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Posts posted by sim

  1. Quote[/b] ] Which will be soon. wink_o.gif

    Shut up CJ!  pistols.gif  tounge2.gif

    Quote[/b] ]and cause I heard some rumours some time ago that he had taken over as leader from Drow, dunno if that's true tounge2.gif)

    Nope it aint, CJ525 is the leader, yeah I know too many CJs tounge2.gif

    Download Seb Nam Pack. I know it's getting on a bit but it's still pretty kool

  2. Quote[/b] ]They day you understand will probably be the day that a lot of your countrymen, possibly even some like-minded friends of yours are killed or injured.

    Exactly if that was the case atm then I'm sure you would have a very different tone.

  3. Quote[/b] ]No one else noticed the attacks took place when there are a lot of police up in Scotland because of the G8 stuff? (Including many from England).

    Dunno how big an affect it'll have on security in England, but still horrible what happened, why ever it happened:(

    - Ben

    I did notice it but we have a lot of security in Britain despite whether the g8 summit is going on and a lot of gaurds are in Scotland.

  4. Quote[/b] ]Oh one last thing, condolences to the people who are injured and their families, I know many people in Britain didn't even support this silly war on terror. sad_o.gif

    Well thank you but if you look at it now, we have Saddam, that is one good thing to have come out of the war.

  5. Quote[/b] ]Well, a soldier choses to follow his government's orders, so actually  soldiers did chose to be there mate.

    Yeah they are SERVING their country. They didn't go to Tony Blair, hey let's goto war. They were ORDERED to goto war.

    Quote[/b] ]There you are wrong. Hardcore Al-Qaeda members come from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They recruit people with no future and no life, indoctrinate these people and tell them that when they commit a suicide attack they get into "paradise" and recieve 72 virgins.

    Al Qaeda members come from anywhere to be honest, as you said they recruit people with no life, future etc. I was just saying Afghan because of Bin Laden being the leader.

  6. Quote[/b] ]How are Uk soldiers not cowards in Irak then?  They go in with Armor, Air support and bribes, to fight people with nothing but AK's, RPG's, and some old artilelry shells?

    UK soldiers didn't CHOOSE to fight in Iraq.

    Also Al Queda is responcible. Many of whom are from Afghan, the war was with Iraq.

  7. Quote[/b] ]So far the news we're actually getting in London is 4 officially confirmed explosions

    Confirmed 4 but suspected 7 apparently. I hope that's the last of it.

    Quote[/b] ]Those people aren't chicken by the way, why do you say they are? They are however terrorists. You realize they can not go and challenge the UK's armed forces on their turf, so they taget soft. Simple.

    huh.gif How are they not cowards? They could easily say "look Royal Marines, I wanna fight you!" icon_rolleyes.gif This would not be wise but instead of this they choose to target people who have nothing to do with anything. This is ofcourse more hard hitting but the fact they do it makes them cowards.

  8. Quote[/b] ]When did the explosions happen London time. I don't hear it on the dutch and english TV?

    huh.gif err explosions happened at around 8:30 sometime this morning.

    Quote[/b] ]Can anyone confirm reports of blasts in Liverpool as well?

    If you mean Liverpool Station avon that is part of the London Underground.

