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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. Incoming!

    Take cover!



    I can't see much good coming from this thread at all but I will eat my hat if I'm proved wrong.

    If this is a serious question and not just a troll I am sure there are other forums and sites out there that would be of much more use than the BIS forums.

  2. Click me

    I started uploading stuff to the site a couple of years ago but abandoned it. Had some free time today so I started making a mission but found that some recent scripts I wanted to try were missing motivated me to fire the site up again and upload what I had.

    I limited it to scripts because the site just doesn't have the storage space for missions on top of that. Yeah, it's nothing fancy, the point was just to get them up somewhere where they're less likely to disappear forever.

  3. Wait for the release of the CSLA mod and use the BWMod. Maybe?

    Cole is asking for units of the modern Czech Republic.

    CSLA is a mod about the Czechoslovakian armed forces, the Czecho Slovak People's Army, which hasn't existed since 1992. Would be a bit odd seeing them in Takistan, no?

  4. Anyways, if you find the guy alive or dead, you can still get the code. If he dies, you should get an action when looking at him to search his body, which will give you the code. If he's alive then, obviously, he'll give it to you after a short conversation.

    Yeah I figured that out. Still funny though: 'Oh noes gunfire I think I'll lie down, oh wait is Mr American I get up now AHHHHHHH! Those...damn...barrels...ugh.'

  5. I get something similar.

    Basically the bushes are white or black and 'flash' and change around when you move.

    I did play ArmA maybe a month or two ago and I didn't have this problem but a few days ago I updated my Radeon drivers and got the problem.


    Win 7 64 bit

    i7 920

    6GB RAM

    ATI HD4870 512MB

  6. Thanks for the videos everyone and to Mr Burns especially for the pics and videos.

    I laughed at those who showed off their warez too... :bounce3:

    I have 8.5 hours to go, I keep pressing activate just in case, but at 5:00 PM (CST) I will be happy... if my math is right. :rolleyes:

    Yeah too funny.

    OA Status: Released early in Germany

    Poster location: Not Germany

    Poster: 'O hai guyz look at my OA screens...'


    Anyway I'm looking forward to Zipper5's videos and 2 July when I get my copy.

  7. Rugby is a far better game. It doesn't make you a pussy that falls over screaming that your leg is broken when you make slight contact with another players socks, it is exciting all the time not just for the 5-10. 10 second periods when near the goals.

    I'm one of those odd people that like both.

  8. personally i think war games based on actual nations is a touchy topic. we could be giving ideas to north korea on how to successfully conquer the US here....

    North Korea does not have the ability to even invade the US let alone conquer it as it is nothing more than a regional power.

    - The US Navy is massive and controls the sea. NK could only dream of having a navy that size.

    - NK does not have the capability to transport a significant amount of troops to the US and keep them supplied. Too big a distance plus such a route is over water.

    - The size of the US is its greatest asset. It would be nigh on impossible for an army to conquer and hold it all.

    I checked out the site for the game and what a ridiculous story. NK builds up a huge army and suddenly swallows up Asia without complication? Yeah like Jakerod said; totally ridiculous story.

    Of course it's just a game. I liked WiC even though such a war would have been short before one side accepted defeat or went nuclear. Modern arms would mean difficulties in getting industry geared up in time and such to replace battlefield losses etc.

  9. I've heard that Police radio sound from GTA in a lot of films and TV shows. Too many.

    In 28 Days Later you can hear the M16 sounds from OFP on the SA80 at the army checkpoint scene when the soldiers pop out of nowhere and kill a human turning into a zombie. I can't find that scene anywhere though.

  10. The addon request thread is quite popular and it got me thinking about scripts and missions.

    While addons are very popular and most are on peoples hard drives and ofp.info it is not the same for scripts and missions. Over the years OFP has seen the creation of a lot of missions and scripts but with the OFPEC crash and the switch to ArmA a lot of these have disappeared and only remain on a persons hard drive.

    I was thinking that I would create a site that could be accesses by me and some others trustworthy members from what's left of the OFP community. We could access it and upload what missions and scripts we have and so ensuring that they are hosted and can be accessed by the community.

    Small and/or hard to get addons could also be hosted.

    I would use Google Sites because it is free and extremely easy to use.


    What do you guys think? Worth it for the increasingly hard to find missions and scripts or a waste of time?

  11. I play OFP, ArmA (not so much) and ArmA 2.

    The campaign, the 'atmosphere', the mods, the scripts, the missions, the campaigns and the addons. There are many of these things and they have added to the games lifespan immeasurably but at the end of the day I play it because I want to.

  12. because...

    ... they know that other players will always appreciate friendly bombs dropped on their heads ('but I was providing CAS').

    ... realism means thirty soldiers all walking around the battle-field with a SMAW and DMR (substitute shortdot and AT4 in ACE).

    ... not one person ever thinks it might be useful to take C4 in a side-mission to blow a radio-tower.

    ... I don't need to join a TS server. I can communicate very effectively through text-chat. Even when being shot at. Oh dear, all the players around me seem to have died - how can that have happened?

    Beat me to it! Seeing everyone run around with a sniper rifle and AT weapon always makes me laugh. Oh the joys of A2 public MP.


  13. This is the thread to reminisce about the good old days of Operation Flashpoint. Post some classic screenshots (who could forget Sanctuary's Troska screens?), talk about missions, campaigns and MP experiences, post your favourite addons and so forth.

    I'll get the ball rolling.

    In late 2006 Tigershark (IIRC) launched an OFP podcast called Radio Check that discussed OFP, ArmA, mods, addons and mission editing. It was very nicely done and had a great format with bringing on key community members and having bloopers at the end. Time flies.

    You can still download them from the site below, just click 'read more'.


  14. Here in the U.K. we stopped developing ballistic missiles in the 60's (Blue Streak?) and we launched our final weather rockets in the 90's.

    What they make is more advanced than anything we have ever produced.

    We buy ours off the Americans.

    The French, the Russians, the American's and perhaps even the Chinese launch our satelittes for us.

    IIRC the UK held other nuclear option up until the late 1990s but with the threat of the USSR gone it would have been increasingly hard to justify their existence and cost. Submarine delivery systems can be moved and offer way more flexibility.

    Complete independent development of nuclear weapons would have been costly and very time consuming. The UK shared similar views and geo-political objectives so it was logical from that point of view as well to work with the US in nuclear weapons. This meant access to nuclear weapons produced by one of two of the world superpowers. No, they have not developed anything better than the UK has.

    Furthermore, there was no real need for the UK to pursue its own development in the areas you mention. By the end of WW2 the world had completely changed, it had killed off the Great Power system as the Western European nations had exhausted themselves and it had thus introduced the Superpower system which consisted of the US and USSR. Both of these countries filled the vacuum left by the European powers vastly increasing their power and commitments.

    Nuclear weapons became one of the key parts of this new power status. Sure, Britain and France eventually acquired their own arsenals but all this did was separate them from other powers and giving them more of a say in international affairs. The British and French no longer had they power they had before WW2 so they simply had no need to participate in the space race or solely develop their own nuclear weapons.

    Britain's nuclear weapons and coming aircraft carriers are important for maintaining a foothold as a global power of sorts. North Korea's pursuit of these weapons is to give it a big stick so it can stay a regional power and ward off any advances by the US. South Korea, on the other hand, doesn't really need them as it has the US Superpower as an ally.

    The French, the Russians, the American's and perhaps even the Chinese launch our satelittes for us.

    For the reasons mentioned above Britain had no need to bother itself with the space race and AFAIK it has worked with other friendly nations which has included the US, France (which AFAIK doesn't have much of a space program) and Russia. I can't recall cooperation with China.

    North Korea's launching of a satellite is more posturing than anything else, IMHO.

  15. Hi guys

    Not really sure where to put this so I just stuck it here.

    Recently a friend got a laptop and asked me if I had a game that I could lend him. I have two copies of OFP so I am going to set up his laptop and install it for him.

    While I am there I am going to try out some MP coop with him and see how it goes.

    I never really ventured into MP OFP so it would be great if I could get recommendations for good coop missions that could be done by two players and are not too complex.

    Were the original OFP SP missions ever transferred to coop? The Ambush mission might be a good start.

  16. You could very well indeed.

    They have proven able to launch satelittes into space.

    Their last missile test was believed to give them range to hit Alaska.

    I wish my countries ballistic missile tech was as advanced as theirs.

    While I don't like to pose myself as an authority on things I know little about, if I remember correctly, our nuclear weapons are delivered by submarine which can obviously be placed where there is open ocean provided it is under friendly control.

    I very much doubt their technology is superior.

    Fell free to correct me if I am wrong with your vast knowledge on nuclear weapons and North Korea's nuclear capability.

  17. It won't be that familiar, I'm afraid... I don't have the necessary skills or time to make all the custom buildings that would really be required... also, to cover such a big area in (only) 20x20km I've had to scale heavily, both in the X and Y directions (1km is now 100m), but also in the Z (highest point is a mere 275m), otherwise...

    Yeah, I figured that. In FSX it's nice to fly over but in ArmA 2 it will be nice to fight over it instead.

    Like Aussie said about the currently MIA "Australia" map - it's gonna be a sort of "Theme Park Australia"... well, it's gonna be a sortof Theme Park Scottish Highlands... Buckie will be about 3 houses down by the seashore - there simply isn't room to make it anything like the size it is... same goes for all the other landmarks... they'll be there, mostly - in theme park form...

    Theres a bunch of mostly out-of-date WIP pics here if you're interested... I reckon I may be at the acceptable beta stage by Christmas...


    Nice to have the recognisable place names nonetheless!
