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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Seize zones WWII (SP)

    Great, i have been looking for ww2 missions
  2. sparks50

    Sahrani Life

    Armed workers wont open fire on anyone really, So they dont pose a threat to the cops Civs saving up cash and guns as a cop and then switching back to civ again is really a concern, they don't even have to transfer the cash to another civ, as the money on bank is saved on server and stays when the client switches sides.
  3. Full freedom would be nice. Why even bother rolling down the windows?
  4. sparks50

    ArmA Turkish Mod

    Havent seen that before, here in Norway we use hk79 on our ag3¨s.. Strange
  5. sparks50

    ArmA Turkish Mod

    Looks good, Ill love to get my hands on them G3s
  6. sparks50

    Escapist article on Arma

    Thats awesome, i cant believe how i missed that The guy doing those reviews is a genius IMO
  7. sparks50

    Wip-m4a1's pack v1.0

    Do they really put ACOGs on m249? Thats awesome, i love it
  8. sparks50

    Wind deflection

    How does this affect actual game play in coop/sp? Sounds good btw
  9. sparks50

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    -Render map, not photoshopped
  10. sparks50

    Saltbeach Island

    I got some blueish beaches too, Got a 8800 GTX. Its not too notable though
  11. sparks50

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Thats awesome, Do you plan to do any stealth MTB¨s? Spesificly a Skjold class patrol boat: Anyway, cant wait to see the navy in arma
  12. sparks50

    arma bmp-2 screens

    Didnt take too long to take these. Now stare your eyes out http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1969/arma2008012917051198mb4.jpg http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/1649/arma2008012917054584zz2.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/9352/arma2008012917061487ae0.jpg http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9615/arma2008012917063943qx6.jpg http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/7851/arma2008012917071773sv6.jpg http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8831/arma2008012917074121di2.jpg http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5927/arma2008012917065964fu4.jpg
  13. sparks50

    CiA co-op night

    Sounds like fun, realism is key as said
  14. sparks50

    zGuba's RACS nationality fix

    My guess is that the reason for so many Arabic-looking buildings (and that Arabic-sedan) is to make it cheaper to port to VBS2(with their war VS "terrorists" to train troops to)
  15. sparks50

    Civil War mod- requesting help

    Yea, haven't been updates for some time now.. Cant say how happy I am that this great mod is finding its way to Arma, Keep up the great work
  16. sparks50

    Isla de Pollo

    Looks kinda Scandinavian. I like the big ofp-like fields, and i love the fact that all houses are enter able. By air:
  17. sparks50

    Doolittle CTI

    Its awesome your still working on this, Thanks
  18. Great tool, I wont be going back to any other addon launcher, thats for sure
  19. sparks50

    Sahrani Life

    just press "F" untill you get back to the selected weapon, then press "R" Takes sconds I think he knows that
  20. sparks50

    Interface and control cleanup

    The double tap feature in Arma is great, I find myself missing it in other games
  21. whats the changelog for 1.19? great mod
  22. sparks50

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    "I think I got em all sir" -Vilas ww2 units
  23. sparks50

    Jonny´s Marines

    Are these use able in public Evo servers?
  24. sparks50

    USA vs SLA conflict real life

    Luxembourg? (is very small) Luxembourg is 7-10 times bigger and they still havent launched war on France
  25. sparks50

    USA vs SLA conflict real life

    Luxembourg? (is very small) Luxembourg is 7-10 times bigger and they still havent launched war on France