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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. CBA aside, any plans to ask if you can put the mod through SIX Updater? It would be great to keep that as a standard for mods distribution.

    If they are aiming PR to be as user friendly as possible, download and install, then that would not be such a good idea.

    They would be better sticking to the tried and trusted method that everybody is used to. I am not against six updater, just as long as it isn't released on the updater exclusively.

    My main concern is the headache Six Updater caused with updating and servers and players going out of sync every few days. I can imagine that being even more of an issue with such a PvP friendly focus. I'd rather see updates going on behind closed doors and a new download/patch every few months. Much less disruptive and confusing.


    Let's hope this thread doesn't go OT because six updater has been mentioned. PR has already had one thread disaster.

  2. @snafu:

    It's too bad you cannot appreciate that kind of freedom I spoke of.

    But that's your personal preferences. No problem.

    You don't understand.

    To the average user this "freedom" you talk about means absolutely nothing. People just want something that's simple and works. They don't want to know the code of the OS. They don't want to modify it. They don't want to have to stop using software they like because Linux can't run it. Remember the golden rule: KISS (keep it simple stupid).

    I have nothing against Linux/Ubuntu or whatever. I would gladly welcome another OS to the market. BUT considering the fact that you have to jump through hoops to get a lot of stuff to work and that some things may not work at all is a major put off. No amount "freedom" garbage talk will change that.

    For BIS to deliver their own OS would just put a lot of people off from buying it. It would be a disaster.

    And as I already said: The real committed BIS-gamer doesn't have the time to do other games. :eek: But if not: He can do like he always did: Buy and boot Microsoft ...

    I think the herb has influenced you a little too much.

    I have been playing BIS games since 2001. I still play OFP and ArmA, still make missions for them. I play BIS games more than others.

    I also play other games so to say that a BIS committed gamer doesn't have time to play other games is completely ridiculous.

    People tend not to play games because of the developer who made them, yes it will play a role but a very small one.

    For example, I like military games that have a sense of realism. That is why I play Close Combat, OFP, ArmA, ArmA 2, Wars in America, Panzer General, Allied General, The Operational Art of War, Combat Mission Shock Force etc.

    All good challenging games with a degree of realism and accuracy (not all are FPS). As much as I like ArmA 2 I would not play BIS games only. I am interested in military stuff which is why I play OFP, ArmA and ArmA 2. Carrier Command is being developed, at least partly, by BIS, however, I will not play it as I am not interested in science fiction.

    I guarantee that even the most ardent BIS fanboy would not just play BIS games. I bet there are only a handful, if any, that do.

    If BIS followed your advice and released an OS for ArmA it would mean that people could not play the other games that they like. Computers require a lot of maintenance and fiddling about with as it is. People don't want to bother with a dual boot for one game.

    It would be a waste of BIS stretched resources.

  3. How will BIS get the money when the OS is open source and free?

    Won't BIS lose resources (which must be pretty stretched at the moment) having to fiddle about with an OS? They probably have enough to do without that on top.

    People want a game, not an OS. I would say 90% of PC users don't care about this freedom and open source crap. Furthermore, other games won't work with it. So what's the point? You would need to dual boot. Plus, people already have word processing software. It just makes it a pain in the arse for people who don't care about this "freedom" bullshit.

  4. Funny, if this was an American or British operation gone wrong the whole forum would've gone "ah man, that's just the way things work in wars". But noooo, they're dirty little Taliban-apes that have no sense of logic. They probably sleep in their own poo as well.

    These are desperate men who use desperate measures. They lack training, education, equipment and a decent life. All they have is their fundamentalism. I don't defend them, but I can respect them for what they are just as I respect American soldiers. Maybe once you see past the imperialistic screen of shit you might be able to actually, you know, defeat them? Because if they're just poo crawling apes that don't know one thing about anything, how come they're beating the shit out of you?

    This is neo-colonial imperialism at its finest. You guys are no fucking better than the Europeans of the colonial hay-days of the 1800s.

    (How to make yourself immensely impopular in less than 200 words. Huzzah!)

    Generally speaking, strong countries take advantage of weaker countries for whatever reason. This is the way things have worked since the dawn of time. It's not nice but it's not downright evil (unless something genuinely nasty is involved) it is just the way things are and are likely to be for some time. I find it very rich that you are so critical of "empire" seeing as how other smaller/less involved western countries directly benefit from it. You do enjoy your lifestyle don't you?

    If it hadn't been European countries that sailed off to secure lucrative foreign markets and exploit other kingdoms/states it would have been the other way round.

    Oh and do keep up, supporting the opposing force and being naively idealistic hasn't been fashionable since the 1960s.

  5. Why the hell is everybody wanting every mod to be ACE compatible?

    It's not "One mod to rule them all, one mod to find them,

    One mod to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." for fraks sake.

    Agreed. Reading stuff like this:

    "Is it ACE compatible?"

    "Can you make it ACE compatible?"

    "Don't ask ACE to make x addon compatible, ask the developer of x addon to make it ACE compatible."

    Over and over again is really starting to get annoying.

    I44 mod will be a great experience in its own right without having to be made compatible with any other mod.

  6. I don't really understand this topic or why open source is talked about as if it is some sort of ideology.

    What I have learned is that HI doesn't use Windows as "they" might find out what dodgy videos he likes to watch on the internet.

    My opinion, as someone who doesn't give a crap about this OS rivalry, is that I am not interested in tweaking or jumping through hoops to get something working on a supposedly superior OS. I am not interested in fiddling about with a dual boot either.

    Yes, I like tweaking OFP and ArmA but that's because it's fun and enhances the experience of the game. It isn't a chore.

    Furthermore, when I buy a game I want a game. Not a game that comes with a bunch of software I am not interested in. I already have an OS that handles internet browsing, gaming and word processing sufficiently well and (largely) without hassle. "MilSim with OS?" I am not interested and most other people would likely share that view.

    IMHO, this would be a waste of BIS resources.

  7. Because it's a translator, they are never accurate ;)

    There is a website which runs your English input through translators to several languages and then back to English. Sadly I don't have the link anymore, but sometimes the output was simply unbelievably hilarious :D

    BTW, pathetic doesn't have any meanings close to bombastic.


    This one only translates English into Japanese. Then Japanese to English and English to Japanese and so on. :D

  8. hahahahahaha.... aaahhahahahahahaha.

    Believe whatever ya want mate. You Europeans underestimated us Americans way too much. It's amazing how hard we Americans fight when our lives & families are at stake.

    I really regret making that 1812 comment now. Dragged this blokes thread OT. Anybody who wants to learn about it can go read Hickey's Don't Give Up the Ship!

    *You have no idea how hard I'm fighting to keep from making comments about the french military. Luckily I'm still laughing.* :rolleyes:

    How original. Have you ever thought about being a comedian?

    Learn why the French military failed in 1940 and then go and learn about it's post war readjustments. After that you won't make such pathetic juvenile comments.

    If you want to respond take it to PM.

    Back to topic.

    As this mod is called Sharpe's Rifles have you considered adding music to go with it, StubbleHopper?

    You could have this as the main menu music:

    Or this:

  9. Hi guys!

    I'm wondering if there is any interest in a new map I *might* produce in the near future for ArmA 2, so I need your feedback. Inspiration for this map is an old 1997 game Interstate '76 made by Activision. A powerful story, great driving (for that time) and of course, scenery out of a classic movie Mad Max along with American Muscle Cars. SigmaSix made a great muscle car pack and hopefully we will see it in A2 too (or does the A1 content work, didn't test it yet?).

    In order not to breach any copyrights all material and map design would be made from scratch, brand new map design, no content whatsoever from game used.

    Desert would be the main theme with couple of gas stations and forts/outposts already pre-placed on map for mission makers to use them. Roads would also lead to high mountains with cliffs where bad driving gets you killed for sure.

    Map wouldn't feature any urban areas, it would be more like "post-apocalytic", maybe only one bigger army base and abandoned houses. Its a map that would be intended for talented mission makers who would recreate a "Mad Max" world for PvPvAI or Coop action. What do you think?

    I would be interested, I loved the first Mad Max. If the MFP patrol cars were released for it at some point as well that would be the icing on the cake (for me).



  10. Derk Yall - they are simply ignorants, typical to westernians - they think they know best, and anyone except them knows nothing

    in fact THEY know nothing

    How can you call us "westerners" ignorant when you paint us "westerners" with one big brush?

    You, sir, are the one who is ignorant.

  11. New game page interview. My thoughts - this is it? :) It was very short...

    Some stuff mentioned:

    - at some point youľl take a role of a tank crewman (Bradley)

    - new UAV (static, helicopter based)

    - some nice FLIR shots

    - countermeasures for aircraft, smoke screens for armor (AI using it too)

    - new radar system

    Be sure to check Deadfast's translation when it's done!

    You mean a helicopter UAV like this?


  12. I wonder if there are any package PCs that can compare to these genius rigs you lads come up with?


    Overclockers UK. That's where I got the parts for the PC I built. First time I built one and nothing went wrong...so far!

    They also offer ready built systems and bundles, just select Intel or AMD Gamer from the side menu, select a PC and you can change some parts about if you want.

    About Apple stuff, I looked into getting a laptop but the high price and lack of gaming options I went with windows.

  13. Why nonsense? Don't you think that speed of information exchange and ability to get it haven't changed through this time?

    The continuous development of technology and the increasing speed of communications does not mean that every process will be sped up. Complicated processes such as democratisation take time, regardless.

    Your theory would suggest that as time goes we will reach a position where things can take virtually no time at all. That's unrealistic.

    One of the most fast-developed economics nowadays with growing gold-currency reserves, isn't it success?

    For those in control of that authoritarian system, yes.
