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Everything posted by sniperuk02

  1. sniperuk02

    Red Hammer Studios

    Looks great.
  2. sniperuk02

    SAM Site Ranges

    You quoted yourself, the page has went all funny now.
  3. sniperuk02


    DIB is his destructable buildings project is it not?
  4. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Nice pictures all Finepix S5000
  5. sniperuk02

    Star Wars TatooineBuildingPack

    He looks really good, nice work.
  6. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    You mean you like spiders?!
  7. sniperuk02

    Semper Fidelis

    Awesome work!!
  8. sniperuk02

    Semper Fidelis

    I meant appearing on the model ingame...
  9. sniperuk02

    Semper Fidelis

    Nice work. The mine plow looks really cool,glad you could get it working
  10. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Augusta A109 I think
  11. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    It doubles the battery life but it adds a fair bit off wieght. My only problem with it is that he took my video camera's battery to put in it
  12. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I've been playing with my dads eso 350d while he is away, the photos are amazing, though the 300mm lens is a bit much This is what he got: Canon EOS350D 55mm lens 200mm lens 300 mm lens Battery grip 1gb memory card and a carrying case for just over Å1000 Makes my camera look so bad
  13. sniperuk02


    Not worth it if you find out it doesnt have what you downloaded it for, FDF comes with a btr 60. I dont think there are any btr 90s released but I think someone was working on one.
  14. sniperuk02

    The Biggest OFP Question Of All

    This could help if you needed to know the layout of a city/town. map
  15. sniperuk02

    US Night camo soldiers

    Look good, was wondering if anyone was going to make that type of camo.
  16. sniperuk02

    Red Hammer Studios

    hehe thats one cool looking tank.
  17. sniperuk02

    Patriot launcher in progress

    Nice one jag, your getting better at models
  18. Yeah these are great, very good job
  19. sniperuk02

    WPS mini mod

    This is turning out to be one of my favorite mods, good job.
  20. sniperuk02

    Igla or Strela missile launcher

    Wow thats really really good.
  21. sniperuk02

    British SAS Anti Terror Pack

    "You went over my helmet?" These look good, be fun to play with keep up the good work.
  22. sniperuk02

    RHS releases: GRU, RFMI, SOBR Patches

    lol I was sure I installed that, my bad. Great work
  23. sniperuk02

    RHS releases: GRU, RFMI, SOBR Patches

    Yeah I downloaded the new weapon pack, I reinstalled and checked again, here are the units: GRU Spetznaz recon with RPG7 both camo-No RPG ammo. GRU Spetznaz with RPG22 both camo-No RPG ammo. GRU Spetznaz Sniper leshi-No primary ammo. Motorized Infantry RPG grenadier both camo- No RPG ammo.