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Posts posted by seba1976

  1. I wasn't sure if this was the right place to discuss this, but I wanted to know if anyone else was having the same problem as me with the 3D Editor, it seems that when I load into the 3D Editor and spawn a player, once i'm in game in that player and decide to open up Zeus, all of the mods I have currently installed including RHS don't seem to appear but the default factions do, and this includes Mods such as CUP. If I were to restart the scenario the mods would happen to re appear unlike if i were to load into the scenario for the first time, I've tried loading up 2D editor and doing the same and it happens to work flawlessly. Again this probably isn't the right place to be typing this, and i'm sorry for the inconvenience, but i just need re-assurance with this matter. Of course this has nothing to do with you guys and is probably on Bohemia's side if not mine, but i just wanted to know if anyone of you has encountered this problem as of late considering this only started happening in last week or so. And again, thanks for taking the time to read this and good luck for the next release  :) .


    Put this in the init.sqf:

    SAC_fnc_addOpenArsenalAction = {
    	params ["_unit"];
    	private ["_title", "_scriptCode", "_arguments", "_priority", "_showWindow", "_hideOnUse", "_condition"];
    	_title = "<t color='#00FFFF'>Arsenal</t>";
    	_scriptCode = {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}; //solo válido desde A3
    	_arguments = nil;
    	_priority = 1000;
    	_showWindow = false;
    	_hideOnUse = true;
    	_condition = "(isNull objectParent _this) && {_this distance _target < 2}";
    	_unit addAction [_title, _scriptCode, _arguments, _priority, _showWindow, _hideOnUse, "", _condition];

    And the in the init of the ammo box, or even in the init of your avatar, put this:

    [this] spawn SAC_fnc_addOpenArsenalAction;

  2. Rifles are not too loud, if you compare it with voice over net its perfect. Seba why didnt you lower the volume?


    Like I said, that's the first thing I did, and then I did it again, and then again. The problem with lowering the volume to get the rifles to a comfortable level is, of course, the rest of the game get barely audible. Voice over net has a separate slider though.


    Oh well, I guess this time I got the shortest straw  :) . I've no idea what may be causing that, but I'm not surprised. Perhaps my headsets are more sensitive to that frequency, or my ears, or the virtual surround  :lol: .

  3. Anyone else thinking the rifles are way, way too loud? The MK20 for example. And I love now EVERYTHING about the mod, after testing it for some time, BUT I had to lower the sound volume in game setting to less than half the slider, or my ears (or the headset drivers) are going to explode. I just hope I'm not the only one, 'cos like I discovered some days ago, your mileage may vary a lot, depending on you audio setup.

  4. Oh yes absolutely moddable. For instance, it would fit nicely in the C2 mod or WW AI.


    Imagine the high-fives around their offices when they cracked this problem that has plagued AI team control for years. I just simply can not understand why BI go through all this trouble, but fail to make it accessible in-game. Still hoping for the MoveNow as a feature in the normal commanding menu :)


    It's been left to scripters because only scripters can understand what it does. The real problem was not preventing the AI units from going into danger mode by themselves, it was getting them out of it by some condition, external to their own FSMs, and still is.

  5. I was going to opt for a Kraken but the HyperX is more comfortable. Are you using it with onboard audio? Been debating getting one of those USB amp/soundcards for headphones..


    Asus Xonar DGX. But the same can be said when using the onboard audio. Between those two, get the HyperX. You will be instantly dissapointed with the Kraken. Regarding the USB 7.1 sound cards, I've read poor reviews, so I went for the analog headphones, and the Xonar to get the 5.1/7.1 virtual surround, and it sounds very good in Arma so far. I can really pinpoint the sound source in the scene, and no more annoying helicopters being heard only on one side, while the other being silent, standing 5 mts. from the sound source.


    BTW, I've just checked the rifles with LJ's EDEN, and I almost hurt my ears  :) , I mean real actual hurt, so, yeah, for those who said the soundscape was too quiet... my ears say f*** you.  :lol: Now seriously, again, not even the volume of a sound mod can be compared between one audio setup and the other.

  6. I have a HyperX Headset and I think it is out-freaking-standing.  Forget the actual name of the model as its not on the headset itself and I'm too lazy to go hunt for the box, but I was really impressed when I got it.


    Yeah, they sound great for a gaming headset. Point being, that every headset made for gaming seems to sound quite different from the others, making giving opinions about sound mods, very difficult really. And that's not even considering the virtual surround that most sound cards are providing nowadays, which really changes everything, sometimes not neccesarily for the good.

  7. So what is it again with the Zeus then? Even if a mission (with Zeus) is being played on a dedicated server, the Zeus and everything it "spawns" (such as AI groups) will be local to the client that happens to be Zeus?


    Yes, it will be. Unless there's some script involved that specifically takes the zeus spawned units and change their locality (which is a common practice).

  8. You and LJ make it look so simple to make weapons sound like something you want to use, that I just can't get my head around why BIS keeps doing it the wrong way. Right now vanilla rifles sound completely uninteresting to use in vanilla. Yeah, they got the engine right now, but they just don't seem to grasp the concept you and LJ got so well. Damn... those are really nice sounds Lax (again). Of course you have all your right to hold off the release, but for us to wait until 1.58 is just so bad... Now that BIS started this thing like a new patch is more like a new game release, and the dev branch is more like the real patches, who knows how much time we'll have to wait. Oh well, cheers mate  :) .

    • Like 1

  9. It never ceases to amaze me how different one headset can sound from another. I'm having this shit-show now, between a HyperX Cloud Core, and a Razer Kraken Pro. I know they're not top of the line by a long shot, but in my land they're both expensible headsets. Now the Razer cost almost twice the price of the HyperX, and it sounds like shit, I mean really, they sound so bad I can't even use them as a backup. They're both simple, straight connected, analog headsets, but the explanation I've got from the vendor, is that the Razer is "equalized for gaming" (whatever the f*** that means). In practice, the Razers have absolutely no medium-high, to high frecuency output, and the bass is all you hear. You can imagine. Using the equalizer does not helps. because somehow the drivers are setup so they simply don't play high frecuencies. Now coming back to the topic here, I was just going through this, when EDEN update came out. So you can imagine, how biased the opinions about audio in games can be, from one person to another, with this senseless diversity of audio setups going among the playerbase.

  10. @LJ: For whatever it's worth, I don't get why all the positive feedback about the new vanilla sound so don't bother too much, I guess the BI marketing deparment is doing the things right ;) . I still find most of the sounds are wrong, and do need a sound mod to enjoy the game. I'm addicted to yours specially. I like Dynasond too, but it affects less things than JSRS so, after a while, I end up with your soundmod every time. I miss the old. problematic, scripted version, the most, as I'm sure you know nothing has come close to that one. But even without scripts, your mod is making many of us enjoy a sim that, otherwise, simply lacks the right soundscape. Please keep up the good work your doing, and don't ever quit sharing it with us!  :)

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