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Everything posted by sicilian

  1. sicilian

    Ports on linux server

    Can someone explain why there are 4 ports in use on a linux server? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">netstat -nlp|grep server (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) Active Internet connections (only servers) udp 0 0* 10401/server udp 0 0* 10401/server udp 0 0* 10401/server udp 0 0* 10401/server 2304 seems to be always serverport + 2 34070 seems to be a random port over 30000 2302 and 2303 are standard. That's known but what are the 2 others for?
  2. sicilian

    Troubles with modified config.cpp

    Try makepbo which you can find on ofpec.com
  3. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    Open your eyes boy Go to Flashnews' last post in this forum and get it there...
  4. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    Remember they didn't change the netcode!!! First check your computer with tools like ad-aware or spybot to ensure its not your own fault!
  5. sicilian

    Cheaters creating m1a1 or cluster bombs

    Cheating with 1.96 gets more and more! ID changing and modified addons and configs are out there! Please open your eyes on messages of modified fuelstations! This is a hint for changed config! Notice these cheaters don't use modified maps!
  6. sicilian


    Same like me! Wait till its out before you speak like this...
  7. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    Gabgab, we wouldn't post these problem if it's not related!!! Same missions played since long time and there wasn't any disconnect like this. And therfore I cant believe that it's caused by firewall setting or any connection problems! Player who didnt get these message before 1.95 and 1.96 I guess they havn't changed anything in their connection or firewall. Personally I havn't got this problem but also in my clan there are some people having it... And I know they havn't it before! So anything has changed with this version, dunno what but anything causes it. Perhaps the checks in the newer version causes connection trouble on some machines? Another possiblity is that many addons loaded at gamestart could cause this while they've been checked on a 195/196 server or game couldn't handle it anymore? One question to the developers... Should we collect the flash..rpt and .bin from related people having this problem and send it as a whole package?
  8. sicilian

    Free spyware removal?

    Yeah Ad-Aware is a good tool!!!
  9. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    All I have seen is that people have "<player> is loosing connection" no one told of "no message recieved since...." And afaik most of them crash to desktop... I will collect more info for you... (I dont have this problem)
  10. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    Thats what I wanted to tell you now... Another big problem already mentioned in another thread is that loosing connection can be seen more often than before! Many people told me of loosing connections every day or at least only a 1/4 hour after game starts. This is a serious problem which should be fixed as fast as possible! Many league games cannot be played normally with this bug. And another result it causes even more people stop playing OFP despite it is a great Patch except this failure. Suma or anyone else please confirm knowledge of this bug, thx.
  11. sicilian


    Its not the netcode I think. Its more the compromise between large gameplay areas and at least no spoor of lag. I would say they've decided for those very large playable areas cause this is what OFP makes individually! No other game gives you the chance too walk hours and hours through the landscape not comming to a invisible wall or any crazy placed mountains you'll never be able to climb. So play BF and abreact or play OFP and feel the realism. Therfore its not sore when some maps are a bit laggy. As you can see there are thrilling maps out there which aren't laggy so its possible.... *sicilian votes OFP for best game since it came out*
  12. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    Do you have any firewall protection?
  13. sicilian

    New sky preview

    Yes the clouds look like a painting of any landscape painter, not like real clouds... But respect to your work...
  14. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    Yeah thats right. But please post related things in this thread for the tank bug.
  15. sicilian

    Reload bug in tanks!!! 1.91-1.94

    Still present in 1.95 and 1.96
  16. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    The Problem is that no amored vehicle can drive over a bridge anymore! Light vehicles can drive... The armored ones start driving over but at half of their length is on the bridge they sunk front over into the bridge and hang there. I've tested it on 1.91, 1.94 and 1.95 and no version let them drive over the bridge. If I remember right it was possible in 1.91 therefore I think it depends on a config update. 1.94 and 1.95 didn't come along with new configs but I think the 1.92 was a patch with newer configs so could it cause it? Another thing is that tanks could even be shot empty without any reload time in 1.95
  17. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    NO as you can read above!
  18. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    Report: No matter which kind of details you set the landscape on AI tanks dont cross the bridge! But as someone told its only from East to West side where a little step is at the beginning of the bridge. From West to East no problem... bridge is slightly one line with landscape. So it seems to depend on this little step which causes AI tanks to sunk into the bridge.
  19. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    I got the problem on any bridge on any island.... It would be very strange if all bridges are build the same way... I will test some terrain detail settings this afternoon and report.
  20. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    Anyone else confirm this except aj_addon and me?
  21. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    Whats up with your OFP settings? Surface details.... and so on?
  22. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    None of the tanks sunk in the beginning of the bridge? Cant believe.. What graphics card do you have? And how did you set the surface details in OFP??? I'm using NVIDIA chip.
  23. sicilian

    1.96 problems

    @BI: Watch out this please... (another thread about 2 bugs... dont want to copy...)
  24. sicilian

    Bridges and more

    Sorry but if I say, let the AI drive I mean let the AI drive! Put a column of (only!!!) AI tanks on it, and let them drive... Put yourself as soldier next to the bridge and watch what they're doing.... !!!This bug is also present in 1.96 same like the reload bug with tanks!!!
  25. sicilian


    A accessible list would be a nice feature! Such like the ban.txt but even for IDs able to connect to the server!