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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. You shouldn't compare 18th and the end of 20th centuries. At that times it was rather hard to access to other countries' experience, law systems, economic doctrine and other information. Now it is very easy to get such information and use it in own country. So, what was needed 40-50 years to take effects in 17xx years, now needs 4-5 times shorter.


    One notice: so-called communist state (I mean what was USSR) could be a stable and successful itself. Without turning to capitalism totally, but gaining some of its sides in economy.

    China has done something similar, it has retained an authoritarian system with a capitalist economy. I don't think I would call it successful.

    Sorry, but I would say that we don't have democratic system at all. Oligarchy and plutocracy - maybe, but not democracy.

    Again, stable democracies don't happen overnight. No matter the time period.

  2. And that is where it might lead to the wrong path.

    Being a capitalist state started going wrong from Thatcher/Reagan era when banks and such were raised to a position where they're not responsible to anyone anymore.

    Look at the present economic turmoil which is the result of openly declaring greed as a virtue.

    My country is going to hell at the moment and all that the politicians are interest in here are the petty rivalries between different parties. Makes me sick to my stomach thinking of how it'll be when my son is old enough to try and find a job....


    As much as I hate Thatcher, Thatcher and Reagan didn't allow banks and other financial institutions to operate without accountability. Ever heard of laissez-faire? It was a policy on economics popular in 19th Century Britain but Thatcher never actually returned to such a policy although it was often referred to.

    Economic turmoil is nothing new and has been happening for hundred of years.

    Plus, when have most politicians not been interested in themselves and deriding the opposition parties?

    Everything changes, everything stays the same.

  3. Hm... I shoudn't say so, because I can compare life before 1991 and after. Before 1991 income structure in my country was far more balanced than now.

    Next year there will be 20 years as new democratic Russia exists. And still we almost don't have so called middle-class - the basis of truly socially-oriented and democratic society.

    In 1707 my country was a poor country and then it joined in union with England to form Great Britain for reasons I won't go into detail here.

    This union gave us access to the colonies England had around the world and allowed trade to freely move between Scotland and England.

    The economic benefits did not become noticeable until 40-50 years down the line.

    My point is that a communist state won't turn into a stable and successful democratic capitalist state overnight. It takes time and the former Soviet countries are still very young.

    If you want an example, the democratic system in Russia is still forming. A key sign of a stable democratic state is a two party system where two parties become popular enough to effectively dominate the political scene. At the beginning there were many political parties in Russia and if you look at it now there are less. A sign that it is maturing.

    If you expected to become like France, Britain or the US overnight, well, that was just not going to happen.

  4. Snafu

    Yes it's 100% legit, no worries. :)

    Great. :cool:

    The website did indeed appear suspect, but if its legit Wolle, than downloading!

    The Australian MOD did something similiar for VBS1, Australians in Vietnam. Also I'm not sure if it ever got released by I think they were at least going to give recruits VBS1 Lite as well.

    I posted on a video of Australians in Vietnam on YouTube asking about its release and was actually contacted by one of the development staff, at least I think it was a developer.

    I deleted that account so I don't have the PM anymore but it was developed for the ADF only, the public release was scrapped IIRC.

  5. iPad? How creative.

    I checked the link above and looked at the 50 Best Console Games page and laughed and almost cried at this.

    The first Modern Warfare game was good, but the new one racks the realism up a notch...


    Lets face it PC gaming in general is going down hill. Look at what we've seen over the past 5 years.

    Seems that way.

  6. Macs are overpriced for what they offer.


    I was in an Apple shop a few days ago and almost died of a heart attack when I saw the prices of their computers and what they offered.

    Plus, Apple is more of a fashion label these days.

  7. @Snafu

    You can for example use this:

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };
    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";
    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Local") };
    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Local.sqf";
    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Random") };
    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Random.sqf";

    Note: By using this way the "GL4_Global.sqf" "GL4_Local.sqf" and "GL4_Random.sqf" have to be inside of your mission directory.

    Why don't you change the settings directly in the GL4_Settings?

    Thanks, I'll try those.

    The mission I am making with it will be released and there are some features on GL4 that might break if not set a certain way. I just want to make sure the correct settings are used for those that download it.

    Also, thanks for GL4 it is a great piece of work. The mission involves moving across enemy terrioty to take out an important enemy asset. To test that the reinforcement was working fine with UPS I shot a guy in a village and the groups from the neighbouring ones quickly started the search.

    They moved fast and caught up with me using fire and manoeuvre until I died.

    Excellent. :eek:

  8. Oh, so this is something that lets you have some situational awareness? I've never seen that before.

    Yip. There was a lot of complaints about this back in the early ArmA days.

    Hmm, I wonder what Gunther has to say about this. Maybe some stuff, as you say, needs to turned off.

    I do have some ECS stuff to shut off:

    - burning when close to something on fire

    - all the first aid and "bleeding out" stuff

    - and probably more

    I kind of like the vanilla Arma first-aid functions believe it or not! :D

    Sacre bleu! :eek: :p

    Things may or may not conflict. I have 3 suppression systems running, GL3, SIX and ECS. So far I have not had any problems and the AI works well enough but I have yet to really experiment with that area. However, it is best not to have multiple scripts or addons running that do the same thing. It may stop any errors and will save system resources.

    I would go through and see what conflicts and then just have the one you like the best running.

  9. Hi all

    Back in the day of OFP there existed a realistic briefing template which gave you a nice realistic briefing to work off of for your mission.

    It was set out like:



    Friendly Forces


    Explained in this guide:


    Each section you clicked on would bring you to the relevant information.

    Was there one released for Arma 2? Or if anybody has created one would they be willing to share?

  10. I got the chance to play the WarMod for many hours yesterday and encountered many problems. Here's a list:

    - binoculars don't work (they come up part way and block your view)

    - most missions I played had a "content deleted" message

    - various error messages like "fuelstation or church is not an array". Errors that don't occur without the mod.

    - AT soldiers drop their M136s (always happens in one mission)

    - sometimes I can't assume command after dying. This is usually taken care of by hitting the 0 and 1 keys.

    - AI soldiers don't want to follow orders (maybe because these mods put them on "steroids"?)

    These are all things that don't occur when playing without the mod. I'll see if I can see which mod is killing the binocs.

    I am currently playing v1.14 Arma. Queen's Gambit is installed but I'm using the standard WarMod launch command without referencing QG.

    I got a lot of footage and am working on a couple of movies. The immersion using the mod is far beyond vanilla Arma.

    To bring up the binoculars right click or press Ins. A feature not a bug. :)

    Also, some mod stuff might conflict with each other. ECS and GL3 have a lot of features that crossover. I have a mod set-up similar to Warmod and I have kept ECS for environmental stuff and the wounding effects and GL3 for the AI enhancements. I did disable the GL3 AI combat tactics as I found it to be rather ineffective. It makes the AI stick together but because of other mods I use they still retain a sting. It may not work as my set-up is not the same as Warmod but you can still give it a try. Hopefully they should follow orders now.

  11. Thanks for that Sanctuary! Looks great and I'll put it in the next version.

    Thanks for the reports all. I'll make some changes.

    - Fill "gaps" between the DAC zones

    - Set it at night or at least with some level of darkness

    - Reduce the AI buddies you get

    - Bug fixes

    The spawning units are great! There is no predictability and it makes for a great mission.

    Thanks to the Dynamic AI Creator. One of the best things to come out for OFP.

  12. I started last night. I'm not getting very far...keep getting nailed by roving patrols or armor. This is a tough one, but so far no bugs or complaints.

    I'm experimenting with different strategies...barreling through with the truck (I made it to the boat, but with a truck-load of dead soldiers), on foot...we survive for a while, but gradually get killed off. I'm not giving up though...just need to work through it.

    Thanks for giving it a try.

    If it is too hard I have a few changes in mind that should lessen the difficulty but keep the challenge there.

    Also, if the soldiers are too much of a pain, I'll reduce them. I might just give you a medic with a sniper rifle and/or AT weapon.

    In the next version I'll add a voice for the one solitary line. Might also put in the health and stamina addon again.

    Yah i completed,by luck when i target bmp from t55 crew is dead.i get in as driver no one shoot at me i easliy completed this one.hurrah!


    I thought I removed most of the fuel from it.
