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Posts posted by sim

  1. In my n00b days I once made a mission about Rambo... LMAO


    You started in one of the forests on Kolgujev and had to go to an enemy base and destory three BMPs and then get back to your camp.

    It had a spinning in game camera cutscene with the music lifeless playing and in text in the middle of the screen the words "Deep in the jungle, the middle of the jungle, Rambo... Rambo" biggrin_o.gif Ah the good ol' days.

    Anyway I'm not really sure how well it would play out as in a mod or just in a mission. Depends on ofp's AI. confused_o.gif

  2. Now when we released the demo we promised that we would announce what we are doing next, well we are quiting, giving up, The Unsung is no more....  goodnight.gif

    HA Yeah right!  tounge2.gif

    We are now focussing on an area called Khe Sanh. This was a massive battle between Marines and NVA. It will involve a lot of the hill fights that happened in 1967 and then move on to the seige a Khe Sanh in January 1968 (around the Tet time).

    Map Facts

    We are using Actual DEMs of the of the area of interest. There will be one main map around 256x256 as well as mini maps covering the areas where the main contacts took place(eg hills 861/861a, 881n/881s).  

    Stayed tuned for updates and new pics soon  smile_o.gif



  3. Quote[/b] ]Are y'all American? Really inconsequential, but if it is just a "cultural translation" issue you might want to change, American families don't call family members by their last names, or by nicknames derived from their last names.

    No we are not American, suprisingly I don't think we have an American on the official team. I do apologise if this has offended you somehow but how was I supposed to know that? confused_o.gif I will make sure I don't do this in the full mod.

  4. Quote[/b] ]Also if the guys name is Norman Owens why does he sign his letters home Owen <- very picky but this is cool.

    Nothing has been screwed up icon_rolleyes.gif This is the nickname his family called him when he was younger.

    Quote[/b] ]Please make jungle sound in the mission editor

    The jungle sound if from General Barrons Realistic Combat Patrol Mission: Grab it here >>>> http://www.ofpec.com/missions/mission_detail.php?ID=901

    Damn good mission biggrin_o.gif


  5. Hey Bloodnick. Erm I'm not sure why. But contacting me, CJ525 or CJE is fine. So if you wanna talk to me about it go ahead  tounge2.gif PM me.

    Quote[/b] ]I don't play in Cadet so that might be why i'm finding it so hard

    No me either but that's what the demo campaign was designed in. The full mod one will be for veteran only.

    @Shinbusan: do you mean the jungle sounds or the weapon ones?


  6. Quote[/b] ]Seriously, its made a legit point, good mod, but the ofp engine isnt built for jungle warfare. I played the mission about 10 times, getting churned up by the same invisible enemies every time, no matter how stealithily i moved ect. Because the AI can see through foliage. As AKD said earlier, if the AI could hav ethe same restrictions put on them it'd be awesome.

    We are working on that. Try a different tactic. Move from log to log. Lob some nades in the general direction of the enemy and every now and again pop up fire off some rounds into their direction. This is how it actually was in 'Nam, 80% of time you didn't see an enemy. Anyways I'm off for the night...



  7. Quote[/b] ]Just hope the sights of weapon could be improved later. By way, seems difficult to kill enemy with M16 away from 200 meters. As for helmet of U.S. marine, seems a little smaller, but I dont know whether you made it per the real scale, if thats the case, it should be okay.

    Cheers OFPCAT smile_o.gif

    Erm yeah the Ironsights will be fixed soon.

    The weapons have high dispertion mags so that's probably why you can't kill an enemy at 200 metres away.

    As for the helmet, I don't really know who made it orginally confused_o.gif

    thanks anyway


  8. @ShadowY

    Yeah we know about that. It's do with the LOD at different ranges I think. The further away you are the crapper it looks but it reduces lag at long distance. icon_rolleyes.gif me think tounge2.gif

    Hopefully there will be a better way of dealing with that later on.


    Yeah thanks for saying. We knew about this already. It will be fixed in the main version. Non of the current team designed those objects. Will be fixed though biggrin_o.gif

    Campaign fix will be out soon hopefully. wink_o.gif


  9. Quote[/b] ]-Muzzle smoke comes out of M60 butt

    -Marine sniper has normal M14

    -can't find object error for ilo ilo map

    -cfgvehicles error in first mission

    M60 we know about, sniper rifle is being made, you got all of ilo ilo stuff? where abouts was this error?

    Oh btw people the Marine chopper is from TOW Mod, it is not ours, we havn't edited it.

    As for this mission crash? can someone help me out? No one on the team is having this problem banghead.gif damn ofp lol

