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Everything posted by stainer

  1. stainer

    Best site for ArmA addons, mods & updates

    Well I'm assuming that with the release of ArmA ofp.info will change focus from OFP to Armed Assault and therefore will remain as one of the top sites for the BIS games.
  2. stainer

    Problem at the briefing screen

    Any chance you could get a screenshot of what exactly is going on?
  3. stainer

    missing texture

    This would be better off in the Addon Request Thread
  4. stainer

    Release Date

    Yeeesh! Another one! Estimate so far is Q3 2006. How many threads in the last week have there been on this subject?
  5. stainer

    Run Forest ... Run !

    The running anim is superb, the wobble as the weight shifts from foot to foot makes this look excellent. Good job!
  6. stainer

    Run Forest ... Run !

    The running anim is superb, the wobble as the weight shifts from foot to foot makes this look excellent. Good job!
  7. stainer

    X3: Reunion

    "I'm surrounded by blown Kha'ak, but strangely unsatisfied" What a name!
  8. stainer

    Serious question

    Well to join the British Army you need to have been born in the UK or the Commonwealth or have citizenship AFAIK.
  9. stainer

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    I think I heard the narrator mention "3 months of work to go" or something like that.
  10. stainer

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Anyone reckon that BIS are going to try to make the OFP and ArmA release dates coincide? i.e both will end up being released on the 22nd June
  11. stainer

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Great news on the release date, however I might need to think about upgrading my PC...
  12. stainer

    William Porter's Blog

    Ingame map with Sahrani island is 419.4304 km2. I think that's pretty definitive Â
  13. stainer

    Latest screenshots available

    I'm very disappointed that they centred the aim, it was a key feature of OFP that I will miss.
  14. stainer

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    May I suggest the songs from the film "Bourne Identity" and "Bourne Supremacy". They are instrumental and I have already replaced the resistance songs with them and they fit well. If you're interested PM me and I will send you them if needs be.
  15. stainer

    Multiplayer Freeze

    Yup, that will work. 456820 you can just run OFP in a window as Placebo said above by adding the parameter -window to the target line
  16. stainer

    Multiplayer Freeze

    Before anyone says anything I must point out that I did a search before posting, but did not find any info. I have: OFP:R 1.96 Windows XP P4 3.00GHz Processor 1024mb RAM 128mb ATI Radeon x300 2mb ADSL connection The problem is this: Normal OFP is fine, but when I click Multiplayer on the main screen OFP freezes and I am forced to reset my PC from the mains. I have tried a clean install, but it still resulted in the same effects. My Video card has the latest drivers, I downloaded them just 2 weeks ago. Any suggestions?
  17. stainer

    African Jazz

    Sounds great, testing it out now Â
  18. stainer

    1.96 problems

    Make sure that OFP is running at a different resolution to that of your desktop.
  19. stainer

    Project UK Forces

    If it was complete don't you think they would release it? Obviously they are still working on units and will release them when they are ready.
  20. stainer

    Nature Pack 4

    This is really great work Berghoff, the islands really feel Meditarranean!
  21. stainer

    ORCS animation

    Well the file that I downloaded had 3 Pbos: icp_anims, icp_ainf and icp_anav. ICP_anims should go into Res/Addons and the other two contain config files that when Unpboed should replace the config in the original units. As for RHS troops with the anims I have no idea, Cameron seems to be your man there.
  22. stainer

    ORCS animation

    Okay I got the pack and judging by the readme you need to unPbo both your original ORCS units and the corresponding Pbo (so icp_inf : icp_ainf). 1-UnPbo the icp_ainf 2-UnPbo the icp_inf in your addons folder. 3-Overwrite the config file in the icp_inf with the one in icp_ainf. 4-Make the folder back into Pbo and put it back in your addons folder. 5-Enjoy the new anims. I haven't tested it but that should work. @Cameron Sorry mate I haven't used these anims before and I thought they would be static, no need for the attitude.
  23. stainer

    satchel explosives

    Well this is how I would do it, there are probably easier ways but I don't know them. Place the car and name it 'car'. Then place a trigger with the size quite large (so it encompasses a unit) and the activation to "anybody", then set Min/Max/Mid to whatever time you want. In the init line of the trigger type the following: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Boom="Shell125" camcreate [getpos car select 0, getpos car select 1] That should do it, from there just play with the size of the explosion (Heat/Sabot/Shell, 75-125).
  24. stainer

    US scientists 'grow' organ in lab!

    I want to know how the patients are doing, there could be unforseen side effects, can't be easy for the body to suddenly accept a new bladder. Edit - looked throught the article again, seems the patients are okay because the bladder was grown from their own tissue. Science continues to amaze.
  25. stainer

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Not everyone can have their own tailor made replacement mod with units as they want, I think how it is currently is fine, and pleases the majority of people. The resistance side should not be a specific country's army, it should be a rabble of poorly trained farmers with outdated weapons as it currently stands.