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Posts posted by seba1976

  1. I simply mean the uniforms, which are a great portion of this mod, work with no problem (the same goes for backpacks!). You can equip all that content using Arsenal, or other scripted solutions, or you can use them in configs for new units, or replacement configs.


    The following folder contains different replacements for NATO recon units, using KETSU and RHS gear:


  2. No sorry. There are a couple of parameters for AI driving, but most of the times they are driving like complete drunktards....


    Well, regardless of improvements, does the AI compensate well for these changes? Take braking for a concrete example. A human driver have to take that into account when approaching a curve. Does the current AI have no problem with that? Will this drunktards not crash the whole thing at the first turn they'll have to take? More than usual, that is  :) .

    * I thank the efforts of all of you the CUP, but I wish the next update, the habitable constructions existing in Sahrani could go back, because I have done the goals of my missions using most of these dwellings.


    I want to second this. I like the CUP Sahrani more than the SMD A3 one, BUT, none of my missions run really well without enterable buildings. I know it's in your plans to do it, I just wanna stress maybe, how importand that is for many of us.

  4. There seems to be some kind of config problems. To make a long story short, if you do:

    _center nearObjects ["Building", _radius]

    You get every building in Duala, no problem.


    But if you do:

    nearestBuilding _center

    Almost none of the buildings in Duala are returned. In the next picture, you can see in red all the buildings that got returned by the first command, and in blue, the only ones that got returned by the second command:


    Acording to the WIKI, nearestBuilding returns objects of class "House", but after doing:

    _center nearObjects ["House", _radius]

    You get the right buildings again:



    Also, it seems the building that are NOT returned, which are the great mayority, returns "true" when you do:

    hint str (isNull cursorTarget)

    Look what happens in this area for example:



    I've tried the same command in Altis, and in the Sahrani version of CUP, and everything works fine there. Could you take a look please? It's breaking a lot of scripts that rely on cursorTarget and nearestBuilding. I've been doing some search and in one case a re-binarization solved the problem, though I'm not confident about that being the case here.


    PS: I don't think Duala to be the only map that is affected. It might have been started after 1.54, but I'm not sure about it.

  5. Hmmm-maybe it is regional? I havnt paid for a membership, and I have had some issues with it recently-but today Dynasound downloaded really fast. I am in Ireland-maybe European region is different from the US?

    Many miles south of the US here ;) . But it's usual to get 600-700 kB/s from Drive or Mega no problem. Dropbox has been acting up on me lately, but before that it was also maxing out my connection speed.

  6. Dropbox is down-but try Armaholic again.I just used it and this downloaded in 60 seconds for me.

    I don't see how that could be possible, without paying for a membership. That's been the "normal" speed for quite some time. I don't think it's tied to regions, but it may as well be. In any case, it's like that for mine, since I know other users are having problems with Armaholic for quite some time.

  7. You doubt unarmed and M240 variants of the UH-60M Blackhawk merit inclusion? Do not presume to know why I made the suggestion, because you don't. Your rudeness is unnecessary and unwelcome, as is your attempt to blame/humiliate me on a personal level by saying "this isn't the only thread I've seen you made such "requests" in." I merely submitted a suggestion because I hadn't seen it submitted before. Please indicate where this exact suggestion has been made to the RHS developers.


    Chill out, there was just some heated debate about the subject of "suggestions" a couple days ago, you just were in the wrong place at the wrong time :) .
