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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. The sheer number of entities in OFF at least matches, if not out-weighs, those in A2. And you're forgetting that OFF also has numerous ground-based entities. That do a far better job of handling staying on a road, I might add.

    And given the performance of A2's AI entities in some regards, I have to wonder how their overhead can be even remotely justified.

    It's become pretty clear to me, from reading other far more knowledgeable posts than any I could formulate, that far from A2's engine being 'new' it's nothing more, in fact, than a re-hashed version of OFP's.

    CFS and A2 are completely different things.

    - The CFS world is nowhere near as detailed as A2s.

    - CFS is a flight sim while A2 covers infantry, air and armour - combined arms or mil-sim.

    - The AI for CFS will work completely differently than that of A2s

    - You can't play as armour in CFS

    - You can't play as infantry in CFS

    I might as well go on to a COD forum and rant about how it can't do large scale terrain with appropriate VD like FSX.

  2. But as we already appear to have established, it's not the terrain causing the appallingly bad performance in A2, the problem lays elsewhere. The terrain affects FPS only where it's visible on the monitor anyway, and we know from games like Crysis that far better quality terrain and flora than A2's give better FPS at far higher settings.

    All I'm hearing for A2 is one lame excuse after another, when in fact you should all be justifiably concerned with a company that is already devoting resources for an expansion while the original game runs like crap on top-level hardware. Which is why this is the third game with which they're pulling this stunt.

    Err, the terrain in A2 can be a drain on resources. Well, the trees and buildings. Both of which are highly detailed (unlike CFS3) and used throughout the map, often in close proximity.

    I ain't no "expert" such as yourself but this comparison with CFS3 seems a bit flawed.

  3. I am working in this area, atleast i think so. Currently making a small 5 x 5 km island based on terrain like the scottish highlands.

    Still have a lot of work in that area so dont hold your breath here. For me its a fun project. This weekend few people tested my terrain for lod issues etc. One of them made a youtube. Shows a bit of the terrain. yeah yeah horrible music :)


    With this and STALKERGBs Brit troops (be sure to make a Spoon one) all we need now is a Werewolf addon. :omg:

    yeah yeah horrible music :)

    Beautiful music you mean. ;)

  4. If you want MP play and all the addons and mods that are available you will need to get Resistance.

    Resistance is more than just a couple addons and a campaign. It also updated the engine that OFP runs on which is why most folks got it.

    You will probably struggle to find just the Resistance pack so get the GOTY edition. It contains everything, OFP, Resistance and the Red Hammer Campaign. Costs £4.99.


  5. I sort of took it as a given that Europeans generally hated the US (and Americans) for plunging them headlong into the Cold War (and more specifically for events like Vietnam and Grenada... to name a couple.) I grew up respecting my country's accomplishments on one hand, but feeling ashamed when viewed through the lens of European criticism on the other. I actually had a Czechoslovak teacher in third grade that spent 30 minutes telling my class how inferior Americans were to the communists one day--it didn't really have much effect on me until I was much older, but it definitely influenced the way that I viewed my country.

    Definitely not. That's not something I have came across. Most Europeans are Pro-American and if there is some negativity it is probably due to political factors ie the Germans and French are interested in a Europe as a world player next to the US (whereas the UK and some other European countries aren't interested in that). Otherwise, vast majority of Europeans like the US which is why US films and food and so on are popular here.

  6. I was in NYC in October just after it happened. We came across Ground Zero by accident. I remember the smell and seeing the remains of the towers. Missing posters were all over the site and Grand Central. I will never forget that.

    I was also in NYC earlier this year and visited the 9/11 remembrance which was next to a fire station with memorials, and the NYPD museum which had a section dedicated to 9/11. It was very touching.

    Never forget.

  7. Thought it was better to dig this up than start a new thread.

    EA have announced patch 1.50 for Battlefield 2. The patch will include both the Euro Force and Armoured Fury expansion packs for free, as well as a few fixes and updates.

    I got a lot of fun out of BF2. It's good for a bit of jump in, have your fun, jump out type of action when you're not in the mood or don't have the time for a whole afternoon of more demanding mil-sim type campaigning.

    I'm looking forward to playing with all the new toys.

    Ditto. I want to test the Challenger 2. I never expected EA to include EF and AF however. That was a surprise!
