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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. I know Raymond Ibrahim and i can say that what i read was like a 9th grade school presentation report.

    You clearly have not read the book as it is a collection of sources from AQ, for example, statements they posted on the internet and excerpts from Ayman Al-Zawahiri's books.

    I read at least one book in a week. I know thats less, but thats way more than the averaged Citizen. And these books tell me full well who has founded these extremist muslim groups since Lawrence from Arabia.

    Ah yes, the old 'I know better than everybody else' line. Yes, only you know the truth, know better than people and academics who have the benefit of years of training and research, and you're here to enlighten us all to the truth. The ego and paternalistic crap you guys have never ceases to amaze me.

  2. "which is your view that your entitled too".

    We differ, was always clear, I post for balance (2 sides to all stories) not to prove to you or anyone else, you not going to be convinced of anything, that was proven pages ago, I dont post for your benefit alone mate :)

    "which is your view that your entitled too". Although the weight (words and told what's what vs all footage released to back it ... doesn't and isn't.)

    I have been dealing with it, thanks, we disagree deal with that :) Its not the Snafu show, its a thread about his death and that which surrounds it, so I post. So far its just been a snipe the one who questions session with some dodgy "eastern" views thrown in and some borderline troll based shenanigans, the last few posts could offend quite a few "easterners", no? Not realy much to do with the thread to be fair. And as I said before (my view) I think this is all bollocks, makes a change doesn't it? Adds a bit a of spice? I mean the blokes dead so its thin on the ground.

    Just calling it like I see it, I'm allowed as far as i'm aware, although Im waiting for Jblacks next post, its going to be a gem I can tell :)

    Only arguments backed up by solid evidence are worth considering. Your argument has none and is thus worthless in the pursuit of accuracy.

    If you were dealing with it you would simply admit your argument is lacking and/or stop posting but you don't. It's your 'show'.

    ---------- Post added at 00:28 ---------- Previous post was at 00:13 ----------

    I could also make a website with some arabic letterings, call myself Al Qaida and claim that i bury nuclear bombs under every western capitol. Or that i plan to steal christmas.

    Reminds me of Operation Sphinx.

    Al-Qaeda is not an organisation that is centralised. Rather, the internet is its main form of global communication where it puts up its ideology, strategy, tactics, technical guides and statements for members and sympathetic groups to utilise. A now common long established practice.

    Please see the books on AQ by Raymond Ibrahim and Abdel Bari Atwan. Yes, I know books aren't as fun as reading some guys post on a forum saying AQ is run by the NSA, but they're worth a read.

  3. Blah...

    At the end of the day all you have are doubts, and that isn't evidence and nor is a villager saying it did not happen a smoking gun for reasons previously stated. On the other hand, AQ confirming his death, is incredibly substantial.

    The weight of evidence indicates he was present in that compound and killed in that compound by DEVGRU. You have nothing substantial to indicate otherwise. Deal with it.

  4. Well as an example its too small fry and certainly not large scale, and this was bleeding obvious hence the fact that we are talking about 1 man whos number one on the wanted list in the entire world by every agency known to man and country and its borders involving at least one major long term war initially about finding him, so, no it doesn't stand, but you can have that one for sake of argument.

    It is irrelevant that he is the most wanted on all lists (is that even so or just hyperbole?) and known by almost everyone. It somehow implies that it would be impossible for him to hide and that everybody was utilising maximum resources in order to find him since 2001. The war in Afghanistan is being waged for a multitude reasons too.

    People evade detection. It is an indisputable fact and history is filled with examples. If you want something more current just take a look at the wanted list of the FBI. One person that immediately springs to mind is Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

    You are also assuming he had no help from elements of the government and military of Pakistan.

    No not every quote, but google it and you will see that its occupation of it was stated as around 6 years (not a few days by moat that its was reference too) and we are also talking about staying in one place for a long period for time, as in 1 building, not caves or desert/jungle/forest, that has neighbours, by worlds most wanted man.

    I did. Still seeing conflicting reports all over the place, on more than one issue too.

    We are talking up to date technology in 2011, surveillance and also note that it was reported they had a link to what was happening on the ground (hmm maybe) .. so to compare WW2 to now in respect to examples is yet another massive "bleedin obvious" one ... that was a world war this is one bloke in a house with a carefully planned raid of which carried out many times before no doubt with the people involved and as we are lead to believe monitored throughout.

    The time and technology is irrelevant. It does not make people, organisations and governments all seeing and all knowing. You also fail to understand the WW2 example so I will state this as clear as I can.

    It will take time to get an accurate picture of what exactly happened.

    Im not proving its not, its just that its isnt him, but to prove it is, look at it, does it prove it is? Does it prove thats the very man in question in that compound? Just as the news reports, its the media telling us that's where its from, I as a human cant have that tell me something that I see as its not. I see the side shot of an old man "resembling" him, at a location that cold be anywhere in the world. I dont see him sat watching up do date news turning to the camera talking, showing new papers with date on, walking around to get visual clues of location or, well, anything. A middle eastern old fart watching TV, its meaningless, but if you watch the FOX video of the announcement of it they "tell" you its is ... "look, its him, look his arm moves!" ... :) No "theory" in a video being stated as something that when you actually look at it doesn't quite stack up with what its claimed to be proof of.

    I claim to look at the current evidence brought to me via the media, based on what they are telling me it is, that is all.

    It's obviously limited footage but it looks like him so the responsibility lies with those who argue it isn't him to provide evidence. Doubts aren't enough.

    I also think we need a new law. It will be called 'Snafu's Law' and the first one to mention Fox News loses.

    Not even a point I made, the man in that video could be watching Friends season 1, not interested in what hes watching, im looking at the man in the seat trying to work out how that tells me this is him in that compound as fact and proof, as stated by the media. I mean look at the photo-shopped picture of the wifes passport shot ... I mean, if this was about any other person or subject it would be laughed at.

    You said:

    Have you watched the video of him watching himself?

    I naturally thought you put some significance onto it.

  5. Well if you think the neighbours are wrong near that compound (as in you must know better than they) because roul mote example that not an example at all, Bin Laden was supposed to be their for 6 "years". Me thinks if Mote was about in that village for 6 years it might have come to light at some stage, plus bin laden was the most wanted man in the "world" and all over the "world" news for longer periods that him, a bit different mate.

    It is a perfect example that wanted people can easily hide in areas with a high concentration of population. Yes, the situations are different, statement of the bleeding obvious. Nevertheless, there are thousands of wanted people out there evading the authorities for years, the example stands.

    In addition, it has not been stated that he was there for 6 years.

    Also when you say not 100 percent accurate, have you actually seen this mis-reporting of this whole thing? Have you watched the video of him watching himself? Thats not about accurate info that's about complete laughable evidence of his existence when its clear as you like that cant be proven to be him. What you see is an exersize not in accurate info, but in "look he was here" evidence, so far evidence existing that could be put in court doesn't show that he was their apart from being told he was, ive yet to see anything that backs up all the claims thus far, I must just assume he was, becuase that's what happened apparently.

    The event is too recent to get a clear picture and considering it was a top secret mission certain details will remain sketchy. Very simple to understand. Just look at the historiography of certain subjects, take WW2 for example. Do you think an accurate view of the conflict existed in the 1940s and 1950s? No, it was too recent and not enough source materiel was available to gain an accurate view. Only now are we beginning to possess one. The same applies here. Many agencies have reported different versions of the events. A good example is how the helicopter crashed.

    Neither can you prove that it is not him. Unless you are claiming to have significant enough knowledge of Bin Laden to be able to determine what he would and would not do and what would and would not be going on in that compound. To be honest, I hardly find him watching Al Jazeera to be strange. It is well known that Al Qaeda and similar groups are quite reliant on the news media for information and the like.

  6. To expect crystal clear, 100% accurate information, on a recent event is ridiculous in the extreme. Discrepancies will inevitably appear but instead of recognising this fact people cry conspiracy theory.

    Another issue is that some criticise people for taking the word of Obama and members of the US government and public but then they take the word of others over them, as if they don't have their own agendas and are somehow more worthy of trust and belief.

    Also, I bring to peoples attention a recent incident where a fugitive hid in a place that was crawling with security forces. That person being Raoul Moat who moved around Rothbury and its outskirts under the noses of hundreds of cops and residents. Very embarrassing for the police.


    RAOUL Moat was able to evade the hundreds of police officers patrolling the village of Rothbury and its rural hinterland even though he was hiding right among them.

    Much of the time, he was in the village itself – an idea that shocked the villagers.

    Disturbingly for one resident, Moat appeared to have smashed a window, broken into her home, raided her kitchen cupboard and spilled her food.

    It's getting tiring seeing these theories when something comes up almost immediately with little critical analysis involved, again, something conspiracy theorists criticise the rest of us for. I am not saying that governments are not involved in shady goings on. Take the Diem assassination for example, an event the US government had a limited involvement in (although it was really the Ambassador to RVN who played an independent role outside the remits of his job) and this information is readily available, provided by the US government in fact.

    To cry conspiracy when something can't be explained straight away is ridiculous. They should take their 'theories' and ask experts in the field of politics and intl. relations (doesn't have to be that university, any reputable one will do) to comment on them and see what they think. They have training in studying these matters, using a wide variety of sources and possessing an ability to critically analyse information and forming it all into a coherent argument. They can be easily contacted and I am sure they will be happy to address any arguments

  7. Excellent guys, thanks very much for finding those addons. :)

    doe1.pbo = Winter Everon by I-DOE-I (presumably version 1.2) (possible FileFront link)

    brg_n2.pbo = Berghoff's Nature Pack 2 - European available in both High and Low Definition (HD FileFront link)

    Area 52 potential link - it's a Czech/Slovak hosting site and it might require registration before you can D/L. "zobraz obsah archivu" = "view archive contents"

    I'm afraid I can't help with the last one.

    No problem, hopefully someone has it. You don't need to register to download Area 52 but enter a verification code instead.

    Alderous SF buildings pack. - check ofp.info for screens.


    Unfortunately I don't have it... but I'll ask author ;)



    but if i remember problem with stargate minidemo mod was not only with corrupted addons Snafu but with corrupted missions and scripts. Much easier is make own mod with addons from stargate net. In minidemo was a lot of unnecesary addons (very big addons like HYK infantry + needed orcs weapons pack for missiosn too etc) and then tried convert missions. (There was only 2 or 3 if remember correctly)

    That would be great, thanks!

    That's a shame to hear but I'll give it a try anyway.

    Before ice's site went down I managed to grab the rest of his addons but sg_weaponrack1 came out corrupt.

    Bielow, if you are missing some of the SG addons I can send them to you and you can put them up on your Megaupload site.

  8. Thanks for that link Zulu1. I think I might be able to replace the corrupted PBOs with those. I'll have a go and see.

    ---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 ----------

    OK, I was able to replace most of the broken addons in the SG mini mod. The 4 addons that elude me are:

    - ALDI_alienStructure1.pbo

    - AREA52.pbo

    - BRG_n2.pbo

    - doe1.pbo

    Once I get these I'll rar up the mini mod and put it up for download.
