hail of machine-gun, small arms and RPG rounds.As the designated Quick Reaction Force you must get to the scene quickly.Two members of special forces have survived the ambush at Tower rock. You are to lead your field medic to their positions and let him administer first aid  escort both your field medic and the special ops to the waiting field ambulance for medivac Once you have safely extracted the special ops you are to proceed with their mission objective. Capture Tower Rock! Features: Norrins AI disabled revive (1.47) script Kronzkys UPS script Mandobles Air support console hoz s dofollow unit script And a whole host of others Specialist player roles: Medic = The fild medic is needed to treat the missing operators and to lead them back to the ambulance for medivac. F A C = The FAC is needed to direct close air support (once it is available) and also to arrange airlift back to base via the air support console. All player units can revive they also have a limited amount of self heal actions . *  DOWNLOAD  * special thanks  to =============== all at Realityfriends.com Norrin Hulkingunicorn Mandoble Delta38 Voice actors ========= Mike (Socom) Lyn (QRF)
  15. shark-attack

    Hippie Funland

    hi loki big fan of the inland waterways ... bout time we had a nice river network/swampland
  16. shark-attack

    Nevada Terrain 0.1

    just what ive been looking for ... thanks
  17. shark-attack

    ArmA Addon request thread

    id love to see a plain desert island with terrain similar to the desert areas surrounding the city of sakakah would be a cool assest to use in conjuction with 3d editor programs ...
  18. shark-attack

    Avgani Iraq 1.2

    @Opteryx love your  work, you along along with several others have reignited my  passion for arma ... one question anychance of an empty desert terrain simillar to that surrounding the city of sakakah ?  with the release of 3d editor programs it s an absoulte haven for wanna be base builders/mission makers like myself ... great work mate  ....  long may it continue
  19. shark-attack

    Al Amiriya

    was wondering why the lack of any new bravo 6 missions then i remebered the project .. looks great ... pleased you are going the extra mile with custom buildings ....cant wait for release have a 10 mission mp storyline i was about to release set on sakakah (mainly in the desert wasteland) ... think ill wait for this and rework ... good luck with it mate ..
  20. mission author -------------- shark attack mission type -------------- CLAN - CO-OP (teamwork - voice comms recomended) max no of players 12 a complete reworking of the origional  especas commando mission requirements --------------------- ArmA V 1.14 Queens gambit expansion Situation Report ----------------- In an effort to cause an uprising against our government, U.S private security contractors backed by U.S special forces are providing training and weaponry to rebel forces. We have intel that a training camp is being established in the remote jungles to the north An operation to destroy the camp and any of its occupants has been sanctioned Features ======== Norrins AI disabled revive 1.47 script (musical version) jip (on group leader) And a whole host of others *  Download  * special thanks to =============== all at Realityfriends.com Norrin
  21. mission author -------------- shark attack mission type -------------- CLAN - CO-OP (teamwork - voice comms recomended) max no of players 10 a complete reworking of the origional special ops mission requirements --------------------- ArmA V 1.14 NO ADDONS Situation Report ----------------- Prior to taskforce deployment several enemy resources are to be captured . Namely the oilfield in the south of the island for obvious reasons and the town of Arcadia for its suitable beaches and jettys for landing craft Features ======== Norrins AI disabled revive (1.47) script Kronzkys  UPS script Mandobles Air support console Tophes Random building patrol And a whole host of others Specialist player roles ========================= F A C =  The FAC is needed to direct close air support (once it is available) All units can revive and have 2 x self heal options. *  Download  *
  22. shark-attack

    co-10   =RTY=  Situation critical

    thanks lads for comments @jerry (wogan) look forward to tuning in ... hope i havnt missed it ..
  23. shark-attack

    co-12@   =RTY= Especas Commando

    thanks a lot lads for playing them .. nice to know they are appreciated ...
  24. shark-attack

    Bleeding Skies

    looking forward to this Thanks Igor
  25. shark-attack

    co-10   =RTY=  Situation critical

    hi mate .. im over the moon ... thanks for the kind words ... but this was a real team effort credit must also go to =============== all at Realityfriends.com Norrin Hulkingunicorn Mandoble Delta38 Voice actors ========= Mike (Socom) Lyn  (QRF) pleased you enjoyed