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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. Sorry..... ;)

    Actually I just recently set myself back a few weeks work by bodily shifting the entire damned map 500m to the right, so it would include good 'ol Plancks hoose in Buckie... I'll make it a little "special feature"...

    The actual terrain goes a bit further south... includes Mull on the west, and about half of Dundee (dammit!) on the East, and a whole lot of Cairngorms nothing in the middle......


    Heh, no problem. :)

    Buckie is close enough to what my home town is like. I haven't been there since I was a kid when I visited the Buckie Drifter. Such a shame it's closed down. :(


    The inclusion of Buckie is a nice wee tribute to Planck.

    Good luck with the island, it will be great seeing an area so familiar in ArmA 2. :thumbs-up:

  2. Hi snafu

    thanks for the link mate. I downloaded it immediately. What a great story. yeah the original PG was still DOS made and therefore it's not running really perfectly on modern PC's. I loved playing through all the campaigns and I must admit I'm still enjoying playing it from time to time.

    Thank you so much for posting this link. you made my day.:D

    kind regards

    No problem.

    I am actually new to Panzer General, I just happened to stumble across PGF through some internet searches one day.

    I can see why it is still popular, very addictive and very challenging. :eek:

  3. Like this maybe??


    (bottom quarter of the terrain missing from this pic)...

    Don't hold your breath tho... it's still a long way from completion...

    Like Icebreakr said previously, the problem with most suggestions here, particularly the Urban-style maps, is a lack of suitable models...

    The reason Ice's last couple of islands are so distinctive is...? think about it... custom models - particularly vegetation... you see those trees and you're in Africa... you see those cacti - you're in the Arizona desert, or wherever... That's all down to Berghoff and his custom plant packs... Ice has cunningly retextured some Sahrani buildings for Duala as well - that helps a lot, but theres only so much you can do with retexturing...

    For "Urban USA" maps for example... what would you expect to see??? Shops, offices, Taco Belles, K-marts, Bank of America buildings, etc, etc, etc... the landscape, and even the vegetation is pretty unimportant in a map like that - the buildings are all that matters - if they're there and convincing - you have no trouble "believing in" the terrain... What you wouldn't expect to see in the Urban USA is a load of old, run-down Eastern European buildings and corrugated iron or wooden shacks and small houses... but, currently, thats basically all thats available...

    Now, Ice has been lucky with Berghoffs tree packs, but theres simply no "Buildings Berghoff" around in the community - so far...

    Marseille77 has worked steadily on his German Miscellaneous Objects pack and, though they're of no interest to me for my own personal project, I've made a point of wandering by his thread now and then and praising his stuff... gotta encourage that sort of thing - maybe he'll branch out and do a Brit objects pack (I'd looove that!;), otherwise I'm making 'em myself, but it all takes time), or maybe a USA objects pack... little familiar things are what makes you "buy" the reality of a terrain...

    But its all down to models, and model availability.... most island makers aren't necessarily modelling experts as well - though you gain a certain familiarity thru sheer necessity... If someone starts making distinctively Japanese, Ancient Inca Jungle, or Somalian, or Alaskan, or urban US, etc buildings and objects - you can bet there'll be an island or two immediately in the making, just to take advantage of them... Otherwise, the island may be a different shape - different town names - maybe even different trees, but they're all really just Chernarus with a different street layout... which is a shame, since islands take so long to make...


    I...I...wow! :omg:

    Just misses out my home town. :D

  4. Panzer General (1994) was one of my favourite strategy games. I'm still playing it today from time to time in case I need a break from BIS games. It' s just like "Risiko" for computer but a bit more complex and you can play all WWII theatres. It's not a 3D shooter, but I find it still amazing.:D

    kind regards

    Have you heard of Panzer General Forever?


    - Works on modern OS

    - Contains PG and AG

    - Comes with two WW1 mods.

  5. That's most likely because most of the countries you've described (with the exception of South Africa and some Caribbean countries) are Commonwealth realms. ;)

    Oh I know and you're right, but the connection to the 'Mother Country' doesn't hold as much sway as it did up until the 1960s. You can also through the Republic of Ireland into the mix; that's a big one I missed out.

    An accent or dialect of that of an individual from a Commonwealth realm.

    I figured that's what you meant I've just never heard the phrase before. :)

    Oh I know from personal experience, mate. Believe me. I've met people in the United States military from all over the world. Many, or most, enlist to obtain U.S. citizenship and become Americans. :D

    Interesting but we are going a wee bit OT here. :p

  6. I don't mind Cooper's voice actor, aside from the fact that he has a very thick Commonwealth accent. That British bloke would be nice, if he was actually playing a British character.

    If you thought Americans doing fake British accents were bad, try the reverse. Britons doing fake American accents. *Shudders*

    I mean, if BIS has access to British voice actors from England, why don't they add British units into the game, even in a basic or limited form? It's only logical.

    It's not unheard of for Brits to be in the US Army and back in Vietnam it wasn't just Rick Rescorla (he is the only famous one though). I think you would be surprised how much foreigners are serving in the US Army.

    Even in the British Army you will find Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, South Africans, blokes from the Caribbean etc.

    By the way, what's a Commonwealth accent? :p

  7. Great looking island Ice. :)

    However it all looks good and no missing files but i cant seem to find the cars or factions. I added the island in the Isla Duala folder as it didnt have any identical files that could be overwritten.

    Check the download section for Jade Groove on IceBreakr's site.

  8. Steam prices are approximately double the price of online game purchases in Europe.

    They are the same price as can be found in the most expensive high street shops.

    Pretty poor considering you don't get a box or a disc or a manual, that it doesn't have to get shipped to the store and then to you. That the retailer doesn't add 33% for himself and have to pay shop frontage to keep it on display.

    It's a massive rip off Steam.

    Complete rip off. I got Napoleon Total War for far less from Amazon.

    I always get hard copies of Steam only games because they are cheaper and I get a hard copy.

    The only time I will download a game from Steam is if its on special offer (COH) or difficult/impossible to get a hard copy (HL1).

  9. Professionals are not supposed get frustrated, at all, ever, frustration is the reaction of an insurgent not a professional soldier and is "Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline".

    Hi Armchair General walker.

    What a load of nonsense.

    It does not take a person of great intellect to realise that war is a very terrifying, adrenaline pumping, confusing, emotionally charged and extremely deadly experience.

    It is almost impossible for anyone to keep a cool and rational head 100% of the time especially when you and the people around you are getting shot at with there being a high chance of you or a comrade getting killed.

    Unless someone has been in a similar situation they cannot possibly fathom what it's like (I certainly could never imagine it) and are in no real position to judge from a position of safety with the relevant facts and time in hand.

    It is ridiculous in the extreme to expect people to be calm all of the time, even more so when that situation is not comparable to anything that the average person experiences.

    FYI, I have not seen the video and am just commenting in general.

  10. Flattered to see my M4 used, although if I had the choice I would have wanted the ACOG version for this mission. :)

    the mission is quit difficult, not alot of fighting but sneaking and being very aware of the surroundings until you pass Montingac. Are the soldiers in the last base suppose to be dead or where that just the coalition forces random work?


    Well it's a great addon.

    I'll add in other the other M4 weapons for the next version. Feel free to open up the mission and change the weapon. The script to edit is STGNloadout.sqs IIRC.

    Yeah, they are supposed to be dead. :)

  11. @Snafu:

    "No amount "freedom" garbage talk will change that."

    That's something you saying in a world that is ruled to 97 % by one software developer - commercial and proprietary.

    You seem to be sure that you would not be urging for freedom when down in the streets there are 97 % of Ford-cars driving around though there used to be a lot more kind of different cars ...

    I know English isn't your first language but did you even read my posts?

    I said I would welcome another OS to the market but you can't ignore the problems with Linux and your suggestion for BIS by dressing it in nonsense ideological language. You can go back to my post and see them, no point in me spelling it all out again.

    Bad example with Ford. I see lots of types of cars on the road.
