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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. It is nice to see the CDF getting an upgrade, the advantage of any CDF scenario is that all land locked terrain. :) My own Nogova Mod has the opposite problem any scenario i think of just sounds like OFP:R, with some one trying to invade. :(

    I had drawn up a plan for mission with the Nogovan forces as part of Operation Harvest Red a month or so back on the basis of a shared experience of invasion and the desire of the Nogovans to give their armed forces recent experience. The NAF unit was an air assault battalion with a mission to take Moschnyi island off the coast from a static CHDKZ unit that had garrisoned it. I had the CDF support the mission with things like fast air - PCDF adds nicely to this.

    With PCDF I think some joint ops between the NAF and the CDF would be pretty cool.

  2. not one for sticking my nose in..

    but when you say an addon "sucks" without making your own..its like calling an insecure overweight girl a "fat pig" when shes standing on the ledge of a tall building

    until you make addons..you wont really understand

    Slandering the work of someone is not right but some perspective is required here. Making addons as a hobby of your own free will and then someone criticising them is not the same as serious issues like bullying, depression and suicide. The comparison trivialises and diminishes them. I know you probably didn't mean that, I just had to say.

    Sorry for derailing the thread, GossamerSolid and everyone else.

    Nice to see the CDF get some attention and have its TO&E expanded. I can give my CDF armour company some more assets to fight with in their offensive to push the Russians back. :)

  3. Old news? No its not, currently argentina and that whole debacle is still open season to this day with the recent highlights of it. So argentina attacking like that meant it was ok to sell them bombs anyway, as long as they attack someone else with them? My point was just another highlight of the "moral stance on the world" when it comes to who is as bad or good in terms of selling arms, perfectly relevant as an example.

    For years before Argentina invaded in 1982 the UK government had been involved in discussion with the Argentinean government over the Falklands which included the possibility of handing over the islands to them. An attack on the islands was thus seen as unlikely so selling them arms was considered OK. The invasion changed everything and the chance of a hand over is extremely remote now. This information is available in reputable, researched and sourced texts.

  4. I would like to see the Hirtenberger M6-895 60mm mortar in Arma 2.

    The mortar is used by the British Army with each platoon command section having one 60mm mortar available to provide fire support for the unit, as far as I understand. The 60mm replaced the previous 51mm mortar in late 2008.

    Picture and information available on page 9 of this pdf.

    It could be carried by the mortar operator and then assembled and disassembled like some of the weapons in OA.

  5. One problem I ran into when placing custom recoils into my own config was that the machine gunners would shoot way over the heads of their targets. I also had modified the aimPrecision values under CfgMovesMC to increase the 'wavering' you get when holding a weapon so that may have caused the problem. A modified CfgRecoils without touching aimPrecision might not cause the machine gunner problem.

  6. November 1


    When I got Hinds installed it was oscillating wildly and would yaw like mad. I just had a look at the AXIS and somehow when installing the patch and hinds my sensitivity on the axis was set to max. I reset it to defaults and it's flying fine now. The hind seems tricky but manageable.

    Anyone else experienced this?

    I had the same issue.

  7. Bush sent military aid to the nations fighting Kony's LRA during his Presidency and Obama upped that by sending in 100 US military advisers in October last year and of course there's AFRICOM that was established in 2006 to coordinate with African governments facing serious security problems.

    So it's not like there's nothing been done. Whether this new widespread awareness of the LRA will reap benefits for the people affected is another question entirely. Time will tell I guess.

  8. Well, to ALL. Before we get carried away with DLCs or possible Sequels for TOH like Take on Tanks, or Take on Ships, or Take On [Anything-Else-Not-Helicopter-Related], remember that this is in reference to Take On Helicopters. Take on Hinds is not some new branch of Take On. A Hind falls well within the category of Helicopter. TOH is a helicopter sim. Take on Hinds does not imply that Take On is branching out to non-Helicopter subjects. But, I doubt it. The most I'd expect is Take On Planes. Why? Because Planes can have a civilian aspect to them. Tanks can't. Take on Planes, well yeah, new game, sequel to TOH (or TKOH, I prefer TOH for Take On Helicopters, not TaKe On Helicopters), it's fitting, being closely related to helicopters and not being tied down to only military-related stuff. I think the series, when branching out, should stick to flying-related stuff. So planes and Helicopters. If not, and they branch out to other things, non-flying related, then I think they should move to doing other civilian-based stuff. So like Take on Cars or Take on Boats or something like that. Something that isn't necessarily only applicable to military stuff, like tanks.

    Nobody has said BIS will be expanding Take On to planes or tanks but that they would like to see that happen or might be a good idea for them.

    Where did BIS say they only want to do civilian stuff?

    But for something like improved tank simulation, why not just add those military-related improvements in ArmA3 (not at release, but in subsequent patches)? I'd rather see improvements to simulation of military stuff come direct to ArmA, rather than having to wait for a new game to come out, do all that PR, for each type of vehicle that needs improvement. Do it in ArmA3 and then move on to make just a tank simulation. But, better, do it in ArmA 3 and, somewhere down the line, make a DLC that is basically a tank campaign (or it could be a mod, so then it's free).

    1. It allows them to focus on that specific area instead of the wide range in Arma which time and resources have to be spread over

    2. A separate game would bring in some extra revenue

  9. IMHO, I'd rather see BIS expand the Take On series with Take On Tanks and Take on Planes.

    That way BIS could improve the simulation of those areas like they have done to helicopters with TOH and possibly feed those enhancements into Arma 3. Plus, there are hardly any tank sims on the market and combat flight sims are usually extremely detailed (Strike Fighters 2 being the only one that comes to mind which hits a middle ground between realism and playability). These are gaps in the market BIS could fill like they have done with TOH by providing a tank sim and a combat flight sim that both strike a balance between realism and playability, have a mission editor, open to mods, MP/SP, support through patches etc. and DLC.

  10. Sounds great. I remember your project when it started back in the good old OFP days.

    P.S. - I had to change my name from Special Ed to Special_Ed and make a new account due to the fact I could not dig up my old password, gave up and just made this account.

    If you contact a moderator they'll be able to fix that by merging your accounts.

  11. CWR2 Config. Credit goes to Georilla for making it. I just added the Resistance side and a couple other things.

    RHQ_Recon = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierW_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierE_Marksman","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper"];  
    RHQ_FO = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierW_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierE_Marksman","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper"];
    RHQ_Snipers = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierW_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierE_Marksman","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper"];  
    RHQ_ATInf = ["cwr2_SoldierE_LAT","cwr2_SoldierE_AT","cwr2_SoldierW_AT","cwr2_SoldierW_LAT","cwr2_SoldierG_AT","cwr2_SoldierG_LAT"];  
    RHQ_AAInf = ["cwr2_SoldierW_AA","cwr2_SoldierE_AA","cwr2_SoldierG_AA"];  
    RHQ_Inf = ["cwr2_SpetsnazBizon","cwr2_Spetsnaz","cwr2_CaptiveE","cwr2_SoldierEFakeW","cwr2_SoldierE_Mortar","cwr2_SoldierE","cwr2_SoldierW_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierW_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierWFakeE","cwr2_OfficerW_Night","cwr2_OfficerW","cwr2_SoldierW_Medic","cwr2_MechanicW","cwr2_SoldierW_MG","cwr2_SoldierW_HG","cwr2_SoldierW_GL","cwr2_SoldierW_Engineer","cwr2_SoldierW_Crew","cwr2_BlackOp_XMS","cwr2_BlackOp_Laser","cwr2_BlackOp_Day","cwr2_BlackOp","cwr2_SoldierW_AR","cwr2_OfficerE","cwr2_SoldierE_Medic","cwr2_MechanicE","cwr2_SoldierE_MG","cwr2_SoldierE_AR","cwr2_SoldierW_AA","cwr2_SoldierE_AA","cwr2_SoldierE_LAT","cwr2_SoldierW_AT","cwr2_SoldierW_LAT","cwr2_SoldierE_AT","cwr2_SoldierE_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierE_Pilot","cwr2_OfficerE_Night","cwr2_SoldierE_HG","cwr2_SoldierE_GL","cwr2_SoldierE_Engineer","cwr2_SoldierE_Crew","cwr2_BlackOp_UZI","cwr2_SoldierW","cwr2_SoldierW_G36","cwr2_SoldierW_Mortar","cwr2_SoldierW_Steyr","cwr2_SoldierW_XMS","cwr2_CaptiveW","cwr2_SoldierG_AA","cwr2_SoldierG_AT","cwr2_SoldierG_AR","cwr2_CaptiveG","cwr2_CommanderG","cwr2_SoldierG_Crew","cwr2_SoldierG_Engineer","cwr2_SoldierG_GL","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_MG","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Medic","cwr2_Militia_AK","cwr2_Militia_FAL","cwr2_Militia_G3","cwr2_OfficerG","cwr2_OfficerG_Night","cwr2_SoldierG_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierG_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierG_LAT","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierG","cwr2_SoldierG_FAL","cwr2_SoldierG_G3","cwr2_SoldierG_Mortar"];  
    RHQ_HArmor = ["cwr2_T80","cwr2_M1A1","cwr2_T80_FIA"];  
    RHQ_MArmor = ["cwr2_T72","cwr2_M60A3","cwr2_T55_FIA","cwr2_T72_FIA"];
    RHQ_LArmor = ["cwr2_M113A3","cwr2_ZSU","cwr2_BMP2_HQ","cwr2_BMP2","cwr2_bmp1","cwr2_M113_HQ","cwr2_M113","cwr2_M163","cwr2_BMP1_FIA","cwr2_BMP2_FIA"];  
    RHQ_LarmorAT = ["cwr2_BMP2","cwr2_BMP2_FIA"];  
    RHQ_Cars = ["cwr2_Truck5t_Open","cwr2_Truck5t","cwr2_Truck5tRepair","cwr2_Truck5tReammo","cwr2_Ural4320","cwr2_UralOpen","cwr2_Ural","cwr2_UralReammo","cwr2_UralRepair","cwr2_UralRefuel","cwr2_UAZ_MG","cwr2_uaz","cwr2_HMMWV","cwr2_Truck5tRefuel","cwr2_UAZ_FIA","cwr2_Ural_FIA","cwr2_V3S_FIA","cwr2_UAZAmbul","cwr2_V3SRefuel","cwr2_V3SRepair","cwr2_V3SReammo"];  
    RHQ_Air = ["cwr2_Su25","cwr2_UH60MG","cwr2_UH60","cwr2_AH64C","cwr2_AH1F","cwr2_A10LGB","cwr2_A10","cwr2_Mi17","cwr2_Mi24D"];  
    RHQ_NCAir = [ ];
    RHQ_BAir = [ ];
    RHQ_RAir = [ ];
    RHQ_Naval = ["cwr2_BoatW"];
    RHQ_Static = ["cwr2_M2HB_High","cwr2_M2HB_Low","cwr2_Mk19_Tripod","cwr2_DShKM_High","cwr2_DShKM_Low","cwr2_cwr2_SPG9","cwr2_ZU23","cwr2_AGS30_Tripod","cwr2_cwr2_SPG9_FIA","cwr2_ZU23_FIA"];
    RHQ_StaticAA = ["cwr2_ZU23_FIA","cwr2_ZU23"];
    RHQ_StaticAT = ["cwr2_cwr2_SPG9_FIA","cwr2_cwr2_SPG9"];
    RHQ_Support = ["cwr2_BMPAmbul","cwr2_UralRefuel","cwr2_UralRepair","cwr2_UralReammo","cwr2_M113Ambul","cwr2_Truck5tRefuel","cwr2_Truck5tRepair","cwr2_Truck5tReammo","cwr2_UAZAmbul","cwr2_V3SRefuel","cwr2_V3SRepair","cwr2_V3SReammo"];
    RHQ_Med = ["cwr2_BMPAmbul","cwr2_M113Ambul","cwr2_UAZAmbul"];
    RHQ_Ammo = ["cwr2_UralReammo","cwr2_Truck5tReammo","cwr2_V3SReammo"];
    RHQ_Fuel = ["cwr2_UralRefuel","cwr2_Truck5tRefuel","cwr2_V3SRefuel"];
    RHQ_Rep = ["cwr2_UralRepair","cwr2_Truck5tRepair","cwr2_V3SRepair"];
    RHQ_Cargo = ["cwr2_Mi17","cwr2_Mi24D","cwr2_UH60MG","cwr2_UH60","cwr2_Truck5t_Open","cwr2_Truck5t","cwr2_Ural4320","cwr2_UralOpen","cwr2_Ural","cwr2_UAZ_MG","cwr2_uaz","cwr2_HMMWV","cwr2_BMP2_HQ","cwr2_BMP2","cwr2_M113A3","cwr2_M113","cwr2_M113_HQ","cwr2_BMP2_HQ","cwr2_UAZ_FIA","cwr2_Ural_FIA","cwr2_V3S_FIA"];  
    RHQ_NCCargo = ["cwr2_Truck5t_Open","cwr2_Truck5t","cwr2_Ural4320","cwr2_UralOpen","cwr2_Ural","cwr2_UAZ_MG","cwr2_uaz","cwr2_HMMWV","cwr2_UAZ_FIA","cwr2_Ural_FIA","cwr2_V3S_FIA"];  
    RHQ_Crew = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierE_Crew","cwr2_SoldierE_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierE_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierW_Crew","cwr2_SoldierG_Crew","cwr2_SoldierG_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierG_PilotHG"];

  12. Lol I find UFO Hunters interesting but I don't take it seriously, same with Ancient Aliens, regardless of things like proper methodology i personally always find it interesting to see the ideas and views people come up with, doesn't mean I believe those viewpoints but also doesn't make them any less interesting.

    I enjoy a bit of sci-fi now and then as well, like Stargate SG-1, but not on The History Channel.
