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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. The chance of Georgia winning was very small, Russia's victory was almost inevitable but to label it as "easy" overlooks the deficiencies experienced.

    Despite the rapid victory, the war itself exposed fundamental weaknesses and shortcomings in Russia’s armed forces...


    However, there is no doubt that the Russian forces have advanced far beyond the disorganisation of the 1990s after the collapse of the USSR.

    Russian mobility was arguably far superior to that seen in previous conflicts. Within 24 hours the deployed forces almost doubled in size even though Russia could not begin an immediate airlift, owing to Georgian air defenses.


    Russia did win but they lost an awful lot of planes for such a short operation.

    "It was remarkable that they shot down a number of Russian fighters, which Russia probably did not expect," said Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. Marcel de Haas, Russia and security expert at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.


    There was also a lack of sophistication during the opeartion unlike Western armies.

    "Initial reconnaissance was difficult," Anatoly Nogovitsyn, deputy chief of Russia's General Staff, told Reuters. "We will be introducing serious changes, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, for example."


    Communication systems and electronic warfare assets employed by commanders and frontline forces were obsolete, in many cases “unchanged since Soviet times.†The 58th Army commander, Lieutenant-General Anatoliy Khrulev, was reported to have communicated with his forces in the midst of combat via a satellite phone borrowed from a journalist, since communication between units was unavailable.


    A Google search will reveal a number of articles dealing with the performance of the Russian military. Here are a few:




    However, we are way off topic.

  2. Thanks. I have just went through them all and put up the best ones, however, some have modified characteristics from the stock BIS ones so there are going to be balance issues. I don't know about addon editing but I think config changes will fix them. There are also a number of addons that don't have desert versions such as the M60. I would love to re-texture them to a desert camo scheme but I don't have a clue where to start on that.

  3. Sanctuary's WW4 mod is the main OFP mod I am using. I love the desert units and the new desert Malden with the Libya vegetation. I don't really like using the standard woodland camo vehicles on the desert environments. I know there are addons like COMBAT! which are great but they require a lot of addons and take up a lot of HD space. I am looking for BIS vehicles and aircraft's re-textured into a desert camo scheme. What are the best of these?

    I already found this Desert 5t Truck pack:



    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2471 (Equipped with 2 Stingers, possible balance issue)


    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2472 (Equipped with 2 Stingers, possible balance issue)









    There are a bunch of desert armour addons and vehicle addons but there doesn't seem to be desert Urals, Bradley, M60 or UAZ. There are 3 Abrams addons by MAF, 1 with a crew addon (charcteristics not modified as far as I can tell) and two that are the same but have slightly different textures, however, these have changed armour, weapon values etc.

    Here are some more.

    East Desert Armour Pack:

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2854 (Simple re-texture, vehicle characteristics not modified)

    Desert M113:


    MAF Desert HMMWV:


    MTL Desert/Winter Jeep Pack:


    Desert Pavehawk:

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2414 (No FFAR version, characteristics modified, balance issues)

    Desert M1A1:


    Desert Vulcan:


    Desert BRDM:

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2820 (Iraq camo scheme though)

    All of this just taking up 32MB. :thumbs-up:

  4. I'm not trolling you matey, I have already stated that I don't care what you or anyone else calls it. You will not find posts of mine harassing people who don't get it right.

    You took me up on it, and asked me why I didn't use the same incorrect abbreviation that you do.

    If you don't care why make such an issue with the holier than thou attitude? Honestly, I couldn't think of anything more pedantic. Complete non-issue. Yet, you go on about how you are doing it the correct way when none of it actually matters, as OFP has been used by the community for years. You are neither right or wrong. People who use OFP are neither right or wrong. Nothing else to discuss.

    You took me up on it, and asked me why I didn't use the same incorrect abbreviation that you do.

    I didn't. I said to stop being so picky since OFP has been in use for years. It doesn't matter.

    Now you know.

    I think if you go back through my posts over the years you will find that I have consistently used a correct abbreviation rather than only in this thread and just to annoy you, or whatever you are suggesting.

    You haven't, which is clearly shown if you checked the link in my last post (I also quoted the part).

    There is such a thing as correct and incorrect English.

    Which doesn't matter in this case, for reasons mentioned earlier.

    There are also non native speakers on this forum who study English and may appreciate the correction even if you yourself do not.

    If they are studying English I am sure they will survive. I am sure they will get past the obstacle of the community standard abbreviation.

    It has always been a matter of professional pride for me

    Doesn't seem so.

    new scans from Playstation magasine

    Which leads me to believe you are just being pedantic for the sake of it. Hey, it's been a slow few days for me too.

  5. Here, OFp or OpF are correct abbreviations.

    A capital letter denotes the first letter of a word.

    Both Ofp and opf are incorrect.

    None of it is correct or incorrect. OFP is a community standard and it simply will not change, there is nothing wrong with it. Me thinks you are intentionally trolling as abbreviating it 'correctly' never seemed to be a matter of 'professional pride' until now.

    OFP did better in Europe because Codemasters had abysmal U.S. distribution...


    So lets just leave it at that and get on with what the thread is supposed to be about.

  6. Thanks, I'll give that a try.

    Spent most of Sunday making the second mission and just play tested it. I was sneaking up a hill and came face to face with a Russian soldier, quickly eliminated him but the AI didn't call for back up so I managed to escape back to a forest. Watched that patrol go by then quickly moved to the top of the forest and sneaked around there but got trapped between two bushes in a field when a patrol came by. I couldn't see past the bush so all I had to go on was their footsteps hitting the dirt. Closer...closer...then they stopped and quickly sped up. "Oh crap", I thought. They ran right past me up to a farmhouse. Phew.

    DAC rocks.

  7. Thanks for the link Sanctuary.

    I forgot to delete the outro part. I tried to get it to work but almost threw my computer out of the window in frustration. I found it much easier in ArmA.

    Anyway, tweaking the mission a bit more and that should be it done and dusted. Not sure how to make the AI at the outpost threatening, that's the only thing that's holding me back really.

    I'm already working out the next ww4 mission, using DAC to make it more challenging.
