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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. Long story short.

    People are pissed about the economy and want it fixed. They want jobs. Anybody who thinks it's anything else is deluding themselves.

    Only a handful give a crap about ideology. I would suggest to those people to go out to the middle of nowhere where you can freely argue and kill each other over this ideological nonsense so as to leave the rest of us alone.



    Oh yeah, we have a US politics thread. Why does this one exist?

  2. Are there any units representing Soviet army from late Cold War era? There are RHS '85 VDV, RHS Soviet crew and PsyKKe Soviet Infantry in Afghanistan, but I'm looking for regular army units from that period.

    I was also looking but there wasn't much in the way of 1980s Soviet regulars. The best I found was these by ORCS which are done in a similar style to the normal BIS units.

  3. As long as it doesn't dissolve into good ole CoH-esque Hetzer spam, I'm happy. :D

    Hetzers gonna hetz.

    Its not an issue we can fix as we have no idea to the cause and it only affects some ATI cards/drivers not all. However you can fix it yourself by using this alternative AA method:


    I really don't know about this stuff but there's some issue with ATI cards and textures sizes though I can't remember what the problem exactly was but there was an issue with a few addons in arma 1 because of it.

  4. It is not a documentary, but propaganda to justify the UK leading the Libya adventure with France and the US.

    Please don't degrade proper documentaries with that.

    That Libya supplied the IRA is no secret and had been known for ages. Tis hardly on the pulse reporting.

    Anyways, this has sod all to do with the topic.

    Oh, funny mistake though. Two marketing coups for BIS in a short space of time.

  5. I like RO2 so far and have been enjoying it despite some of the issues but it just doesn't quite top Ostfront for me. I feel it is the, overall, better title despite some great features that RO2 introduces.

    I was playing the Darkest Hour mod for RO1 and had a better game than any I have had in RO2 so far. People were cooperating, using voice comms, they were using all the available kits to full effect, tanks were being utilised properly and were working with the infantry.

    It's early days though and my opinion might change as RO2 matures. I am especially looking forward to the PTO mod currently being developed for it.

  6. The .bat references folders that don't exist in CWA since the DTA files and Res folders were merged into one.

    To have the batch install work you need to open it with notepad and edit the directories so the install can find the files to modify.

    For example:

    If not exist ..\res\dta\data.pbo echo ERROR data.pbo not found

    If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo echo ERROR hwtl/data3d.pbo not found

    Remove the res and hwtl for each line that mentions them so it points to the correct directory. Once you do so you should have:

    If not exist ..\dta\data.pbo echo ERROR data.pbo not found

    If not exist ..\dta\data3d.pbo echo ERROR hwtl/data3d.pbo not found

  7. I bought the gold edition from Amazon a few months ago and while I am enjoying it I find the enemy AI to be far too accurate and thus the friendly AI get knocked out by Ossetian rebels far too easily.

    I know Heroes Unleashed tweaks the AI in this area but are there any small AI mods that simply tweak the AI accuracy so firefights aren't over so quickly?

  8. ???

    The links go to the official sites of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch which have articles outlining and discussing crimes committed by the Gaddafi regime.

    One report from the first link (there are others):


    Pro al-Gaddafi left 29 detainees to suffocate while locked inside metal containers in the sweltering June heat in north-western Libya, Amnesty International has discovered. Nineteen of the detainees died as a result of the ordeal.

    Amnesty‘s team have examined the two metal containers used to hold the detainees in al-Khums. Once the doors were locked shut, the containers had no windows and the only ventilation came from dozens of bullet holes along the metal walls.

    And from the HRW site, the second link:

    Protection of civilians, accountability for grave human rights violations during Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year rule, and building the foundation of a rights-respecting Libyan state should be prominently on the agenda of the Libya Contact Group on September 1, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today.

  9. I like it so far. Did die quite a lot at the start but I haven't played RO in a while so I was a bit rusty. Once you get the hang of it kills and winning rounds feel much more rewarding than games like COD or MOH.

    Had a particularly good one on Barracks. I was advancing crouched towards a window at the front of the infirmary building facing the NCO Barracks which the Soviets were holding. When I reached the window an enemy soldier jumped over it. I fired my trusty Kar but just wounded him and he ran off. I wasn't going to go after the guy since he had an SMG but I did anyway and found him in the corner of the next room applying a bandage. I then proceeded towards him and beat him with my rifle. :D

    I remember reading about TWI working with mod teams before RO2 was released. Is that still on the go?

  10. we don't support gaddafi even if we don't want to demonize him. we don't to support bullshit neither, as a justification tool for any invasion.

    What invasion?

    the point is not to clarify if he was a dictator. the point is "did he massacred his own people as some(not all of them) western media told us?"

    amnesty int., human right watch and other no western media said there are no evidences of these massacres.



  11. I was referring to your previous post (#76) that I choose to ignore.

    Check previous reply for "evidence" :rolleyes:

    Clearly you misunderstood my question. I didn't ask for evidence of civilian casualties. Read it again.

    I posted my response as you finished your edit.

    Seems I misunderstood but no worries, English isn't your first language.

    "Since Nato started bombing, Gaddafi support and approval ratings have actually soared to about 85 per cent. Of the 2,335 tribes in Libya, over 2,000 are still pledging their allegiance to the embattled president."

    - Scott Taylor, thechronicleherald.ca




    < Civilians arm themselves

    I'd like to check out the Nova Scotia article to see what the guys source is but access is denied.

    Anyway, one article is from back in June and the other is when Tripoli was still in his hands. Personally, I would never use a YouTube video as a source and even then they are also from the summer.

    Alas time goes on, events develop, and without numbers the rebels would not have been successful as they have and no doubt their support has grown as their success grew. I wonder how much people support Gaddafi in Free Tripoli now? Let's have a look at Martyr Square (formerly Green Square) after Tripoli fell.

    For Tripoli being bastion of support for Gaddafi not a lot of his government officials had much confidence in him.


    Before he fled, Mlegta had spent just under two months working inside the regime, building up a network of sympathizers. At first, 14 of Gaddafi's officers were prepared to help. By the end there were 72, Mlegta says. "We used to meet at my house and sometimes at the houses of two other officers... We preserved the secrecy of our work and it was in coordination with the NTC executive committee."

    Brigadier General Abdulsalam Alhasi, commander of the rebels' main operation center in Benghazi, said those secretly helping the rebels were "police, security, military, even some people from the cabinet; many, many people. They gave us information and gave instructions to the people working with them, somehow to support the revolution."

    Overall I found this article which covers many areas of the conflict a worthwhile read.

  12. Not as much "claims" as common knowledge. Feel free to disprove what I say instead of relying on personal attacks. Being an idiot is nothing to brag about.

    Sorry, but your claim is most certainly not common knowledge and is, frankly, dubious. Where's your evidence?

    And 'pot calling the kettle black' is hardly an insult.

    Your point being? What was the purpose of the UN resolution again? Enlighten me.

    I don't need to provide evidence that civilians have been killed. It goes hand in hand with war and there have been several reports of both sides, intentionally or not.

  13. Information about the current situation in Libya is sketchy at best. I wonder where you got that information? :rolleyes: The green gathering...blah

    Then how can you make claims? Something about pot, kettle and black springs to mind.

    Civilians always get killed in war. It's a safe assumption and not a specific claim that requires evidence, such as, the majority of Libyans support Gaddafi.

  14. Sure. I'm not going to argue that you are wrong, I'm just saying that Ghadaffi is supported by a majority of the Libyan people. Do you think this massive "green gathering" would have been possible if Ghadaffi actually had "killed unarmed civilians"? It was not a peaceful protest against the regime but a well organized and armed uprising. The same thing would have happened in any nation. It's like with the "ship to Gaza" incident where Israel is being bashed for defending themselves against aggressive "activists" that jumped Israeli soldiers and bashed the crap out of them with weapons. It was obviously planned ahead to provoke Israel and give them bad PR. It succeeded.

    I'm not a big fan of Ghadaffi but US and NATO have no right to overthrow the regime in Libya. Considering NATO is responsible for thousands of civilian casualties, many of which are women and children, I have to say they failed the UN resolution miserably and should withdraw all forces. If the purpose of all this was to protect civilians that is, which I doubt.

    I don't see how you can possibly know a majority of people support Gaddafi. He certainly doesn't have a majority now.

    Being a war, and a civil war at that, I think it's safe to assume the loyalist forces have political enemies killed intentionally. The rebels have most likely done the same.

    The NATO campaign has inevitably led to civilian casualties which is impossible to avoid in an air campaign.

    A large section of the Libyan people rose up and are chasing the loyalists out of the country, not NATO. Air power alone does not win a war and the rebels have had to do the fighting to get rid of him.

    i wouldn't use the word large to definy the defection from the libyan military.

    I said a large amount of Libyans rebelled, including soldiers, who are also Libyan people.

  15. Revolution? I take it nobody bothered to watch the clip :plain:

    I don't see what this video proves other than that the few thousand people in that video supported Ghadaffi. A few thousand people does not equal the whole of Libya.

    Yes, he has his supporters, otherwise the fighting would not have lasted as long as it has. Clearly, the fact that there has been a large uprising of Libyans and the defection of military units shows that a significant number of the people don't care for him.
