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Everything posted by scubaman3D

  1. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    To me and nearly every person I know, and apparently 60% of voters...yes. [/seriousness] You think you know because you watch TV. Anyways, new topic. Since obama was elected president. I submit we can now eliminate all the reverse-discriminatory policies that were instituted in the US. The election shows that America is no longer influenced by race and therefore, I think affirmative action policies, which are essentially institutionalized racism against non-minorities to "level the playing field", are no longer needed.
  2. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    it would appear that they are the only ones so completely obsessed with race.
  3. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I think its their trademark, actually.
  4. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    no, I meant 2.
  5. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I'm going to have to agree with that.
  6. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well hopefully we can contain the damage until the next election in 2 years.
  7. scubaman3D

    Binkowski's Weapon Pack

    yeah, you definitely can't hit anything outside of 50m IRL with no rear sight. You just can't be sure you're centered with the front without a rear peep. Of course, this technically isn't a problem in ArmA, since you're always centered, no matter what because of the "eye" axis in the mem lod.
  8. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Cars kill more people per year than guns do. Should we make cars illegal too? You have made a ridiculous argument. A gun is an object and therefore holds no moral value. A "gun" is just as moral as a marshmallow, a piece of rope, or a coffee mug. Abortion is an act, made after a decision is reached to terminate the developing baby and therefore. Such a decision falls into the relm of ethics. "Guns" don't fall into ethics. Murder does. Also, I own several firearms. I got my first rifle as a gift for my 13th birthday. Its a .22LR and its still a beautiful gun. I have never and will never point that rifle at anybody.
  9. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    It was expected but
  10. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Take some of your own advice and lighten up my friend. It was a poor attempt at humor. Who do you know in the US will say "neigh" in a serious context?
  11. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Ok, as long as you would vote for him begrudgingly - I can accept this Anyways, I blame it on the 24hr "news" cycle for all of these ridiculous stories about the campaign. Nobody asks really tough questions about the issues and principles the candidates stand for. CNN included, neigh - CNN especially.
  12. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Those with no intelligent arguments to make will always resort to insulting their opponent's intelligence.
  13. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I have to admit, I'm really nervous about tomorrow. Imagine the ridicule I will face here if Obama wins
  14. scubaman3D

    Special Forces Detachment Alpha

    Thanks, but not likely any time soon.
  15. scubaman3D

    Binkowski's Weapon Pack

    Everybody starts somewhere vilas. You don't have to be a dick about it. @Binkowski The point vilas so elegantly made was that you should try to come up with something a bit more original. There are some people here who made a name for themselves by cutting/pasting/retexturing the BIS weapons (i.e. Aimpoint and wipman). And by the way, now we apparently know how vilas feels about those individuals as well. Something interesting might be an MK12 SD, M4 with EoTech sight, M16 w/CompM2, M249 w/CompM2 or SD or para version, etc...
  16. scubaman3D

    Special Forces Detachment Alpha

    I turned up the cheese for this one. Are you one of the millions of people world wide who thought an Aimpoint would be nice for use on your SCAR L or H? Well look no further:
  17. I turned up the cheese for this one. ga...picts coming soon - experiencing technical difficulties
  18. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    @NoRailgunner - I don't get the connection @MehMan - yes, you're right. Freeloaders are lazy - by definition I think. define: freeloader @Second - not igggnoraant...ignant. Â
  19. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    because commies-r-bad. That and the fact we resent freeloaders.
  20. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    dude, I'm not taking a position, I'm clarifying a point. Detonating a nuke would not be in order to demonstrate a will to "commit atrocities", rather deter conflict in the long run by an aggressive action. Thats the argument. If you need me to assuage your fears that I am disagreeing with you, let me say that I don't think it would be a good idea to detonate a nuke - not just now anyways.
  21. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You don't have to apologize if you're never wrong I agree that freedoms appear to be eroding and will continue to do so under our next president, Barak Hussein Obama. There are different kinds of freedoms. Under Bush, we traded personal freedom for the illusion of national security. Under Obama, we will trade economic freedom for the illusion of economic security. Either way, I say we're screwed in the long run. And the point about the nuclear detonation is to deter conflict, not demonstrate a desire for it.
  22. scubaman3D

    Special Forces Detachment Alpha

    yep, and the fix I had in mind is basically exactly what you're suggesting.