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About svrec

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    Private First Class
  1. CPU: AMD Athlon 2100+ MHz(real 1742) FSB 266 MHz Memory: 512 MB DDR 333 MHz Benchmark = 4492 )
  2. svrec

    For the gurus

    Sorry, for mine English. I have found out that at start script from WP Scripted automatically passed fourth parameter. A type number. But I can not understand that it is number. Script gives out 0.For example start script.sqs from script field WP type:scripted _group = _this select 0 _pos = _this select 1 _target = _this select 2 _arg = _this select 3 hint format["%1",_this] What that is parameter?
  3. Trigger-Guerilla,presentse Cond:Guer countside thislist>0 or ==n
  4. svrec

    Coords in dials

    You can set coordinates in description file x, y x- and y-coordinate in % [0;1] w, h Width and height in % [0;1] dialoge tutorial
  5. svrec


    trigget activ:west or east presents onActiv:[thislist] exec "objpass.sqs" objpass.sqs: _num=count thislist _n=0 #begin _person = thislist select _n _person SwitchMove "FXStandDip" _n=_n+1 ?_n<_num:goto"begin" exit
  6. svrec

    Active text?

    Pleas,cite example work wiht components LISTBOX TOOLBOX CHECKBOXES PROGRESS TREE
  7. svrec

    Active text?

    Var1,var2,var3 perhaps anything.Static text or exec sqs fail. I don't know how can receive two active string.For example Question1(clik on this string and string delete and appear two active string) Answer1 Answer2 I define in description only two class activetext.Perhaps them probably more.In sqs fail I use command ctrlSetText [100, "Question"] buttonSetAction [100, "ctrlSetText [100, ""Answer""]"]; But this command lead out only one string:"Answer".I don't know how lead out second string (in description it class TALK2) It must be looks like quest-game. ............... class Dialog { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = { }; objects[] = { }; controls[] = { TALK1,TALK2}; class TALK1: RscActiveText { idc = 100; style = ST_LEFT; x = 0.05; y = 0.7; w = 0.9; h = 0.06; text = ""; action = ""; }; class TALK2 : RscActiveText { idc = 101; style = ST_LEFT; x = 0.05; y = 0.7; w = 0.5; h = 0.06; text = ""; action = ""; }; }; it all.
  8. svrec

    Active text?

    I understood how must look description.ext with class ActiveText but I have question.I explain that I want >var1 >ActiveAnswer1 >var2 question1 >ActiveAnswer1 >var3 I think that it one can destrain in sqs fail with help commands lbSetCurSel [idc, _index], ctrlSetText [idc, "text"] and other not in description.ext.But I don't understood how? I can receive only one question and one answer. How make develop dialoge? Pleas,help.Thx
  9. I have question about command private ["_i","_j","_k"]. What that it function?For example,if I delete this function in pos2grid.sqf(see above),this script been work too. I'm sorry!I not programmer but I want understand this. Can Your cite example were this function it is necessary. p.s.sorry for my english.
  10. svrec

    Active text?

    Thanks!I found all that I want here
  11. svrec

    Active text?

    It probably like this main menu.Text has my coordinates and script has be fond of this text.
  12. Can your help me with Active Text?I want lead out active text on display in time game.I know that it is necessary define in description file but I have more problems with define classes in description.I understand only active button but on exemple mission.Thanks! p.s.Sorry for my english.If it was on forum,pleas help with searches