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Everything posted by scubaman3D

  1. scubaman3D

    Artillery in Arma, how to use?

    Not true. The only one who has to see the units is the spotter if you´re talking about my template. I could be wrong but when I tried moving the artillery pieces from your template farther away, out of direct line of sight of the target, they didn't fire. Maybe I messed something up without realizing it? Also, I placed a static artillery piece right next to the others in the template mission but didn't group it with the forward observer and it did engage the convoy on its own.
  2. scubaman3D

    Artillery in Arma, how to use?

    This method is limited by line of sight. If the artillery can't directly "see" the target, they won't fire. Mr Murray's arty is not line of sight. I was shelling Ramadi from Sirani last night, which is several thousand meters away, over mountains and such - which wais all scripted, of course...
  3. scubaman3D

    Artillery in Arma, how to use?

    I will nominate you if you upload a template to the procedure you described
  4. scubaman3D

    Zoom for tank commanders

    Its the same thing for the Strykers, which is a complaint of mine as well...and the strange thing is that the M113 has insane telephoto zoom capability and you're just using iron sights. Contrast this with vehicles that use optics yet have no zoom... smething is wrong with this picture (no pun intended )
  5. scubaman3D

    Armed civie/gang units for Arma

    very cool...why did BIS not include any women civilian characters I wonder?
  6. scubaman3D

    Populating Sahrani

    I tried creating a folder just called "scripts" in the ArmA directory and that didn't work. I also tried the second method of placing the script file in the mission folder but still, it always says that ups.sqs cannot be found.
  7. I got it to work once using a helopad but it appears to only work on certain types of buildings...the hotel does not seem to be one of them
  8. maybe put a helopad on top of the hotel??
  9. scubaman3D

    AI Harrier

    Has anybody actually seen the Harrier drop a bomb while under the control of the AI? I haven't been able to get the harrier to kill anything, even if I lase a target and instruct the AI to target the laser target.
  10. scubaman3D

    AI Harrier

    ^ Ah, so maybe thats how they do it in the campaign when you see two Harriers fly overhead and don't drop any bombs but they take out a checkpoint ahead of your position. How do you manually call in the bombs? Excuse my ignorance but I'm sort of new to scripting...
  11. scubaman3D

    ArmA official site changed

    "Demo coming soon"
  12. scubaman3D

    STRYKER driver view

    This is simply not true. The Stryker was meant to fill the troop transport void between the M113 and the M2 Bradley, with emphasis on functionality in urban environments. Last I heard, indications from Iraq are that the Army is completely happy with the vehicle. Also, several Stryker-based variants are in the works for a 105mm cannon and a self-propelled Howitzer versions in the near future. My complaint about it in ArmA other than the tiny TV screen is that the gun camera doesn't zoom.
  13. scubaman3D


    Can't wait to see what WGL comes out with...in my opinion, the best OFP mod that I've played!
  14. scubaman3D

    Main campaign way, way too short? (Spoiler!)

    Its obviously not obvious if you have to "read between the lines" as you said. Actually, it seems more like a weak attempt at making a politically charged statement using a video game, who's point is for people to have fun killing other simulated people...I see only irony here.
  15. scubaman3D

    Main campaign way, way too short? (Spoiler!)

    ^ That is not a parallel example, as the South Vietnamese army never attacked the US. I can't imagine a case where something like this would happen - it makes no sense at all. Imagine during WWII, after the Allies liberate France that the French resistance begins to attack the Allies, unprovoked, from the rear and the Allies simply advance towards Germany, as if nothing had happened. I like twist endings...as long as they MAKE SENSE.
  16. scubaman3D

    Laser designator

    I could be wrong, but it seems that the Harrier AI simply dosn't attack targets. No matter what I've tried to get it to attack something, they just won't. And along the same lines of a missing laser designator model in 1st person view, there is no 1st person Javelin either...although the missile works fine when you fire it.
  17. scubaman3D

    Main campaign way, way too short? (Spoiler!)

    HA! I noticed the same thing as well...I was just on my way here to complain about it, in fact. I thought for sure I missed something...its like they just skipped over this whole RACS troops turning on the Americans...you take out forces around the SLA capital and then its just "Congrats/END"