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Everything posted by sirex

  1. sirex

    custom images

    if you have the text working, it must not like the (or find) the image. check the case, as it's case sensitive, and check the image (paa) opens correctly in textview. sometimes the convertion is naff and it wont reopen in texview, nor work in game.
  2. sirex

    Public Ban List

    i think it was directed at nutty, in error though since i think nutty is suggestnig looking at the server packets from the server. it wouldnt help anyhow though, it's not like the content of the packet is being misread by the server, it's just they tamper with what the server expects the client to do and make the client do what they want it to do ("i.e yes, honest, i killed everyone with this ak47 round") -- problem is at the moment the server goes "oh, ok then!"). </laymans terms>
  3. sirex

    custom images

    here's anouther thing. i found when looking at sly's xml that he sent me that whatever editor he used for editing the xml (i suspect dreamweaver) had added alot of junk to the file, so make sure it's clean and exactly as expected. as before, if you have trouble with it, msg me and ill give you my email to send it to.
  4. sirex

    17520x17520 res map of Sahrani - jpg

    anyone know a company that'll print this to a poster for you ? (sure i seen people on the forums have em made up)
  5. sirex

    Public Ban List

    actually, (as a straight up question) are you sure on that ? -- i wasn't aware that an online game alias fell under the data protection act, as its not personal information, is it ? i mean, your msn address, email address, icq number, yes, but a game name gives no way to contact you, so it's just raw data, isn't it ? (anyhow... i'd prefer this info to be simply "ID X was banned for ", that way you wont get muppet A using someone else's name in game to get them a bad rep, as it'll still be on their ID) (till the id changers hit the street, but that's BIS'es problem).
  6. sirex

    Duh, maximum players is 32 or 64?

    god yes. :-) really hoping itll make a big diffrence
  7. sirex

    Too much CHEATS

    here's to hoping then.
  8. sirex

    Dual Head?

    would be good wouldnt it :-) dont know if it'll happen though. youd have to have the map as a seperate window and play in windowed mode, which might take a big chunk of coding.
  9. sirex

    Map Reading

    to be totally honest, the island is small enough that if you know the ridges and the town shapes, youll know where you are 9 times out of ten. just fly around the island alot. after an hour or so you'll know where your at.
  10. sirex

    Too much CHEATS

    i do hope these changes get made, but knowing the amount of effort any change this late in the development lifetime requires, i'd be amazed if there's a _sucessful_ push towards these types of features. maybe with a big patch designed top down for security it'll happen, but im not holding my breath. It'd be nice if they can even just stop generic game hacks from working on armed assault though, Least make the idiots work for their bread.
  11. sirex

    Harrier Take Off and Landing Demo

    if you got up on the wrong side of bed, this isnt the place to vent it. aside from which, the original comment was to commend his work and to point out the unfortunate lack of documentation from BIS. so you've just shot yourself in the foot, twice. edit (removal): actually, defining words is inflamatory imho. but goto dictionary.com and pm me if yuo have any futher questions.
  12. sirex

    Harrier Take Off and Landing Demo

    i see satire isn't lost on you.
  13. sirex

    Harrier Take Off and Landing Demo

    thats intresting. - it's like someone found a page of the manual that was meant to be with arma.
  14. sirex

    BIS Checkout?!?!?

    am i the only person that had zero expectations of the AI holding up to the pre-release claims ? AI sucks in arma, it sucks in just about every game. I'd be suprised if that situation changes anytime soon.
  15. sirex


    how does that respawn script work ? -- maybe make a tank eliable to respawn when a tank on the other team is killed. -- gives you an objective and a bonus to take out key units. although it might get very one sided once a team gets the upper hand. hmmm.
  16. sirex

    Too much CHEATS

    where the hell are you guys going to find so many cheaters are you sure this isnt "he shot me, therefore he cheats" ?
  17. Which other Coop Event m8? possibly not a problem anymore as i think they moved theirs. I'll try to come along to this, if i remember. Busy at home at the moment
  18. sirex

    Public Ban List

    Apahty is no defense. its not apathy, it's just the posts he makes are mostly unintelligible so i'm refusing to decypher them. besides, i didnt say BIS dont or shouldnt care, i said the chances of them being able to beat the problem are nigh on squatt. The game was designed for serious people and players, not with your average bonehead in mind. I'd suspect making it water tight is going to be a very uphill problem. I mean, lets not pretend for a second that there's any real capacity from the idiot community to create cheats for arma and its already happened. Its not as per counterstrike where there are many many muppets looking for any flaw in the system.
  19. sirex

    Too much CHEATS

    what he said.
  20. sirex

    map marking online

    me either. - thought ti was a bug. - awesome
  21. sirex

    Public Ban List

    ..... no comment needed methinks.
  22. sirex

    Public Ban List

    no offence, i'm assuming english isnt your first language, but can you run it by someone first because it's a bit hard to understand.... play it solo ? -- i never played arma solo, except when i'm using the editor to make little missions. Multiplayer is the only way to go, that dosn't mean you have to give in to idiots though. All i'm saying is that making the "unhackable" game is very, very hard, but that armed assault isn't the sort of high profile game in which you're going to have alot of problems with dedicated teams of people who care enough to make that sort of effort. If someone really wanted to, im sure they would have crashed every server, auto teamkilled every player and really annoyed the hell out of everyone. End of the day it's a problem which this type of game makes for itsself by being so flexible, but it's never manifested in the game because frankly, noone with the ability to cause that type of problem can be bothered. tkc get bounded around on the forums alot as some evil force to do battle with (and in the process glorify their idiocy). we already have the tools avaliable to beat off this type of threat in the form of common sense and a good majority of people who can work towards making the problem as small as possible, but dnt expect it to go away. It's a never ending arms race in every game. Just realise the type of people your dealing with, and crack open another beer.
  23. sirex

    Public Ban List

    you'd know by looking at the scoreboard. - if having the cheat means they still suck i'm not overly bothered anyhow. and the reason im on the forums alot is because i visit it alot at work. :-)
  24. sirex

    Months and patches later still no go?

    seeing as arma isnt coded for multiple cores, isn't this completely academic anyhow ?
  25. sirex

    Public Ban List

    i still dont really believe its that bad. - there's a handful of servers. and a handful of players. if it was that rampant i'd have seen it by now.