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Everything posted by stainer

  1. Hi guys, got Arma 2 through the post today, desperately hoping that my system would be able to cope with it...unfortunately not. At least not well enough for me to enjoy it. Here's what I've got: Intel Core 6600 2CPU @ 2.40GHz 2GB RAM 2x NVIDIA Geforce 7950GX2 512mb Windows XP What's my best bet to increase performance? I know my GFX card is a bit lame, are there any suggestions for decent ones that aren't too expensive? I'm not looking to max out the settings just have it running nicely on medium/high. Cheers
  2. stainer


    Well I've tried it with a clean install (just the required addons) and it's working fine so it's not your scripts, nor Murphys mission. I guess I'll just have to fiddle around and see what works. Cheers for the reply tho Spooner. Â Edit - seems to be a conflict with the FFN mod...
  3. stainer


    Hey Murphy Man, I've opened up the latest (2.2) mission in the editor in order to port the mission to another island (don't worry it's for private use only), but whenever I open the gun shop menu it causes massive lag and only displays 1-4 weapons. The lag disappears as soon as you abort the mission, but it makes the missions itself totally unplayable. The car shop menu works perfectly, its just the weapons one. Any ideas what might be causing it? It's probably me being stupid though...
  4. stainer

    Crcti special edition

    Thanks for the uncompressed file Aussie, that works fine for me!
  5. stainer

    Crcti special edition

    The OGN link to crcti_buildings is corrupt. I've tried downloading it several times over the last few weeks and it never works. Are there any working links around?
  6. Fantastic release guys, had a bit of trouble with the Ambush mission, however it's very easy just to port the original OFP version over. The yellow grass IMO looks like heather and suits Malden perfectly, however I do think it might be impacting performance. One other minor problem is that when boarding the jeep, the first passenger enters the seat behind the driver, not next to the driver as might be expected. Not a major issue just thought I'd raise it.
  7. Right, I've searched the forums and can't for the life of me work out how to change the follwing script from OFP to ArmA: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_artyCaller = _this select 0 _explosions = 25 ; maximum number of executions _max_exec = 6 ; spread in m _spread = 105 ; see if it number of executions is kept exec = exec+1 ? (exec>_max_exec) : exit alpha2 sideradio "arty_1a" ; wait 5 seconds ~5 leader charlie sideradio "arty_2" pos="NULL" onMapSingleClick {pos=_pos; onMapSingleClick {}} ~2 #wait ~0.1 ? (pos in ["NULL"]) : goto "wait" ~1 leader charlie sideradio "arty_3" ~15 leader charlie sideradio "arty_4" ~25 _sh = _spread/2 _i = 0 #createrounds "Shell120" camCreate [(pos select 0)-(random _sh)+(random _sh), (pos select 1)-(random _sh)+(random _sh), 0] _i = _i+1 ~(random 3) ? (_i < _explosions) : goto "createrounds" ~2 leader charlie sideradio "arty_5" exit The difficulty comes with the 'onmapsingleclick' part as well as with the 'camcreate' section. The script itself is not mine, but one I picked up years ago (I don't know the original author I'm afraid). All the script does (or is supposed to do) is call down a certain number of shells in the area where the player clicks on the map with a few radio calls. I'm not after complex alternatives, just a simplistic click and fire thing. Any help in modifying the syntax so it is ArmA compatible would be greatly appreciated.
  8. stainer

    BIS - Mission PROTECTION

    What happens when the creator of a locked mission drops out of the community and is no longer reachable? Problem not solved. I'm fully with Gnat on this one, locking missions simply stifles creativity and makes the learning process for budding scripters/mission makers a lot harder. As for a different community that's ridiculous. Balschoiw don't be ignorant - the issue of 'permission' was prevalent in the OFP days with people bitching left, right and centre about lack of credit. The only real instance I've seen of mission spinoffs is Evolution, but I bet most people playing it won't know of Kiljoy (or any of the spinoffs creators for that matter) and really don't care so long as they are enjoying themselves. The creators of the missions should be pleased that people are taking it upon themselves to edit their mission, seeing how they made it and then adapting it to their individual needs and get maximum enjoyment out of it, even if it doesn't have their name stamped all over it.
  9. stainer

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Great job, but I'm getting an error message with the AWM: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">No Entry: 'bin\config.bin/CfgRecoils.Ska_RiffleRecoil' And unsurprisingly there's no recoil on the rifle.
  10. stainer

    The surroundings of Bis.

    Thought that people weren't meant to post that info publicly? Although most of the community already know it anyway I suppose.
  11. stainer

    1st Infantry Division

    Camelback tubes can be swapped either side (at least they can on mine).
  12. stainer

    WoW  arma

    Good things come to those who wait seems to be the most apt phrase. Oh and your knowledge of ancient languages is somewhat lacking: kilo and mega are Greek.
  13. I'm wary of delving into this topic as anything SAS related usually turns into a battle of armchair generals... I'm fairly certain that the SAS do not use '58 pattern webbing. AFAIK it is issued only to members of the cadet forces, and even then most cadets have the sense (yes, we're not all gobshites) to buy the newer stuff. As a cadet myself I've used the '58 stuff and it is utter crap. Now there was an upgrade to the '58 pattern, the '72 pattern which is rumoured to once have been used by the SAS because it was easier to decontaminate. The bottom line is '58 pattern webbing is outdated and the newer PLCE stuff is of a far higher quality. Please note, I don't claim to know what "they" wear, I'm simply applying common sense as to what they might/might not wear. -back on track- Sorry Sled can't help you out with the texture stuff, although I would say that the beret isn't the wisest of choices for the units.
  14. stainer

    A-10 Mission from US release

    I really enjoyed this mission. It had a simple concept but the features (radio chatter, the little "kill indicator" and the secondary objectives) made it worthwhile. This is much more like it BIS, along with "Blood, Sweat and Tears" the official missions are beginning to resemble OFPs. BTW, it might just be me but this mission made me think of "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy, with the A10s strafing Russian tanks in CAS role.
  15. stainer

    Evolution V3.0

    I'm having the same issue mate. For the most part I only play with 2 other friends and now a stealthy assault on the secondary objective is out of the question as they are always around the centre of the cities. More secondary objectives which are more isolated from the main cities would massively increase the enjoyment and break up the monotony of simply "Oh, that towns fallen...on to the next one...". It encourages greater teamwork as you are working to a definite objective rather than simply killing people. I'm not saying get rid of the radio towers as I think they are an excellent idea, it's just there needs to be a wider range of objectives which are more accessible to smaller groups.
  16. stainer

    Just a quciky

    I believe Spanish is meant to be the primary language, the AI simply speak in English so the player can understand when playing as SLA.
  17. stainer

    SAP_Everon v1.0

    Whilst I love the islands, is there any chance that you'll add a bit of detail in the towns with some of ArmAs objects, such as fences or postboxes? It's just that at the moment they feel a bit empty.
  18. I think what he means is that the beret is poorly moulded to the persons head and is too upright and flat.
  19. stainer

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Yeh, the secondary objectives are much more appealing when playing in small numbers, rather than having to take on an entire town. Some secondary objectives at prominent map features, not neccessarily near towns (say manor houses/hotels/ruins/bridges) would add much greater diversity to the maps. I'm not suggesting anything overly complex, just a few sandbags and some groups. BTW, I sent you a PM on the 5th of June, just wondering whether you'd recieved it?
  20. stainer

    BIS Missions

    Well personally I really enjoy mucking around in the editor creating scenarios etc, I was just playing devil's advocate with my post. However, even in OFP's final months I was still playing "Lost Squad" in MP and "Ambush" in single player, I just can't see myself doing this with any of ArmA's missions. Â
  21. stainer

    Arma Map settings In Mp

    It's up to the server to enable/disable "Extended Map Info" in the difficulty options. What this does is basically show any known units as icons on the map, as you experienced. I believe that switching to veteran automatically disables this (among other things), however it can be manually disabled for cadet mode through the difficulty options.
  22. stainer

    BIS Missions

    Ever thought about those people that don't have the time to make missions and simply want to play a mission without the hassle of learning detailed scripting to acheive the effect they want? Perhaps some people don't have the internet and are stuck with the default missions, what impression are they going to give of the game to that person? Credit to BIS, they provided an excellent modding platform and at least one or two mission which were worth replaying, but frankly I would have expected more considering the quality of the OFP campaigns and single missions. As the unknown said, having spent many hours making a mission, you know whats going to happen in most cases, therefore taking all the joy out of the mission.
  23. stainer

    When a ARMA french forum ?

    The only reason so many people speak Mandarin Chinese (Just over one billion native and secondary speakers according to Wikipedia, or try this) is because the population of China is so large, very few, if any, countries other than China actually use it. I think you'll find that whilst English might not be the most widely spoken language, some of the largest global powers have it as their native language and therefore if other countries wish to do business with them a grasp of English is needed. Besides, even though the British Empire has collapsed, some of our customs have rubbed off, the language for instance. I think if you look at this forum as an example you'll find that a significant proportion of members are not native English-speakers, yet they have mastered the language to be able to get around. I realise this is incredibly ignorant on my behalf, expecting people to learn my language, but I admire those who are bilingual, something which is beyond me. Sorry for the offtopic, just thought I had to show the other side of the story. As for French forums Armed Assault.info has a French section.
  24. stainer

    difference between these 3 movements orders

    'Stay back' i believe makes the rest of your squad stay about 30-50m behind you.
  25. stainer

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    I've had a fair few crashes in 1.4 which seemed just to be random. Also one very annoying bug: when flying a chopper over any part of the island I will get transported to a bit of ocean SW of Rahmadi and am left floating in the water or dead depending on whether my chopper crashed or not. This happened about 4 times in 3 hours of play.