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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. The first version of this mission is ready for release, see the first post for details.


    PS: I've been out of the editing game for some time now, so I'm very rusty. Not that I was ever that great to being with! Expect some issues and bugs. Hopefully they're not too bad and you still enjoy the mission.

    • Like 1

  2. I'm working on a mission where the player's tank platoon is part of an operation to create and exploit a breach in a defensive line.


    The player's unit is on overwatch on elevated ground while an Arbams, Bradley and M113 (representing combat engineers) move up to the tank trap fences to clear them.


    Since combat engineering vehicles aren't represented in OFP/CWA very well, I simply delete the fences once they reach their destination.


    I'm probably limited in what can be done, but is there a better way of simulating obstacle clearance? Maybe something to make it seem as if the engineers have blown the obstacles? Open to ideas!

  3. Hi all


    I'm currently working on a mission featuring STGN's great Abrams addon. The mission involves the player and the rest of the tank platoon breaching a defensive line and capturing a position.








    ETA, when it's done (soon hopefully).




    Version 1.3 released.


    Download - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_F3rXwcWPGpew3S2BN_AdJ35qTd7J1Qb/view?usp=sharing




    Welcome to the readme for the Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault created mission 'Breach and Clear'.

    Version 1.3


    Copy the mission pbo file into your missions folder, which is somewhere such as:

    C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\missions\

    This is an unofficial mission - you know the drill!  Use at your own risk.


    The mission was based on the scenario in this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7tiNF4RwmQ

    It features the player as a tank commander. The platoon the player is in is tasked with conducting a breach as part of a Mechanized Infantry and Armour Company Team.

    Created in OFP v1.99 Mac port by -Snafu-.  Please contact me on the official forums or on the OFPEC forums if you have any questions, problems, comments or words of congratulation.

    Official Forum thread:



    Sometimes the AI tanks covering the breach move to engage infantry when they shouldn’t.

    There are probably various other issues that will pop up when others play. I’ve been out of the mission editing game for a while, which means my skills are rusty. Not that I was ever great to begin with!


    STGN’s M1A1 Abrams addon - https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/200902-merry-abramas/


    - Updated overview and readme
    - Updated init script
    - Added !canFire to mission triggers to avoid 'last loon' problem
    - Fixed typo in radio chat
    - Fixed mission.sqm errors
    - Added saveGame once airport is cleared
    - Increased duration of artillery bombardment

    TO DO



    STGN for his M1A1 Abrams addon
    JdB for his help with the breach idea
    Chris Henderson for his editor app.
    The various people who have helped me with editing questions over the years.

    21 May 2020


    • Like 4

  4. Are there any groups or people still playing coop?


    I've been playing OFP since 2001 but I wasn't part of the community until 2006 when I got access to fast enough internet (and bought Resistance) to download addons, then Arma hit the shelves later that year so I never really got around to trying coop in OFP.


    I would like to finally play some good coop games, maybe with WGL, WW4 EXT, or with classics like FDF mod and the old Tonal.

  5. On 3/15/2017 at 10:46 PM, tom34 said:

    `Use properties on steam then Set run oprions, the same like in BAT file.


    Sorry, my knowledge is limited. What do you mean? Mods which change the skies, like Kegetys' high resolution skies, are (as far as I know) installed by launching a batch file which uses cpbo.exe to replace textures/models within the data and data3d pbo files. Since you can't run an exe on MacOS, this would probably mean you have to use something like Wine to somehow do it, which is is possible by launching explorer.exe from the Wine dos prompt (simply type explorer.exe and hit enter) then navigating to the batch file (or exe installer if you want to install a mod) and double-clicking it to launch.


    On 3/16/2017 at 5:32 PM, retrocz said:

    Is there dedicated server also included for Linux?


    I don't think so, I can't remember seeing any reference to a linux dedicated server. Would love to be corrected!

  6. On 3/15/2017 at 6:11 PM, tom34 said:

    User files is stored in "/home/username/.local/share/vpltd/ArmaColdWarAssault/SavedGames/tom34" i see "UserInfo.cfg" file in this folder so its possible to use Faguss tweaks and tricks. "mpmissions" are saved there as well.



    I bought the game, curiosity got the better of me


    The setup is a bit different for the Mac version.


    As you say, his aspect ratio does work, but Fwatch is an .exe you need to use to launch CWA with to access the advanced features of aspect ratio.

  7. You would hope that gets rectified.


    How does it handle mods? What about installing mods like ones that change the skies that are installed via a batch file? Is it possible to use Fwatch with it? Faguss' aspect ratio/widescreen patch centres the UI but requires Fwatch to do it.

  8. It's unfortunate there's no Steam play. I have CWA working well on PlayOnMac but I'm tempted to see how the port is.


    I was also hoping this would be an opportunity for a CWA update that included widescreen support among other things to make up for the recent widescreen update that didn't work.

  9. 10 hours ago, zulu1 said:


    Hi Old Friend


    I have this file https://www.mediafire.com/?39n48abo3e379ro


    This is what it's reported to do:

      Hide contents

    ECP Change Log -=- ECP Mod
    See individual change logs (addons) or header of .cpp files for detailed changes.

    1.086 - 01.08.05 (Komuna)

    * Updated config.cpp
     - Set class "Tank" destrType property to "DestructMan"
     - Tanks will no longer explode on full damage, but according to "BIG BARRABOOM" chance.
       They'll, instead, look disabled. The crew has higher chance of surviving.
     - The end-user is allowed to determine whether or not he wants this effect as is.

    * bug fix in "init.sqf"
     - Prevented infinite recursive calls for objects which crew is theirselves

    * Added bullet impact dust effect
     - Updated the database:
      - Added 212~216 index range to ECP_local
      - Updated ECP_resources index 49
      - Updated ECP_internal index 16
      - Updated "resources\HitDust.sqs"
      - Updated "eh_handler_fired.sqf"


    I have a couple of other config.cpp edits and updates, but I'm not sure how legit they are.


    There is also ECP_Redux but I only have v1.1 and a patch to 1.2. I missed the boat on the 1.3 release. If anyone happens to have that I would appreciate getting a link for it.

    Truly the largest collection of OFP files known to man, thanks mate! :)

  10. I'm on a Mac and using a Wineskin for CWA and so far it runs very well, much better than PlayOnMac.

    I've encountered a small problem in that only 1 modfolder is ever loaded. In the EXE Flags field I have the following:

    -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT -nosplash -nomap

    I get this in the log:

    sh: WW4_EXT: command not found

    Does anybody know what's wrong? I'm going in blind here.


    Scratch the above. You need to use -mod= for every mod for it to work.

  11. Well, seeing as the political leader behind the "Yes" campaign is a frakking idiot who keeps spouting lies and pushing the most optimistic projections he can find as the facts, I can only see bad times ahead if they do vote for independence. Either way, half the country will be pissed at the other half. Though at this point the "No" people are fairly civil while the "Yes" people appear to be fucking assholes, with the majority of what I've been seeing on FB and twitter being them talking about planning to intimidate voters, etc.

    You haven't got the slightest clue.

  12. Not a request but I wasn't sure where to put this.

    If you're looking to make some topical missions I found a number of Ukrainian military addons here. I wasn't aware of this site before so I posted it here just in case others weren't either.

    There are also a couple of Ukrainian addons at good old ofp.info, which might also be at the site above (not sure).

  13. I am trying to get some mods/addons to work.

    Any luck so far?

    I think it might be possible to do so with a custom launcher like Kegety's one.

    You would install the program, launch it, point it to the CWA exe and then specify which mods you want to run and also be able to use the -nomap and -nosplash commands.

    If that is successful then the only big problem left is mods with .bat files, for example, installing new sky textures and such.

  14. I haven't tried to get mods running yet. I'm not sure how to add -mod= but I hope there's a way. Unfortunately, the documentation for the software isn't vastly detailed.

    I put in dxdll but forgot to give it a proper shot. I did notice the UI sharpen ability it has though.

    How was your mouse control? It was a little bit jittery for me when making small adjustments for accurate shooting and clicking.
