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Posts posted by -Snafu-

  1. I've installed it, got no errors, but when I run CO the logo of the DLC isn't on the main menu like with BAF and PMC and none of the content is present either.

    I was firing up Arma 2 with a launcher and a mod folder of addons I use pretty much all the time which caused the above issue.

    I started it up without the mod folder and it worked fine. I then enabled my mod folder through the expansions menu and everything still appears to be in order (new terrain in main menu and logo in main menu).

  2. Nope, that is not possible. You can simply go inactive, or if you want something drastic, we can ban you on request. If you need a different account, we can simply change the name or other details of this one.

    Since someone mentioned this, when I was going through one of my threads about a dispersion script a week or so ago I noticed I was having a conversation with myself. The other persons posts had disappeared completely. Would that be an error with the forum? Or something else?

    This is the thread.

  3. Well I'm not going to carry on wasting my (virtual) breath. Keep repeating that party line and let us know how it worked out in 10 days time.

    I don't understand what point you're making. You prefer Serellan stating its intentions are much clearer but I fail to see how. If you look at the features list for Takedown, it's very vague, with the game trying to please different communities (SWAT 4, Tom Clancy Rainbow Six, SOCOM etc.) and I don't see any information on what engine will be used. Nor did they have anything to show to give people an idea of what they were aiming for. No, that's wrong, they did - a few real life pictures stolen from places on the internet and photoshopped which the project lead initially denied! Extremely poor way to start off a business IMHO. Whereas with GB, the features are much more clear and nailed down and they have things to show off which gives people are far better idea of where the game is headed.

    Note, I am not a member of the GB forums and I only heard of it through these forums. I didn't back Serellan because of its lack of clarity and having nothing to show. I haven't backed GB either but I am considering to do so because their KS succeeds in the critical areas where Serellan's failed.

  4. Sorry if this has been mentioned, but would allowFleeing be a workable addition to the script? In games like Close Combat and Combat Mission where suppressive fire is important in manoeuvring your forces effectively, units could break under sustained and heavy fire (depending on type of unit, skill and a huge amount of other variables) and either flee from the map or back to another position.

    I have hardly any experience with scripting beyond basic stuff so this is just a suggestion. I don't want to be adding another mountain to your workload!

    Anyway, great work so far and an excellent addition to the game.

  5. @ Sanfu

    It was me that made the allegations of mainstream media brainwashing the people, not batto. I don't trust the mainstream media one single bit. They are distorting the truth . . . lying. I'm pissed of with those hypocrites. You are aware that the box (TV) is the most efficient tool to influence public opinion right? What I'm saying is . . . don't trust blindly in what they are portraying. Try to find some alternative news site . . . do extensive research.

    I've posted this video because I do respect Adam Kokesh.


    The mainstream media do not brainwash but, at best, try to influence their audience. Loads of extensive research has been done and published in books, studies or articles which are sourced pieces of research done by researchers who examine, analyse and write. Things like these are done at research groups, universities, 'think tanks' and so on and their works are usually easy to get a hold of on the internet. One such place is the GMG and quite a few of their works are free to download. You'll find that no study agrees on how effective the media are at influencing people with some saying they are, or aren't or can be in circumstances or whatever conclusion it is they reach based on their own research and own ideas on how media, technology, government, editors, politicians, different audience groups, journalists etc. come together in society.

  6. Doesn't matter. The massive permanent F.O.B. in Iraq is more than enough to deploy ground troops, which won't be used in the operations in Syria and Iran as you want to assume.

    US combat operations ended in Iraq in 2010 and the last combat unit left in December 2011, less than 200 military personnel are present now working out of the embassy. The big US bases are gone so supplies and engineers would need to be moved back in to re-build for some time to allow a build-up of forces before anything could happen.

    Dates of rearmament are irrelevant, you implied the world had been out of the Depression by the start of WW2, which is not the case.

    The dates are not irrelevant and nor did I say the above.

    Refresh your memory, as it is relevant to Syria due to Russian presence, which could spark a far bigger conflict in the region.


    The global and economic systems of the 1920s and 1930s were radically different from what we have now so the situations are not directly comparable.

    I never said intervention could not happen, just that it was far less likely given the different location and situation of Syria as well as the different priorities the US and European nations have.

  7. Unable to watch the game so I'm stuck with the BBC website.

    OK, this is going to hurt for Republic fans... Xabi Alonso has completed as many passes as the entire Republic team. Alonso has 106 to the Republic's 104. Ouch.

    Ouch indeed.

  8. Iraq, Israel. Enough?

    Neither of which are part of NATO.

    Bullshit on the economic recovery being in place prior to the start of WW II: said total mobilisation of industry, grandiose infrastructure projects and elimination of excess unemployed people during the war are the reasons, which had been the success story of post Depression era.

    Not "bullshit", German rearmament began in 1933 with Britain, France and the USA following suit in the mid-1930s and increased as the decade progressed. This is irrelevant to this thread, an armed intervention in Syria will not be like WW2.

    Who needs ignorant public support? Assemble a multi-national NATO fleet with U.S. majority presence and delegate all operations command to NATO HQ.

    When I say "unilateral" I mean through NATO and it will take more than just a NATO command. A lot of emphasis was placed on British and French aircraft in enforcing the no fly zone over Libya but with the economic crisis worse than it was a year ago, especially with the Euro zone, it's unlikely the French or British will back it. Fixing the ever growing economic crisis takes priority. The Syrian situation is also more complex than that of Libya as well as being further away from Europe.

  9. CIA helped to change or cripple governments in Latin America during cold war. It's what they do. Word elite is those who has power; politicians and other people with big influence (Rupert Murdoch for example). They don't have to share exact same goal, they can co-operate. And yes, these things are done in secret. Only idiots would do it in public.

    Proof of it happening in the past is not proof of it happening now. I'm not saying there's no intelligence service involvement, when something big happens in the world you want more intelligence on it and then may decide to aid clandestinely or not. Things are usually complex than "CIA", like the case with South Vietnam, where RVNAF generals were already planning a coup and the US government let it happen. That's just an example, I don't want to get dragged into a debate about Diem and the coup generals.

    -Syria isn't far from main NATO bases. I shouldn't say it would be expensive to move some assets to Turkey and maybe Jordan. Also it won't take much time to move some naval assets through the Mediterrian sea.

    Which bases? Germany? UK forces are in the process of leaving and US forces are reducing their presence. Turkey may veto use of its bases. More fighting means more refugees coming into the country.

    -One of the solutions of the crisis is some little war. Just like WW2 for USA.

    WW2 was not a little war! It was "total war", mobilisation of industry, a massive military build-up and intense fighting all over the world for years. Plus, the economic crash was already subsiding by the time it started.

    -I hadn't seen little support for the operation against Libya. On the countrary, even here I've seen plenty of people that wanted their countries to bomb Qaddafi. It fully depends on the media campaign. Even now I don't see lack of OEF support.

    Support is hard to quantify. Iraq became deeply unpopular, OEF is different as it was the result of attacks on American soil while Iraq was not and was thus more controversial. Support for Libya was never clear here and probably not in the US either.

    -US military won't be fully refocused. And it will have a potential force capable to participate in a war against any Middle-Eastern country. Even with all that cutbacks and relocations it's easy to form a joint NATO force that will outnumber any Middle-Eastern air force.

    The US still retains a significant capability even with reductions to pre-OEF levels but UK and France don't. UK troop numbers will fall below 100,000. In France the elections were decided by the economy and their military is going to leave Afghanistan earlier than planned IIRC. I don't think Obama wants to intervene unilaterally, if he wants to at all. Plus, the situation in Syria is more complex than it was in Libya.

  10. "media brainwashing you" - unfortunately truth

    "planned for years" - my hypothesis

    "CIA" - organization that helped regime change in Iran

    "world elite" - politicians

    Where are conspiracy theories?

    You argue we are being brainwashed by the media, there's a world elite, things are planned for years and an obligatory mention of the CIA.

    First of all you don't provide any evidence for your claims whatsoever.

    Secondly, it's all very grandiose and all very simple with the media and "world elite" planning and running things for years, in secret, towards some sort of common goal. Needless to say it's a completely unrealistic and organisationally and logistically impossible.

    Basic conspiracy theory stuff.

  11. What conspiracy theories?

    They are throughout the thread - "media brainwashing you", "planned for years", "CIA", "world elite" and so on.

    Do you really believe that current hype about Syria has anything to do with freedom for Syria?

    My point is unrelated to the one you are making here. I was responding to claims that there's a desire to intervene which clashes with what's happening at the moment. Thus a military intervention by NATO is unlikely given the current circumstances:

    - Cutbacks in military spending in the nations of NATO that can project power overseas

    - The seriousness of the economic crisis has made it priority

    - Little support for another war after over a decade of it in the Middle East and Afghanistan

    - Re-focus of reduced US military and political assets to the Pacific region

  12. With the current economic crisis, over a decade of war and current cutbacks there does not exist either the will or resources to "intervene" (whatever one means by that) and this is not taking into consideration the different geographical and political situation of Syria to that of Libya. The US military is scaling down and re-orienting itself to the Pacific region as its primary focus. The British military is about to go through another round of cuts that will effect all branches. The capabilities of the British military are less now compared to a year ago. I assume the French military is also going through cuts.

    I miss the days when this place was not filled with conspiracy theorists and you could actually learn something.
