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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. And because I can't help but barge into my own question...

    My first 'helicopter' game; although it was for the SEGA Megadrive II.

    Desert Strike was my first.


    Still a great theme.

    Was about 5 when I got it, it was one of those EA classic titles for the Mega Drive, was bought from Woolworths too. :D

    Damn, I feel old. :(

  2. Is it problematic in any way that the preferences list 1GB of RAM instead of its max of 2GB RAM?

    Mine are working flawlessly.

    My slightly modified ECP works fine but my own config based on FlashFX with Llaumax sky and some minor AI tweaks, throws up an error about missing cwa logo. The game loads if I hit enter to get rid of the message but the CWA logo on the main screen is gone. Not sure why. Still works fine so far it seems.

  3. I have compared the 1.96 and the 1.99 config; they are virtually identical. The only differences are in lower/uppercase for the enums and some numbers are integers instead of floating point (like 1 instead of 1.0).

    You should be fine with any 1.96-based config.

    (Vektorboson was obviously typing while I was.)

    In a config,I don't think there would be anything to "benefit" from,

    as such.As it defines classes.1.99 doesn't add any new classes that

    I'm aware of.

    It's the new commands/functions that would seem to offer any "benefit".


    Great! Looks like I can move all my mods over to it.

  4. ArmA: Cold War Assault? (I didn't know where else to discuss this at)

    The link was at the bottom of this post: From Flashpoint to ArmA

    Well spotted.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This game was originally sold and known as Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, Operation Flashpoint: Resistance or Operation Flashpoint: Game of the Year Edition*. Users of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis and Operation Flashpoint: GOTY are allowed to freely update to Arma: Cold War Assault as long as they agree with the end user license as in the manual and shown during the setup.

    Deserves its own topic me thinks.

  5. One thing that I wanted in GTAIV was the ability to listen to live feeds so the player could have internet radio or a live feed from a Police Dept. to play in the game. The player could listen to their favourite radio station while playing or live police radio comms while

    There are a number of live feeds from airports all over the world including a few in Washington state. All available feeds can be accessed from this map. This is something that would, in me humble opinion, greatly increase the fun and/or immersion of the sim.

    I don't know how feasible or worth it this would be but I just thought I'd put the idea out there.

  6. I did test your code and it seems you work well. Open the included mission mma_test_frigate_addon.utes, modify the initIntro.sqf to use the \mando_seasparrow.sqs instead of the \mando_arma2.sqs, load the mission, select and play the Intro and see if you find any prolems there.

    It might happen that you have some other object or ship in your mission that might cause the crash. For example, some old versions of the Queen Elizabeth and the Nimitz had some objects inside that can be detected by triggers and when you get their positions (getPos command) A2 crashes. It was fixed for the Queen Elizabeth carrier, not sure about latests release of the Nimitz.

    Thanks for the help Mandoble.

    I tried your first suggestion and it worked find so I removed the Nimitz from my template and the Destroyer engaged enemy aircraft without Arma crashing.

    I just noticed your post on the issue here. Gnat's two OHP frigates will have to handle AA duties in the meantime. :)

  7. I want to give two static Destroyer shops the Sea Sparrow system. I have tested it on one ship to see if I could get it working. I used this code in the init.sqf

    // Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization

    waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};

    waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

    if (isServer) then


    [] spawn


    Sleep 1;

    // 36 SAMs antimissile-capable for ship1 ships

    [dd1, 3, ["Air"], 36, 500, 6000, 12, [0,-46,9], 360, 0, [east,sideEnemy], true, false, true, false, 85]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_seasparrow.sqs";

    Sleep 1;



    The ship detects the enemy aircraft and is presumably about to fire when Arma 2 crashes. I have no idea why it crashes and I am not very good at scripting so I can't figure out the problem. :butbut:

    Any help appreciated.

  8. Like a russian carrier?...


    There's a Kuznetsov class carrier of the RF VMF on Armaholic. Also the sub pack has RF Subs and I think the Frigate pack has some RF ships too.


    Here's what VFA-14 photographed later on.



    She's escorted by 3 'Krivak' Class Frigates and one 'Akula' Class Submarine.

    It's a carrier group I just put together. The Russians class the Kuznetsov as an aircraft carrying cruiser due to its organic fire power so they don't seem to have a carrier doctrine at all. At least that's what I got from the really limited info out there.

    Yay more motivation to work on the Nimitz this summer now that school's out! Will definitely have to get some crew on there for you guys to use too, just reskin the LHD crew as I did for the shooter.

    Anyway great job!

    That would be a nice touch having proper crew. Oh and those deck crew anims are bloody brilliant. Looking forward to further updates.

    Wouldn't the F-14 that's available fit better as a stand-in for the F/A-18?

    I guess I could change it if you guys want.

    when start in editing crash the game! why??

    No idea. You got all of the addons? You bot Combined Ops or just Arma 2/Arrowhead? You running the latest Patch?

    Anybody else get that problem?

  9. Thank you for the mirror Foxhound. And thanks for the comments lads. :)

    lol this is awesome. I had the same idea, used the same picture as a reference, and even used the same addons...except your Nimitz has way more stuff on it. Very nice!

    Haha, that is indeed awesome. :cool:

    Looks good, I myself added some Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers around the USS Nimitz (CVN-68), and added some NWU sailors in and on the carrier in the editor for personal use, but this one looks even more amazing.

    I suggest you also use this in your template: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98106

    Ah, I thought there was a USN sailor addon. Will use for the update, cheers.

    Now, if only there was another carrier force that could take on CSG 11. Then we could have some nice carrier battle. :whistle:

  10. A template for JDog's awesome USS Nimitz addon.

    Basically I wanted to create some missions with JDog's Nimitz but the immersion wasn't that great when you and your aircraft were the only two things on the whole ship.

    I looked around for a template for the carrier but didn't find one so I made one myself. Might as well release so others can use it.

    Instead of just having the Nimitz with planes, deck crew and objects I added the rest of its group: Carrier Strike Group 11 which is lying off of Utes with one Los Angeles Class Sub screening the group, two Ticonderoga Class Cruisers at the front of the formation, two Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers at the sides, two Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates at the rear and one Supply Class fast combat support ship next to the Nimitz for food, fuel and ammunition supply.

    Although some of these are available as addons I used substitutes as necessary. This was to reduce the number of required addons while making it easy for the user to add in the extra things. A text document in the archive will give you links to these addons. There's also a folder containing information on the CSG and its units as well as pictures to aid in mission making.

    Changes since 1.0:


    - Used setPosASL and getPosASL

    - Reduced addons required

    - Added F/A-18 and US Navy Work Uniform

    - Updated CVW-11 information and ORBAT to reflect current organisation

    - Some small changes


    Author: Snafu

    Version: 2.0 (14/01/13)

    Version: 1.0 (15/06/11)

    USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group 11 Template


    Basically I wanted to create some missions with JDog's Nimitz but it wasn't that immersive when you and your plane were the only two things on the whole ship.

    I looked around for a template for the carrier but didn't find one so I made one myself. Might as well release so others can use it.


    - Carrier Strike Group 11 with proper force composition and formation

    - 2 Squadrons of attack aircraft with one in the hangar and one on deck

    - 1 helicopter squadron

    - Deck and hangar with objects and crew

    - Lightweight adaptable template. The barebones style allows you to add the rest of the CSG via community addons and MMA functionality if you wish

    See 'Addons for Further Enhancement' for details.

    - Markers denoting the name of each ship and the entire ORBAT of Carrier Air Wing 11

    ----Required Addons----

    JDog's USS Nimitz:


    F/A 18 Super Hornet:


    US Navy Work Uniform:



    Place the folder USS_Nimitz_CSG_Light_Template.utes in the 'missions' folder of your player profile folder. Example - C:\Users\User Name\Documents\ArmA 2\Profile Name\missions.

    Load it from the mission editor.

    ----Mando Missile Arma (MMA)----

    MMA can be downloaded here:


    MMA allows the user to add weapon functionality to the ships in the template, to the helicopters for anti-submarine warfare capability and possibly to the F/A-18.

    MMA is available in addon or pure script form. See the documentation provided with it on how to use.


    Please check the 'Info' folder for some background on CSG-11 and CVW-11. There's also a text document with useful links.

    Pictures of the Nimitz, the CSG and unit insignia are available for you to use if you want.


    - There is no addon suitable for the replenishment ship (placed next to the carrier). I've used a frigate model as a substitute.

    Remember not to give it weapons with MMA!


    - Used setPosASL and getPosASL

    - Reduced addons required

    - Added F/A-18 and US Navy Work Uniform

    - Updated CVW-11 information and ORBAT to reflect current organisation

    - Some small changes

    ----Future Updates----

    - Add MMA for the ships

    - Squash bugs, if any pop up.


    - JDog for the kick arse Nimitz

    - Franze, John_Spartan, Meatball0311 and any others who worked on the F/A-18

    - Mando for all he has done with his missile system

    - Nixo91 for the US Navy guys

    - Those who provided feedback on the first version

    - Those who hosted this template and other addons for the community


    By PM at BIS Forums. Username at the top of this ReadMe.

    Release forum thread:



    It's a template so modify it as you see fit. If you want to release an improved version go ahead, just give credit, you know the drill.

    Required Addons

    JDog's USS Nimitz:


    F/A-18 Super Hornet:


    US Navy Work Uniform:


    Download Links

    Click me







  11. Still watching, he's a pretty funny guy and it's to see the human element.

    I wonder if they had thoughts of us watching when they heard it was live..Hmm, I wonder if PT told them about the live feed and had knew this would happen..Hmmmmmmmm

    Indeed, he's a pretty cool guy. :cool:

    Heck, it's a lot better than anything on TV.

  12. I'm completely psyched right now. One year 'til release and already such awesome stuff is in there. Obviously it needs tweaking and some more stuff needs implementing, etc. But what's there already blew me away!

    Ditto. I wasn't too keen on the MW2/BC2 mix and match weapons influence but after seeing what's on offer I'm completely looking forward to it as well as TOH and CC.

    Need pre-orders NAO.

    I actually feel like we used/raped him for our intentions only :D

    But hey everything is allowed in the "war on E3" haha

    :eek: :D

    yes to be honest i closed the stream after it was finished^^

    Heh, me too. :( :p

  13. Big thanks to Martin for the Carrier Command demonstration, Jay for the Take On demonstration, and Ivan for the Arma 3 demonstration. That was truly excellent to watch! :)

    Sentiments echoed! :)

    Don't forget Colin for going to check out BIS booth for us. I owe him at least one pint. :D

    ARMA 3 Community is dominate!

