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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yup, its a individual thing.
  2. Great stuff, Good luck BI.
  3. sparks50

    Just Another Lighting

    Looks pretty good
  4. Nice rant. I do think this topic has some productive elements to it though.
  5. sparks50

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Arma needs some patience, and gets better with mods. But when it shines, it really shines and there is no competitors to it, possibly excluding Flashpoint itself. What really would make my day is a gameplay video with active fire-fights against AI showing this. So far I have only seen that video of squadmates standing stationary behind columns waving for communication.
  6. sparks50

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    The pictures are too big for BIs shitty forum, I resized them for you. http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/7713/01549110mr6.jpg http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/7792/01549111qe4.jpg http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/4336/01549112iw2.jpg http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/7514/01549113ci8.jpg
  7. sparks50

    RH weapons

    Cant wait for that pistol update
  8. sparks50

    Parachute BUg

    What mission is it, and could you explain exactly where it happened?
  9. sparks50

    ArmA greater view distance?

    Haggis, the view distance can be set in the mission file, but if you set it too high then people with bad computers wont be able to run it. Heres a tip, if it is allowed on the server, use this addon: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3186 to set your own viewdistance. it overwrites the settings in ALL mp missions.
  10. sparks50

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Press the image button right above the textbox.
  11. sparks50

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    Jason its probably the engine of Black Elements Alpha prime, jugding by the art.
  12. sparks50

    USEC C130 Hercules

    That looks great. Any plans for a gunship version?
  13. sparks50

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    7pm CET?
  14. We need to do like Project Reality and severely punish the ones walking alone. Thats the only way to get teamplay. Battlefields Squad-voice system wouldnt be bad either, we already have a VON, now all we need is to force people to squad up together.
  15. sparks50

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    He is from the machine world. Or hes just good in what he is doing Looking nice Rip.
  16. sparks50

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    Hah, awesome. Once again, good luck to the people in Czech.
  17. sparks50

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    No more Arma games in a while after Arma 2 then I guess. Command sounds like a pretty interesting game after what I am reading on Wikipedia, good luck to BI on that.
  18. sparks50

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    No more Arma games in a while after Arma 2 then I guess. Command sounds like a pretty interesting game after what I am reading on Wikipedia, good luck to BI on that.
  19. sparks50

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    If its not common knowlege already, it is confirmed that ArmA 2 will be displayed at Games convention next week.
  20. sparks50

    Significant TrackIR price drop

    You can buy it from Norway Inkompetent. http://www.flightsim.no/shop/index.php?cPath=51 949 NOK = 180 USD.
  21. sparks50

    OTOY and new Photoreal virtual World

    I think he means that the brick walls have 3D depth, and are not solely a texture.
  22. sparks50

    Open GL 3.0 - out soon

    Aw, when I read about this in december I thought they were gonna rewrite GL from the start, but when reading that forum, they had only added some features.
  23. sparks50

    This game  borders on being a farce.Need AI mod.

    Im not known to be very patient so I finished the mission by grabbing one of the tanks and cause mayhem
  24. sparks50

    Open GL 3.0 - out soon

    Would be great to see this widely used in game making.