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Everything posted by scubaman3D

  1. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    I should also add that comparing Russia's unilateral action in Georgia shares no moral equivalents with the US in Iraq. There were something like 14 or 16 UN security council resolutions against Iraq (all of which were supported by Russia) so there was an effort for diplomacy. Iraq broke ALL of them, so we went to war. Also, the US did not act unilaterally. On the other hand, Russia did not take their alleged "concern" for the Ossetians to the UN or put forth any diplomatic effort to avert war. There were thousands of Russian soldiers massing at the border from months of planning. They also acted completely alone and their response was both disproportionate and inconsistent with their stated objectives. Even their recent recognition of the disputed territories in Georgia as sovereign is tantamount to idiocy and contradicts  several UN security council resolutions that they voted for, which affirm those territories as belonging to Georgia. There is absolutely no question that the war they started with Georgia is a politically motivated pissing contest with the west(US). Â
  2. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    You make it seem as if only businesses are corrupt. The fact is that with state-run media, its even easier to abuse your power if you can control or influence public opinion while making policy decisions. The people who are [mis]informed by these state-owned outlets are the ones living under an illusion of "free press". Only a fool can't see this.
  3. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Sorry Misunderstood.
  4. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    How can you admit this website is government sponsored and yet not admit they are turning out propaganda? And who is 'they' and who is 'we' in your reply. Are you a Russian living in the US? You do not seem like a native speaker and that would just be some juicy irony.
  5. scubaman3D

    2008 Beijing Olympics

    Nice try, but that doesn't count. There a limit on the number of athletes per country that can participate! If the EU were to participate as a single entity, they are limited to 196, instead of the thousands that could have competed for the "EU". Anyways, I've enjoyed watching the games so much, I'm already looking forward to the 2012 Olympics. ...and about the controversy with gymnastics - I guess we have to believe that the IOC will make the right decision and then remind ourselves that gymnastics, while entertaining to watch, is an inherently unfair sport. The winners and losers are always determined by opinions, rather than an objective scoring system. Whether the girls are of age or not, I don't know. I'm curious about how they explain why one of them was missing a tooth in the front. Still, one thing is certain - based only on their performance, they deserved the gold.
  6. scubaman3D

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Thats not what I've read, and you're not necessarily correct about the prices either. I just ordered a 4850. My last card was an EVGA 8800GTS - which fried within 1 year. From the information I've seen, the Radeon 4850 is more analogous to the 9800 GTX or GTX +, and its cheaper. I have read an overwhelming number of reviews and recommendations which say the 4850 is the best bang for the buck in the "Under $200" price range - and I'm an NVIDIA fanboy. Am I nervous about this ATI card? Sure, but I figured I'd take the chance on this one.
  7. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    I take it you didn't read my whole response. The conclusion I made was that Hitler was far worse than Stalin - because of his motivation and ambitions. Also, I'm not really being dogmatic about it - I can see the opposite point of view. Lighten up my friend. You can post a thesis about your ideas here but at the end of the day, what will you really achieve? edit: after further review...I think you have some pretty twisted ideas about life and death.
  8. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    The CIA, MI5/6, Mossad, BND, and the Salvation Army must be after him. Don't worry, I'm sure the FSB will protect you.
  9. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Some might argue that its worse to kill one's own people. If you have that much indifference to life, you will not hesitate one second to kill somebody else's people. In sheer numbers, I think Stalin was probably worse than Hitler - in that he killed more people. In motivation, however, Hitler was far worse because of his ambitions. Makes for an interesting discussion anyways.
  10. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Interesting. Where did you find that info?
  11. scubaman3D

    Original Ghost Recon

    Why bother with gathering opinions. If its free, try it for yourself Personally, I loved it at the time - and of course its dated now but the crazy part is people are still playing it online. And with regards to how it compares with OFP, they are very different. I'd say OGR is more similar to Rainbow Six than it is to OFP. The story is a bit more realistic (as evidenced by recent events) and focuses more on small unit tactics, CQB, ambush and assault. OFP is a bit more of an RPG, and is more about larger scale, pitched battles.
  12. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Heh, strange, that you're going to defensive stance as I wasn't threatening you and I never named you with words like "chump" or something like that. "Russophobian" could hardly be compared to title you just gave me. I'd agree with "american hater" title in exchange as I'm the one. And it's really all the same for me, how do you think about me. I know myself and I know, what I cost. Repeated it many times, and will repeat it once more - dog is barking, caravan is moving. So say whatever you like - it just prove my thoughts, that you're a stereotyped redneck yank. About Su25 pilot...thanks. Another great anecdote. Aren't you, by any chance a constant writer of humor column in newspaper? Nice ninja edits - I read your first two edits already. To respond to your ORIGINAL post. You threatened Spokesperson in an attempt to intimidate him into silence. You said you would "bash" him. I doubted that this would quell him from responding, and indeed it hasn't. I just wanted you to be certain that such juvenile remarks will not intimidate me either. And though I don't appreciate your ongoing little jabs against me personally, I would like to welcome you back to the realm of ideas. To start with, I agree with you to a point – where people in a free society are [indirectly] responsible for the actions of their government, if they fail to hold their leaders responsible for their bad choices. In Russia, however, there are a couple things to consider. First, the people's opinions are very much influenced by the state-run medium. The propaganda that Russian media turns out is shameless in comparison to what you will consider the 'propaganda' of the BBC or CNN.  It's like having every station be FOX news, but worse.  This means that the Russian leader's decisions are routinely defended by the state medium, which portrays world events in such a way to serve their leader's needs. In other words, the truth is less important than public opinion. The second thing I look at is the presidential elections in Russia. In the lead up to the election, there were various reports of intimidation of opposition candidates and corruption at the polls. In addition, the Russian government slashed the number of visas that would be issued to OSCE monitors. This caused the election monitoring group to cancel their plans to observe the election. I'm not sure how it ended, but I don't think OSCE recognized the election as being legitimate. By the way, guess what Russia media then said about OSCE: that they were really just a US entity intending to sabotage the election. This is patently absurd and it is not freedom. Finally, I also look at the disenfranchisement of Russian citizens of the right to vote in gubernatorial elections. Putin is now appointing all of Russia's local governors - something that should never happen. Does the great puppet master (i.e. Putin) really understand at his lofty position in the Kremlin, what the needs at the local level actually are? I think not. Now do you understand why I feel the government is moving back towards an authoritative system? You think I'm paranoid – but I am just forming an opinion based on what I see being reported from both sides. Anyways, if you read nothing else of my post, read this: All that was to say that I don't hold a grudge against the people of Russia. I love the people that I am friends there – despite their personal opinions. Hell, part of me would like to become a dual citizen. I think that Russia has a lot to offer the world – just it would be nice for society there to become more open and free – and how can anybody argue against more openness and freedom? Oh, and I'm not sure what you're trying to say about the SU25 pilot... Respond intelligently, or not at all because I'm wasting my time on you, I know.
  13. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    I certainly hope you're not talking about me. My wife is Russian and as I have said, I travel there frequently. I have family there. I love the people and the culture. The food is great too. And I've seen people like you there...those who can't separate the difference between people and government. I've faced a drunken SU-25 pilot and his buds there and I'm not afraid of some internet chump like you. You've crossed the line here. I haven't said a single bad word about you and this is your second personal attack against me. And anyways, saying things like this just makes you look narrow minded - which plays well to the stereotype. :P
  14. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Do me a favor - shut up your dirty mouth, churl. I'd bash you up for such words if we meet in the street... You can discuss the systems, but saying, that somebody's country is shit is too heavy statement for you, darned revolutioner. Finally! Something we can agree on
  15. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    I'm not really sure what you meant by the dogs but listen, I'm not trying to take this personally and I'm certainly not trying to offend you. We're simply discussing ideas. I'm sorry if I upset you but you're teetering on crossing the line here. You're no longer addressing my ideas, but attacking my character. It would be better for us to stop now.
  16. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    oh, well if a bunch of chumps on the internet say it...then it must be true. @NSXr Are you saying I'm wrong - that Russia dosn't mind NATO expansion into CIS countries? Russia obviously still views NATO countries as enemy long after the cold war ended. If Russia honestly feels threatened by NATO expansion to the east, then we can only assume that either Putin, his puppet Medvedev, and all of his ex-KGB buddies are paranoid, or Russia has ambitions that they feel NATO would be against - i.e. expansion westward. Hell, Russia can hardly be considered a democratic country any longer. The Russians I have talked to on my trips there all feel disenfranchised by the massive corruption in the government. I don't even know if the EU ended up recognizing your election of the puppet as legit after all the controversy at your last election. Really, for me to continue arguing in this thread is an exercise in futility. No matter what, there are those who will take the anti-American line, and thats fine. What I really hope is that my family will still be able to immigrate to the US, despite the souring relationship between the US and Russia.
  17. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Its not at all like the Cuban missile crisis. Then, Russia was installing offensive, nuclear weapons just miles off of our coast. Here we are installing a weapon to DEFEND against a nuclear attack. I think that is significantly different. It should also be noted that these defensive systems can't even touch the current generation of Russian ICBM technology. Russia is simply paranoid. They want to control the CIS countries once again and resent the growing western (NATO / US) influence there. The fact that Russia still feels threatened by NATO speaks volumes to me.
  18. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    Well one good thing is that you'd finally shutup But on the other hand, in your place will come those that will be just like you but will stand for freedom instead of tyranny - and you will crush them and suppress their ideas and beliefs because, after all, they are different from yours.
  19. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    They have UAVs hombre...remember when the Russians shot a Georgian UAV down? Thats how they were keeping an eye on the Russians at the border. And talk about flawed logic...the Georgian military was never massing at the border of Russia. PS, the USSR doesn't exist anymore...didn't you get the memo
  20. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    I think you're speaking of things about which you know very little. For every 1 tank, there are probably 5 other vehicles that need to be mobilized in support. Russia probably had to move nearly 1000 vehicles to the border along with likely 5-10x the number of support personnel and this isn't something that can be done very quickly. Real war isn't like ArmA. It takes weeks or months of planning and gathering intelligence to mobilize a force like this. On top of that point, Georgia had been complaining for many weeks now that Russian troops were massing at their border - indicating this invasion of a sovereign, democratically elected country, by Russia, was pre-planned. This is classic USSR cookbook shit.
  21. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    These are apples and oranges. You are comparing two unlike things. Besides, we are not talking about the USA or Israel, we are talking about Russia. Don't change the subject. And given Russia's history of war since WWII, I would say "Doing the job like we want" includes war atrocities and shameless propaganda as part of the repertoire. And indeed, they are quite skilled at this.
  22. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    um...shto? As a minor point, that was a BBC video, not CNN. But I'm confused by your other statements. Nova Scotia is a Provence in Canada, which I'm sure you're aware, is not a 3rd world country. Second, what does the Taliban have to do with Georgia? Also, I think we're capable of having a more intelligent conversation than "my country could beat your country in a war..." Russia invaded a sovereign, democratically elected country on the pretense of "defending civilians". This is ridiculous and simply is not consistent with their actions. Dropping unguided weapons in exclusively civilian populated areas is resulting in many civilian deaths. Lets face it - Russia has one of the most horrifying human rights records of the last 100 years and they aren't exactly the beacon of freedom and integrity in the world.
  23. scubaman3D

    International Politics Thread

    It really boils down to this: Russia says "We're protecting civilians", especially in SO, but their actions suggest otherwise. They drop bombs on Georgian marketplaces and civilian buildings and pretend that they are taking the moral high road. The have also opened a 2nd front in their war against Georgia, indicating to me that they intend to topple the government. Whether Georgia is innocent or not, one thing I know for sure. This invasion by Russia has been obviously in planning for months. They just had to wait for their excuse. edit: I went on a couple Russian news website and I was shocked at the pro-Russia, anti-western/US propaganda bullshit that was there. Its shameless and I am stunned that people are so easily fooled by it. Headlines: "Russia: Again Savior of Peace and Life" "USA approves Georgia’s aggression against South Ossetia and Russia" "US hampering Russian peace efforts – Putin" Excerpt from an article: "US instructors have spent four years training the Georgian army for an ATTACK AGAINST RUSSIAN CIVILIANS." My mother-in-law, who lives outside of Russia, said that the state-run media is telling its people that the Georgian government is carrying out bombings against its own people so that they can blame it on Russia. All of this is absurd. My wife and I have a saying whenever we visit faimily there: TIR - "This is Russia"
  24. scubaman3D

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Actually, its too small. I measured it in O2 and came up with 147mm x 65mm (length/height) and the real thing is 153x71 - though you're right, the DR is smaller than the C79A2.
  25. scubaman3D

    Advanced Combat Environment

    yeah, considering that Ghost Recon 1 had this ability back nearly 10 years ago - you'd think that games these days would as well...