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About speedbob

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  1. speedbob

    Decrypting pbos

    hi all. why amalfi depbo v 1.5 does not work sometimes ? I don't know ! What can you do ? Use v1.3 ! It works most of the time. I can't remember where I found it, I think it was on a russian or polish site. Or i can send it to you, it's only 194 ko ah ah ah are you the same General Barron that I just saw on opfec talking about v1.3 ?
  2. speedbob

    Explosion in madrid

    Yesterday was a bad day for spain, a bad day for freedom. Don't want to talk about who did that and why. Just want to say that i support spanish people. I walked in the streets this morning (in France), and all the flags on the official buildings are down. Strange feeling. What can i do against terrorism ? Not many things. But i can use my freedom : i can post a message in an english forum of a Czech game with a great community. Sorry for peolple who don't understand spanish langage, but just a few words from a french to Spain. Espana no esta sola. Tomo parte en vuestra pena. Continuamos todos juntos la lucha contra el terrorismo. Y viva espana.
  3. speedbob

    Bas pavehawks

    No problem with ofpec for me DL > 15k/s. Time left 8 min. Hard to wait
  4. speedbob

    Us rangers balance pack by orcs

    About missing addon lsr_weap I just see laser has post a fix but if people dont want to download it : Just UnPBO the mission, open in notepad and search in the section recquired addons. Three times you can see lsr_weap. (One for the mission, one for the intro, one for the outro). Just delete the 3 lines and you'll be able to play the demo mission (Use Stuff Pbo or OFP editor to repack it). Hope this will help someone, and sorry for my english, maybe it's not very good.