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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Island Lemnos

    When BI gives you Lemnos Sorry. Looks like the best BI island yet! I hope what they said about all houses being enterable is true.
  2. sparks50

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    I was thinking about the other statistics than the total number of views Pufu. But yes, you probably shouldn't read to much into it in regards to accuracy.
  3. sparks50

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    E3 trailer audience comparison, but you probably shouldn't read too much into it as the accuracy may wary. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/24/arma3a.jpg/
  4. Didn't care much about this game when it was announced, but after seeing the gameplay in the Gamespot stream, I am sold. Looks like a lot of fun. Also I cant seem to find this BI visit in the stream again, is there a problem with the links?
  5. sparks50

    ArmA III Website, video and new pictures

    Exactly, all the reactions from community members on Codies CGI trailers, and now here we go :p Oh well, as lame as it is, we will probably get in game footage when it is ready.
  6. sparks50

    When will we see a trailer ?

    The helicopter scene almost looked a bit like it was projected on another background, but the skies looked good if it is ingame. The explosion looked a bit post processed too, but who knows once you start opening that can of worms known as CGI trailers.
  7. sparks50

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Arma 3 teaser trailer DKKbisvGspQ
  8. sparks50

    SimCopter anyone?

    I remember SOSC being a Interstate 76 ripoff:p Simtower was good though.
  9. sparks50

    Cover system for Arma3?

    Good first person cover systems: Call of Juraez 2, Red Orchestra 2. Its not hard to use cover In Arma 2, but it could have been more immersive. With a headtracking device you can lean down a bit dynamically, something I find myself using more and more.
  10. sparks50

    LA Noire

    Id love LAN and RDR on the PC. Perhaps ill buy a cheap 360 with some used games when the Xbox 720 comes out.
  11. There are some images of opfor here. http://projectreality.myphotoalbum.com/view_album.php?set_albumName=album08&page=2 Looks like the stock OA taliban guys.
  12. Perhaps what he meant was the explosive Raufoss MP 12.7mm round that has been causing some controversy.
  13. Your not the first one to do so Juzzy :) I have never played Simcopter, and reading the description I was first reminded of Search and Rescue 4.
  14. Invasion and liberation are two different mods Dice.
  15. Id like something in the infantry section that would separate it a bit more from Arma. Perhaps a detailed reload animation, hands that holds vehicle/static machine guns, some sort of small detail that sets it a little bit apart.
  16. sparks50

    Take On Helicopters - 'Pre-LC' Announced

    Best april fools I saw today. Nowadays, every game must have zombies in it :D
  17. sparks50

    Mount & Blade: PC RPG.

    So the trailer is basicly for a standalone retail release of a mod? Weird, I was hoping taleworld was going for a high budget release with cutscenes etc.
  18. sparks50

    Mount & Blade: PC RPG.

    A new Mount & Blade game is on its way. You have to see the trailer, its fantastic. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/01/31/mount-blade-with-fire-and-sword-announcement-trailer http://pc.ign.com/articles/114/1145516p1.html
  19. Im all for a limit that stops people from going on ridiculously long swims which I very often do when playing BF2. but it really sucks to be surprised by this limit, begging for the gear to still be there when you reach the shore. Thats not fun. It would have been nice to get an indication on how long you can keep swimming before you loose your gear.
  20. Nitpicking: Some countries don't have age restrictions for video games, I know at least Norway dont.
  21. sparks50

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    Wrong forum section. I like how they use VBS 2 in their youtube tags though.. As for fanboyism, I think most players would welcome any good competition in our narrow niche.
  22. I havent done any math, but its common sense to compare prices and not be blinded by discounts.
  23. sparks50

    Insane keyboard commands

    Yes, it is pretty complex for a modern game. Grab only what you need as you go, you'll only need one prone key and definitely not salute. WASD is the standard, and if you dont adopt it, your going to have to reconfigure a lot of keys at install, thats just how it is. Also your in the wrong section, this is for Arma 1.
  24. sparks50

    Newbie and TrackIR questions

    Doublepress shift to turn on/off ready walk mode, doublepress W to sprint. I don't consider TrackIR to be important unless you fly a lot of planes or helicopters. Some find trackir in infantry to be more disorienting than useful. Also this is the Arma 1 section of the forum, you may have noticed its a bit dead here..
  25. sparks50

    Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

    If you like the BF2 pr mod, theres a version of it on the way for Vietnam. i9XiGa5WBLs