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Everything posted by stisoas

  1. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    you have 1gig ! the day when you will installed one other , you will understand. often, 500 or 600MB are still free. so i can let my software run. it's not a problem. when photoshop loose focus , it doesnt eat too much cpu . it's negligeable. and especially , for ram usage , use my tweak ! -maxmem=700
  2. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    what do you mean ? do you realize that my comp run 2GB , but arma use only 400 ? with -maxmem parameter , central ram usage go up to 850MB ... i call it "optimized"
  3. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    because my comp has 2Go ram. i dont care much about launched software. my total system load on this screen is 1375MB. 600MB of physic ram are still free look ! (between , i dont have any HDD swap enable)
  4. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    here my exact arma session after 15 minutes of custom mission spectating with helo insertion , in town SOMATO . 2000M viewdistance. Vram is 400MB as i said.
  5. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    1gig ram ? count what ? 200MB for system ? if you close all apps ,you can dedicated maybe 750Mo 800Mo to arma. in this case , i would say -maxmem=750
  6. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    no reply ... hurry up guys
  7. stisoas

    Staggered release and pirate copies

    as ever, 40% of all player will not buy game... but these 40% arent OFP veteran. the others, will buy it of course. so , the best way for BI is to try to lock patching.
  8. stisoas

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    Hi ! i was browsing biki page, and i found that: arma.exe -maxmem=(MB) Usually, my game session eat 350 380MB of central ram and 400MB of video ram. my comp has 2GB ram... With -maxmem=1024 , my session reach now 800MB in central ram and the casual 400MB of vid rame. it seem i have less HDD access (less microfreeze while loading scene object) so i think it's a good tweak. i tried first the value 1536. but my game crashed. so i reduced it to 1024, no problem yet. ps: report us your result !
  9. stisoas


    the main pb in OFP chopper FM was braking. in Arma , you can nearly realisticaly brake in put your nose up. the overall visual chopper evolving in air is far better. it's more "real". the only pb i see is the rear rotor influence who tend to be reduced, with relation with your horizontal speed. the more fast you fly , the less force has the rear rotor.
  10. stisoas

    Company promises AI accelerator for games

    it's right , AI in OFP like game is primordial, and it's the main power eating of all game component. AI unit and comportment make game . it's nearly all game. but, i think all that can be done on actual PC core. we just need inovation , optimisation, and multithreading support. with 3 dedicated cpu core to AI , it could be raelly great. on a single 4 core amd box
  11. stisoas

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    i think the most important thing is to fixe the "invalid texture aspect ratio" with dedicated server... my missions (on tonalh island) are too heavy and scripted for well run on playing host... i can' play them !! FFUR2006 is the best "mod integration" ever, but this problem make it neary unusable for me personally .. go work ffur ! go work ! :P
  12. stisoas

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    i just finished a coop mission running FFUR2006. when i try to run it from my dedicated server, server crash because texture invalide aspet ratio : - / any idea ?
  13. stisoas

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    i dont find any MP config.bin in my ffur folder. where can i get one fr test MP game ?
  14. stisoas

    CoIn2 by DMA

    i have multiple problem with your mission template. first crate drop doesnt works . airstrike doesnt works. i dont have any idea of how i can get law weapons for my troop and myself. i can't fight BMP with satchel. gimme help, thanks
  15. Hello ! i want customize several CTI mission , with your new weapons pack . i need solider classname , and there arent specified in your readme. could you post them here ? thanks
  16. stisoas

    View distance in MP

    SetviewDistance xxxx (from 50 to 5000) in initialisation field of any unit write that one time , no need to rewrite in other unit. you can too exec a small script in mission starting. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> hint "Benchmark, please wait" ~1 ? benchmark >= 4500 : Setviewdistance 1200 && hint "1200m, ahha small dick" ~1 ? benchmark>= 5000 : setviewdistance 1500 && hint "1500m" ~1 ? benchmark>= 5500 : setviewdistance 2000 && hint "2000m" ~1 ? benchmark>= 6000 : setviewdistance 2500 && hint "2500m" ~1 ? benchmark>= 6000 : setviewdistance 3000 && hint "3000m, omfg pownzor !!111" ~1 hint "benchmark finished , good game;o)" ~3 exit write that in a .sqs file. and add [] exec "nameoffile.sqs" in the initialisation of any unit
  17. stisoas

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    ok for info , i played 2H30 on my own dedicated server . it has been launched in pure RES mode . no FFUR at all. my client was a MP config.bin FFU2006. no one crash happen , i end the game after nearly 3H of game. in other side , i just end a game and SWAF server. i was shooting at a guy with a M24 , and CTD occured :/
  18. stisoas

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    i got a CTD on the dedicated server with pure config.bin. - it say "invalide texture ratio 16x256" my test mission were MFCTI 1.16, and several crCTI 0.93 and crCTI@cr09. i will try to locate wich addons make error :/
  19. stisoas

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hi all. First, i would congratulate all FFUR team for their excellent work. this mod , is really , as always , fantastic. question now . what about skypack ? i mean , i got an old "laumax" folder, can't i use it for play ? or is this only the llaumax version of FFUR2006 who make CTD ? secondly , wich config.bin must i use for my dedicated server ? can i play with the pure SP config.bin or must i use the MP 's one ?
  20. hi. After my tries to use FFURxxxx in multiplayer session, and seeing at each attempt , it end by an access violation, i would like if it would be possible to play with a replacement pack , without any problem in multiplayer. i thought about MFCTI and crCTI. it use BIS unit . my second question is in relation to first. I would like to know how proceed to make my self replacement mod. i might choose my favourite units, and declare them in a config.bin, it would works ? any help will be appreciat , regards
  21. i tried few hour ago to modify all US weapons. i open /OFP/bin/config.bin and change Class m16 etc... nothing was changed . i dont understand <_< edit: i just tried over OCP config.cpp, and it works great !
  22. Hello . i would like to make my self unit replacement pack. i dont find any sticky post , neither content related post in this entire forum :/ so , Could someone give me info about it ? i would start by a simple M16 replacement. but it seem there are many many M16 related declaration , and i dont know , really, at wich area i must work on the file config.cpp
  23. fine ... thanks you dude ! i will read this carefully.